Alien/UFO Has anyone else on here seen a UFO?

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Less than two weeks ago whilst sharing a lovely bottle of red wine outside with my lovely lady.
I peered into the clear night sky,roughly 10/10:30pm.
I spotted what I thought was a satellite and said to the missus,"hey check it out",she was seated next to and I was easily able to quickly point it out to her.
"Wow,jeez the sure do move quick don't they".
We followed it for a few seconds when suddenly it made a 45(approx)degree shift in trajectory.
It was not a bank like a plane or turn like any craft I've ever seen.
It was an instant and radical shift at speeds unimaginable to myself.
It kept moving on its trajectory before disappearing out of our sight.
The wifey said "WTF"
I myself said "OMFG"
I'm sure there's an explanation other than alien shenanigans,but,it was
a profound and somewhat disturbing thing to witness.
Was nice to have a the wife witness it as well and not be the sole freak to this encounter.
We were freaked for awhile and was a cool story to tell the 10yr old boy about the next morning.
He just said "ya got any proof,I don't believe you,was it on the news?".
"Nup,brilliant questions kid,you'll just have to believe your mum and dad on this occasion" was all I could reply.
I saw a very similar 'satellite' moving south to north followed by an instantaneous turn to head east to west. It looked like a satellite at every point in its trajectory except that turn. This was about 15 years ago now.
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I saw a very similar 'satellite' moving south to north followed by an instantaneous turn to head east to west. It looked like a satellite at every point in it's trajectory except that turn. This was about 15 years ago now.
Exact same thing.
Well I saw something last night in the sky that has been bothering me all day.
A far off light with this glowing tail behind going straight up in the sky at a slow pace.

I swear it was a UFO because ####ed if it could be anything else.
Back in 1997 I was driving home from Essendon Train Station, it was after 6pm and being twilight you could still see the remnants of the afternoon sun way off in the distance to the far west. Heading west along Buckley street I was driving along and noticed what looked like a slow hovering light on the horizon to my left, which was situated in darkness just below cloud covering.

The light (whatever it was) hovered for a matter of seconds and then shot off faster than any plane could ever accelerate in that time. I recall numerous phone calls to a radio station immediately about it that I was listening to and never heard anything after that.
Well I saw something last night in the sky that has been bothering me all day.
A far off light with this glowing tail behind going straight up in the sky at a slow pace.

I swear it was a UFO because ####ed if it could be anything else.
I saw something like that about a month ago. I thought it was a rocket because it wasn't a plane/meteor/satellite
Well I saw something last night in the sky that has been bothering me all day.
A far off light with this glowing tail behind going straight up in the sky at a slow pace.

I swear it was a UFO because ####ed if it could be anything else.

Sounds exactly like a meteorite, or shooting star. They can seem to be going up if they enter our atmosphere a long way from where you are at a shallow angle - due to the curve of the earth from your angle and perspective it'll seem to be going upwards.

The fact that you said "far off light" and "slow pace" makes it sound exactly like what I've described.
My late grandmother, who was the last person I would ever imagine coming up with this, described an encounter in the 1970's, occurring about ten years before she told me about it. They were driving along a country road in Tassie one night when a big light appeared above them. They knew it wasn't a plane, and there was no noise suggesting a chopper. It moved around above them, and then shot off...

She was adamant it was a UFO, and if you ever met my grandmother, she was anything but a bullshit artist and would verbally destroy anyone who she thought was...I was so surprised when she told me this story...
My late grandmother, who was the last person I would ever imagine coming up with this, described an encounter in the 1970's, occurring about ten years before she told me about it. They were driving along a country road in Tassie one night when a big light appeared above them. They knew it wasn't a plane, and there was no noise suggesting a chopper. It moved around above them, and then shot off...

She was adamant it was a UFO, and if you ever met my grandmother, she was anything but a bullshit artist and would verbally destroy anyone who she thought was...I was so surprised when she told me this story...

I've read this story somewhere before.

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I'm not a believer. I was just floored that my grandmother came out with that. It's absolutely 100% certain that there is life elsewhere, we just haven't found it...just like it's 100% certain that my missing trailer adaptor is in the garage somewhere...haven't found that, either. But it's an entirely different question to ask if UFO's are real...and let's forget the semantics above, because even though I've seen unidentified lights myself, we're always talking ET when we say "I saw a UFO"...and I haven't seen one, because I know where the planets are in the sky at any given time and what reflections and clouds can Eutopia here...

I can't imagine conquering the sheer physical barriers. Yes, ok, the analogy that superior alien intelligence might view us the same way we view a cockroach is valid. But while we can look at the climate and chemical composition of worlds and know conclusively that they "could" support life, that the next step is to simply see it sitting right there in the next photo taken by a solar powered skateboard, everything to do with crossing vast distances is just theory with nothing real to actually grasp. Wormholes? A theory. Bending space? Htf would you do that...? The power involved condensed into a little flying saucer...? I like Star Wars too, but I'm fully prepared to overlook the lack of maths used in stating that the trip to Bespin would be long, but "I think we can make it"...Solo and Leia between them must have had an unlimited supply of razors and hair dye on the ship and some wicked anti-aging cream...unless there were some carbon freezing pods on the Falcon we don't know about...
I was walking to the shops the other week, clear skies i seen 6 of those 'satelight' objects, moving very strangely left to right pretty much moving at the same time as my phone was, it's like they were following the light on the phone, all of a sudden they just disappeared at a speed like nothing imaginable. Also heard some very weird noises coming from all directions.

