Alien/UFO Has anyone else on here seen a UFO?

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I grew up in rural Victoria. In the Goulburn Valley, to be exact.

One day, probably 25 or more years ago now, in the middle of the day, the old man and I had driven to our neighbours to discuss the coming hay season - we lived about 4 kms apart, but still called each other neighbours, and shared farming equipment.

As I got out of the little white hilux, I was almost immediately drawn to look up above the large sugar gums which stood behind our neighbours farmhouse( perhaps it was just the sheer size of them that had me look up at them).
As I did so, I saw a silver teardrop shaped object almost falling from the sky at speed, going down behind the gums. It stopped me in my tracks as I cornered the front of the hilux, and as my old man got out of his side, he followed my gaze up into the sky, and from what I could tell, caught a glimpse of it as well, before it went behind the trees completely.

In that small amount of time I had perceived the object to be hundreds of metres if not km's away in the sky, but the gumtrees being so tall meant that we couldn't see this thing either burn up or impact in any way(If you were to hold your hand out in front of they face at a maximum distance and and measure the distance between the tip of your middle finger and your elongated thumb, that's the distance that I roughly saw this thing move across(downwards) the sky).

Instantly I asked my old man, "what was that??", and he responded with "I don't know....maybe it was a might have been a weather balloon". Of course, being a kid, I had to ask what that even was as I had no understanding of a weather balloon, but I remember him being kind of excited by what he had seen, and smiling at me in a sort of amazement , half chuckling, when responding that he didn't really know what it was.

The days went by, and nothing was reported as landing or impacting anywhere in the area, so I was pretty disappointed to not have an answer as to what it was. I felt sure that if a meteor had anded on a farm we'd have heard t through the grapevine, or the local rag would've jumped on the opportunity to put something in the new other than some half baked local story about nothing much.

I know it wasn't a weather balloon, and it's like nothing I've ever seen since. Not to say that what I saw was a flying saucer, but it was indeed unidentified, and from my perspective, a flying object.

The weird part was bringing it up with my old man only weeks later and him having absolutely no recollection of seeing it, or of me seeing anything. It was like the entire thing never happened, like I'd imagined it all and this still eats at me a little.

My old man is and was completely lucid at the time, doesn't smoke and would hardly touch a drop of alcohol.

I still have no idea what I saw that day....or if I even saw anything.
Nice story. Did you ever explore the crash siye?
Who knows if it crashed? I don't know what it was, or how far away it was.

I only saw this thing moving across the sky, seemingly falling, but it might not have been.

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In 1998 I was driving from a town called Newstead in central vic to another town called carisbrook at about 5:30am. In the sky ahead of me I saw five incredibly bright lights just hanging in the air over a paddock. I stopped the car and got out to look, they just hung there seemingly about 200 metres up. Then they started to climb slowly and disappeared. They made no sound and I was quite freaked out, I stood there smoking cigarettes for about half an hour staring up. I have no idea what they were.
*The sun was up and there was no sign of any stars. I recall thinking that the lights looked like really bright stars but they were ten times as large and twice as bright.
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Around 1997 or 98 not sure its been a while around 6.30pm one evening A blue lighted object, flashed across Melbourne seen by thousands, most notability in the western suburbs, it was the strangest experience, whilst I was driving home with other people in the car with me, the entire interior of my car turned floro blue. Even the blue colour was such an unusual version of blue. Minutes later the radio was smashed with people ringing in and telling their story. The news that followed rubbished it and put the old aliens thing with the played down news reels of the most fake looking ufos and soon after all was forgotten. But when something like that happens it does affect you, you always have the question WFT just happened memories. Especially with youtube and the net now, all these resources to intrigue you and keep you entertained, but also it has made me remember that day and it will probably stay in my memory forever.
With the technology we got, we can fly drones at night and they're just as effective as in daylight. They don't need lights. If there's something coming here from another planet, they're gonna have better technologies than us. I don't subscribe in the lights at night sightings, unless its an abduction. I would have to question what are they doing?

