Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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May 23, 2010
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Anyone ever been to a haunted house?

A couple years ago i went to the abandoned mental asylum in Bundoora, Larundel. It was around 11pm. Around 6 of us jumped the fence and took a stroll around the place absolutely shitting bricks. We didn't hear / see anything strange apart from a door slamming shut. The atmosphere was daunting. Here are some pics I've found online for those of you who haven't seen / been there.





Anyone ever been to a supposed "haunted house"? Share some experiences.
There is a complete random giant derelict hospital in my town.

Like, a full on massive hospital. It's been smashed up and shit. Homeless people are known to live in there. Went in there at night with a few mates, absolutely shat myself.

Not haunted, but there's something eerie about hospitals. Hospitals are ****ing scary.
A couple of my mates have been to some closed down aboriginal mental hospital or something, I think it's near bassendean? Might go check it out.

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My grandparents used to live in one of the most haunted houses in Australia. They do tours there and shit now. Can't remember what it's called but they never saw or heard shit apparently, so there you go.
A few years back now we did some school assignment for year 12 media and film. went to the Gladstone jail here in country SA.

There were 2 blokes including me in our class and during our break we took the video camera and hid around the jail scaring the girls, things like hiding in one cell and throwing a rock into another or rattling chains in the dark. It was a freaky as hell place and we were shitting it just as much as them. But our reactions weren't being filmed.

Good times.
I reckon i'd probably love it to be honest going to one of those places.

I'd set the mood with some dark ambient music along the lines of Lustmord, Atrium Carceri, Desiderii Marginis and the likes.... get a bonfire happening, crack a few JD's and it'd be awesome.... :thumbsu:
I drive past Laruendel when I go to Bundoora, although I haven't actually noticed if it's still there. I think they were gonna build houses or something there. I hope not I wanna go :p
I went on the Port Arthur ghost tour and it was pretty much a let down.

It didn't help the tour guide thought he was a comedian, which not only killed the mood but boofed it in the arse.

I really enjoyed the ghost tour I went on at Port Arthur, but I was lucky enough to get an excellent guide.

The best bit was the 2 loud American kids who were absolutely shitting themselves after the 2nd stop thanks to her brilliant story telling.

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Not really a ghost tour, but has anyone been to the mental hospital in Ballarat?

I went on a tour, and if it wasn't for the morgue and the freaking huge walls it's more like a motel. Wasn't so creepy, but was very fancy for some reason :confused:
Years ago I comitted a very unusual faux pax. The lady in one of the houses across the road was moving out, and I commented that so many tenants had moved in and out in the house in a short time, joking that it must be haunted.

I knew immediately from her reaction that I had said the wrong thing (the response was like asking an overweight woman when her baby is due), and a few days later I recounted this to the lady's university-age daughter, who was moving the last of her things from the house. The daughter went on to describe strange things that went on in the house, such as strange breezes, odd smells that came from nowhere and strange noises at night. Nobody since then, however, has mentioned anything out of the ordinary and for obvious reasons I have never told this story to anyone else living at the said house.
I really enjoyed the ghost tour I went on at Port Arthur, but I was lucky enough to get an excellent guide.

The best bit was the 2 loud American kids who were absolutely shitting themselves after the 2nd stop thanks to her brilliant story telling.

I went there during a school trip to Tassie.

Apparently everyone 'saw' something except for me.

The atmosphere was good though.
Back a few years ago when I was doing security here in Perth, I was (un)fortunate enough to have access to some schools here in which some of the creepiest stuff ever happened to me! Those here from Perth would probably not be surprised to know that Fremantle had a lot of places that weird stuff would happen in. At one school, I went to arm the system and my partner and I found out when we went to leave that the main door we came in through had decided to close and deadlock itself for us. That was enough to get us to move out in a hurry!
Years ago I comitted a very unusual faux pax. The lady in one of the houses across the road was moving out, and I commented that so many tenants had moved in and out in the house in a short time, joking that it must be haunted.

I knew immediately from her reaction that I had said the wrong thing (the response was like asking an overweight woman when her baby is due), and a few days later I recounted this to the lady's university-age daughter, who was moving the last of her things from the house. The daughter went on to describe strange things that went on in the house, such as strange breezes, odd smells that came from nowhere and strange noises at night. Nobody since then, however, has mentioned anything out of the ordinary and for obvious reasons I have never told this story to anyone else living at the said house.
I have a ghost in my house. Fortunately he is harmless. He just moves my stuff around every now and then. I had a good "conversation" with him one night. The old one knock for no, two for yes deal. After you get past the initial shock, it is quite cool.
I have a ghost in my house. Fortunately he is harmless. He just moves my stuff around every now and then. I had a good "conversation" with him one night. The old one knock for no, two for yes deal. After you get past the initial shock, it is quite cool.

oh man that must of freaked you out when you first knew!

there was an old deaf society building just north of perth that was abandoned for some time, it was jsut down the road from my school so a few of us would sometime go in there before and after school... really freaky in the mornings. there would be some homeless people that stayed there from time to time. never saw any as they tried to hide and make noises to freak us out.
I know of a "haunted highway". A straight stretch of road with a rise pretty well in the middle of it that years ago at night a car with its high beam on would be approaching the other side of the rise, but it would never come, when you got over the rise there was no car there, nor was there any turn offs or such.Happened countless times on a strech of road travelled thousands of times, just no explination for it!
Eerily not far from where you'd be coming from a fatal occured late one night and the car lights that never came were heading the same way one of the cars involved in the fatal were heading.....
You want to call it a ghost car, call it a ghost car,
Regarding photos in the OP, they remind me of the 'Old Emu Brewery' in Perth that was called Satan's Mansion about 20 years ago. Used to go in there a bit was quite freaky, heaps of homeless & drugs/graffiti in there.

Anyone who was a teenager around 20 odd years ago in Perth would possibly know or remember it. Was also the Old Swan as well but wasn't as messed up.
I know of a "haunted highway". A straight stretch of road with a rise pretty well in the middle of it that years ago at night a car with its high beam on would be approaching the other side of the rise, but it would never come, when you got over the rise there was no car there, nor was there any turn offs or such.Happened countless times on a strech of road travelled thousands of times, just no explination for it!
Eerily not far from where you'd be coming from a fatal occured late one night and the car lights that never came were heading the same way one of the cars involved in the fatal were heading.....
You want to call it a ghost car, call it a ghost car,

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Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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