This is not the first time I've seen this either.
one night i was int he back yard at night, saw a white dot fly across the sky, it went behind a tree and just disappeared, it was travelling at a good speed, had no idea what it was, i thought it might have been a plane but when it disappeared, no chance it was

In 1994 I was with some people and we stopped on the Bacchus Marsh escarpment one night, probably on the Blackwood rd but I don't really remember, to look out over Melbourne. The city was shrouded in low fog but you could see the tops of the buildings in the city and Essendon Airport (kind of) above the fog.

Really high over the city were some orange lights moving in ways planes or helicopters don't. I can't imagine aircraft being able to do what these things did and keep their wings on.

What was really odd was that police helicopters were taking off from Essendon Airport and flying up to check these things out, staying for a very short period of time before returning. I say helicopters because after the first chopper twice they flew up for a few minutes then returned to the airport while another took off to take their place. We watched for a while then drove into Melbourne to see if we could see anything from in town. In the few places north of the city that you see the sky thru the fog there was nothing when we got into town.

Don't ask me what it was. I've seen heaps of weird stuff and don't really take that much notice of it. What was notable was the cop choppers. They wouldn't stay up in the air for more than a few minutes, basically they'd fly up spend a second or two there then head straight back. Maybe not a second or two but definitely less than a minute. I saw one chopper in the air then two more replace it. After the third there were no more. I dunno how many choppers they had at Essendon back then, at least two but could have been more. My impression was that it was interfering with their ability to fly or maybe the pilots' ability to fly them. But its only an impression. I have no idea what was actually behind their rapid turnover. Or what we saw for that matter.

If anyone has access to Polair flight records from 1994 then it was some time over winter. Probably on a Sunday night but I dunno for sure. It was 23 years ago.
Also the turnover time between flights was pretty much instantaneous. As one chopper landed another would take off to replace it immediately. So they were crewed up and waiting to take off.

In 1994 I was with some people and we stopped on the Bacchus Marsh escarpment one night, probably on the Blackwood rd but I don't really remember, to look out over Melbourne. The city was shrouded in low fog but you could see the tops of the buildings in the city and Essendon Airport (kind of) above the fog.

Really high over the city were some orange lights moving in ways planes or helicopters don't. I can't imagine aircraft being able to do what these things did and keep their wings on.

What was really odd was that police helicopters were taking off from Essendon Airport and flying up to check these things out, staying for a very short period of time before returning. I say helicopters because after the first chopper twice they flew up for a few minutes then returned to the airport while another took off to take their place. We watched for a while then drove into Melbourne to see if we could see anything from in town. In the few places north of the city that you see the sky thru the fog there was nothing when we got into town.

Don't ask me what it was. I've seen heaps of weird stuff and don't really take that much notice of it. What was notable was the cop choppers. They wouldn't stay up in the air for more than a few minutes, basically they'd fly up spend a second or two there then head straight back. Maybe not a second or two but definitely less than a minute. I saw one chopper in the air then two more replace it. After the third there were no more. I dunno how many choppers they had at Essendon back then, at least two but could have been more. My impression was that it was interfering with their ability to fly or maybe the pilots' ability to fly them. But its only an impression. I have no idea what was actually behind their rapid turnover. Or what we saw for that matter.

If anyone has access to Polair flight records from 1994 then it was some time over winter. Probably on a Sunday night but I dunno for sure. It was 23 years ago.
I saw orange lights, about 3 or 4 of them flying in strange formations while I was in India several years ago - It was when the Nepali earthquakes happened as I had just got back from assisting an organisation to drop aid packages into Kathmandu. I was in the jungle near the Nepali/India border (west side of Nepal) late one night with some friends looking for Elephants (not very smart) and the sky was clear as anything. It wasn't just me that saw them, there was about 12 of us sitting down and watching them for maybe 15 min or so? From memory they were all flying in perfect formation, but seemed to be able to go in all directions at break-neck speed.

I saw a similar thing in Launceston (Tasmania) about 15 years ago, except this time the lights were green. I was share-housing at the time (I was at Uni) but I was the only one home. It was amazing, and a bit scary at the same time. I must have forgot about it till a few years later when I heard other accounts dating back to around the same time of green lights in the sky, so I figured it was probably the same thing I saw.
I saw reports of something very similar in LA sometime around the turn of the century, probably before 9/11 which has become a bit of a touchstone, moreso than the actual turn of the millenium. What was weird about that was that the photos of them online showed LA under a cloud of fog much like the one in Melbourne that night. Thats the only other time I've heard of anything similar till you mentioned that. Mind you I don't bring it up much but I keep my eyes and ears open.

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Alien/UFO Has anyone else on here seen a UFO?

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