We need better radars if we want to know when/if they come. To get better radar, we need to build planes better than our current radars can track., so they can get better.
I think I've posted it on here before.
Around 20 years ago I saw something which the local media (Launceston Examiner, what a croc) reported as a UFO. Three greenish, bright disk looking things that seemed to hover for a minute or so and then accelerate to the east. Took me about 15-20 minutes before I had a reasonable explanation.
I think I've posted it on here before.
Around 20 years ago I saw something which the local media (Launceston Examiner, what a croc) reported as a UFO. Three greenish, bright disk looking things that seemed to hover for a minute or so and then accelerate to the east. Took me about 15-20 minutes before I had a reasonable explanation.

What was the reasonable explanation, out of curiousity?
What was the reasonable explanation, out of curiousity?
Meteors, or one meteor that broke up into thee major pieces before I saw it.
Probably from a steep angle, giving the illusion of being near stationary. A bit like car headlights in the distance that appear to be coming directly at you, the objects appeared to hover but as they got lower their actual trajectory became clearer. As for why they seemed to be green, I'm not too sure, maybe a high copper content or some such thing.
No UFO's, although I've seen quite a few shooting stars out in the country. But if you see something travelling that fast and it changes direction, that would be a UFO - probably an alien spaceship or a reverse engineered craft from Area 51 :eek:

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I have had a few counts of seeing unidentified flying objects.

Twice I have seen bright light/s moving in the sky moving in ways that normal aircraft cannot move, like left, right, up, down and diagonal. Another time as I was stargazing two lights were travelling at some speed in a non-linear fashion that seemed to be racing or playing with each other. I found this quite cool.

But the most interesting time I saw something in the sky was I was at a beach in melbourne at night time going through a bit of a tuff time, having a just a few drinks on the beach and brought my digdge along. I was there doing a bit of soul searching playing my didge when next thing a bright flash appeared in the sky "out of thin air" it had materialized there for, tops a second, then there was another bright flash of light and it disappeared. I $*** you not and it looked like the typical flying saucer all grey in colour.
My mother did, as did my Grand parents. Both instances occurred in the Mallee in Victoria.
At risk of people seeing this that know me on here and putting me on tinfoil hat ignore ill post my experience.
I was driving along the highway with my mate at around 10pm in Tasmania back in 2001 when out of no where these lights of varying colours illuminated my car from above like it was daytime, there was no noise just insanely bright lights. Well i panicked and floored it while my mate shrunk down in his seat screaming WTF is going on over and over and over, I got up to about 220kph and the thing just stuck above us like it was glued to us. Then without warning it shot off to the left of us and was out of sight in a matter of 2 or 3 seconds, my mate said if I ever told anyone about it he would deny it until he died. The really weird thing was in the next days edition of the advocate newspaper there were 12 other people on the North West coast that had reported strange lights in the sky, to this day I still wonder what in the hell that was. My mate jokes about it with me now saying it was probably the equivalent alien stoners saying "lets freak these 2 earth campaigners out, look at that crap transporter its only doing 220 maxed out, meh im bored lets go mess with some others". :D
At risk of people seeing this that know me on here and putting me on tinfoil hat ignore ill post my experience.
I was driving along the highway with my mate at around 10pm in Tasmania back in 2001 when out of no where these lights of varying colours illuminated my car from above like it was daytime, there was no noise just insanely bright lights. Well i panicked and floored it while my mate shrunk down in his seat screaming WTF is going on over and over and over, I got up to about 220kph and the thing just stuck above us like it was glued to us. Then without warning it shot off to the left of us and was out of sight in a matter of 2 or 3 seconds, my mate said if I ever told anyone about it he would deny it until he died. The really weird thing was in the next days edition of the advocate newspaper there were 12 other people on the North West coast that had reported strange lights in the sky, to this day I still wonder what in the hell that was. My mate jokes about it with me now saying it was probably the equivalent alien stoners saying "lets freak these 2 earth campaigners out, look at that crap transporter its only doing 220 maxed out, meh im bored lets go mess with some others". :D

