Alien/UFO Has anyone else on here seen a UFO?

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I was 12YO in late 1968 in the family car and saw what looked like a V-formation of cone-shaped objects.

Checked the paper the next day and it was reported to be a meteorite.

About a month later my mum saw a red glow through our frosted glass front door.

She opened the door thinking there may be a fire but she instead saw an object take off vertically from the road surface
About two years ago, was talking a routine walk around my suburb at night (outer Melbourne).

Was walking through the park, and something to my north/North West burst into like a bright, contained light, almost like a fireball in the sky.

I live near the airport so have all kinds of air traffic go overhead at all times of day/night, not to mention helicopters of all kinds (police, fire, rescue).

Nothing followed the fireball and the sky was empty, so there was no 'craft' perse. Just found it really odd.

Reckon as a safe best it was something burning up on re-entry to our atmosphere, but just the way it went from green to red to bright, while light and the sky went back to empty in five seconds was odd.

Never seen anything like it. Probably never will.

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"I'm not sure what I saw... so it must've been supremely advanced animals who've mastered the non-trivial science required for interstellar travel and cloaking technology."

Why come up with such an elaborate theory? The simplest plausible explanation is usually correct.
A month ago we were out on the balcony star gazing.
Saw 3 lights travelling together in single file, same speed as though part of one object, although couldn't make it out - first 2 lights close together, the last was double the distance apart than the first.
Moved pretty fast, size of my small finger at arms length. Totally silent. No flashing strobe or navigation lights. Not flying a typical domestic flight path.
Then all 3 lights went out at once.
Space station was on the other side of the globe at the time.
Why shouldn't they?

Aircraft don't actually need to have lights to help them see, and if UFOs aren't interested in being spotted they doubly don't

I would imagine it has something to do with the energy required to fly.

I was driving along the other night and this truck came over a crest lit up like a Christmas tree, and I firstly thought, "what the fcuk is that?", then I thought, "all those lights are unnecessary", "then putting the two together... but the internet, I have subsequently found have already asked the same question and this seems the common answer

What have you got against lights??

Nothing in particular, but it seems odd that UFOs would need them
Aircraft don't actually need to have lights to help them see, and if UFOs aren't interested in being spotted they doubly don't

I was driving along the other night and this truck came over a crest lit up like a Christmas tree, and I firstly thought, "what the fcuk is that?", then I thought, "all those lights are unnecessary", "then putting the two together... but the internet, I have subsequently found have already asked the same question and this seems the common answer

Nothing in particular, but it seems odd that UFOs would need them
I mentioned your question to a friend and he noted that UFOs didn't have lights until Roswell. You don't see crashes now that they have started using them.

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Only weird phenomenon I've seen in the night sky was a few years ago when I trained hoped from Melbourne to Adelaide

The carriage we rode had a well/pit that we ducked into and could lie down without being seen. When lying down and looking straight up at the sky that night, the container and sides of the well framed the night sky, to the point when the train rounded a bend, to my perspective the stars in the sky rotated accordingly. It looked pretty cool.

Anyway it was while looking at the stars (let's face it at 2am on the back of a freight train, there is nothing else to do) I did see one light moving around erratically - wasn't a satellite as that wouldn't have moved in such a way, and it must have been a fair way up in the sky as it stayed within my 'frame' for atleast a minute or so, before it when out of view

It wasn't overly bright or anything - just no idea what it could have been though
Only weird phenomenon I've seen in the night sky was a few years ago when I trained hoped from Melbourne to Adelaide

The carriage we rode had a well/pit that we ducked into and could lie down without being seen. When lying down and looking straight up at the sky that night, the container and sides of the well framed the night sky, to the point when the train rounded a bend, to my perspective the stars in the sky rotated accordingly. It looked pretty cool.

Anyway it was while looking at the stars (let's face it at 2am on the back of a freight train, there is nothing else to do) I did see one light moving around erratically - wasn't a satellite as that wouldn't have moved in such a way, and it must have been a fair way up in the sky as it stayed within my 'frame' for atleast a minute or so, before it when out of view

It wasn't overly bright or anything - just no idea what it could have been though

Never thought about sitting up for a better look?
Never thought about sitting up for a better look?

there was plenty of that over the journey

but despite it being summer, and a hot day when we initially jumped on, it was flipping freezing overnight - it was all about trying to get comfortable and riding it out at that point - plus at that time of night couldn't really see much anyway
Nobody is visiting by interstellar spacecraft, that would be the number 1 impractical, impossible and least efficient way to get around the universe... if you saw a UFO it wasn't aliens unless they are the dumbest in the galaxy
Ive seen 3.

2 together doing a plasma dance for 2 minutes 50 meters in the air in front of 15 people in 2003. 1 last year flying over the hills with like a blue hi beam on (the "fullness" of the light was like ultra hd!). Turned light off then I intercepted it over foodworks. Had an amber light on in the cabin. All of them were only the size of about 6/8 carparks.

If they're just plasma I'll just throw rocks at them next time I suggest everyone else do the same. But looks more like anti grav technology and they literally "power up" like a cartoon!

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Alien/UFO Has anyone else on here seen a UFO?

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