Lights in the sky can be other things. Just how bright was it? And was it direct brightness or more like general illumination?
Only happened to spot a meteor up very close at night a couple of times as a kid, massive glowing ball and trailing of flames looked pretty awesome.
Wow only just caught the end of it but seen another even better blue one tonight. Had all theses streaking bits coming all off it, looked awesome.
In 1975 my friend and I saw 2 big bright lights meet in the night sky above Mt Dandenong, then descend 5 - 6 times with falling leaf motion, then ascend to their original position. As they did small red lights zoomed in and out of them and out into the night sky. After the last descent/ascent cycle the two bright white light whizzed away from each other at great speed. The whole show was over in a couple of minutes. While it was happening we felt calm, but soon as it finished we were totally terrified and ran home. From then I followed the UFO topic hoping that one day an explanation would be forthcoming, but I suspect it never will. Mutual hallucination, spacecraft, inter-dimensional craft, folkloric elementals, fallen angels, thought forms, simple misperception who knows? Trying to sort the signal from the noise in the UFO meme is difficult.

When I was at primary school we had a girl transfer to our school who had witnessed the famous Westsall UFO in 1966.

Added - fallen angels
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These bright lights that hang around and then scoot off are demons/fallen angels/spirit beings, the rebellious ones the bible points to at Revelation 12:12-13 that were cast out of heaven and down to the earth by Jesus. NASA has recorded these beings traveling at 45,000mph whilst turning on a dime at a right angle. This defies the laws of physics. Hence these beings are not physical beings/aliens.

Revelation 12:12 states: "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

Martyn Stubbs has many videos from NASA cameras on these immaterial beings.

Explaining the 2nd NASA UFO phenomena

Here's another example from a different site.
I remember when I was young my dad ran inside our house and told my brother and I to quickly come out the back, when we went out we saw three lights circling around an Aeroplane on its way to the Airport before disappearing into the sky, Weird stuff.

And also a month or so ago on a cloudy night I went for a jog at Grange and Henley beach (yes I jog at the beach at night in the cold dark winter like a boss) as I was jogging I noticed something speeding through the clouds so I stopped to take a better look and there were two black UFO's zigzagging around each other at an unhuman like pace, It was hard to tell what kind of shape they were because they kept on moving at high speeds (although I can say that they weren't circular or a sperical shape) and they weren't lit up at all, just black. In fact the only reason why I could see them was because they stood out from the White greyish clouds. They were in sight for a good 25 seconds before disappearing in the far north of Adelaide. Moments later a helicopter showed up flying North/west past the ocean line, but I doubt that had any connection to the events that I had just witnessed.

Now I'm not saying that they were Alien air crafts, they could have been some kind of military weapon or object but I do know that the thing's I saw aren't anything that us normal folk have been exposed to yet
They were all weather balloons or light refracting off the moon
Light isn't black and I doubt weather balloons can move as fast as the things I saw. And also, I didn't mention it in my initial post but the thing that really got my attention as I was jogging was the fact that it literally looked like the clouds lit up and were spread apart by the sheer force and speed of the UFO
Hang around the outback in central Australia and you'll eventually see some weird things happening in the night skies.

I had an uncle who lived moved to Alice Springs from Darwin and later Coober Pedy before coming to Adelaide where he passed away.
There's a spot or two near Coober Pedy a look out of sorts I think, not sure if it's an actual official proper one or just one of convenience where locals go..anyway he'd often go up there with the wives (divorced and remarried) just to relax and smoke a few joints. Not always but plenty of times they saw weird lights in the sky near the horizon they would just appear, possibly because they were over the horizon out of view..and they'd move about in all directions like no air raft man had ever built or known to have built..then they'd take off not upwards but in a north westerly direction. Every time they'd leave in the same direction.

He never said he thought it was aliens. That's the problem many people associate a UFO with aliens.

There was a lot of military stuff going on in the central outback a lot of which was not publicly disclosed especially with the Americans and British.
His was just the military experimenting with new technologies and aircraft.

As many will say..The military industrial complex is many decades ahead of technology available to civilians.

Not that I don't think there is other life out there somewhere.
We've only seen part of the universe as it is, and we know sweet **** all about imagine what's waiting for us in the bits we have been able to get a glimpse at and then the bits we haven't yet seen.
There's trillions of planets out there.
Like many people will say, to think we are the only intelligent life in the universe is absurd.

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Alien/UFO Has anyone else on here seen a UFO?

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