Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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So does the tunnel still exsist? Im interested in trying it out. Where are some other "haunted/scary" places to go in perth?
Montgomery hall in Mt Claremont is one me and my mate used to be scared of. Its an old mental asylum which has been boarded up for years.
^^ I've heard of similar things happening at other "haunted" houses that my brother's tried to inspect a while ago. It makes you wonder who is employing security to watch over an abandoned house, and why???

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^^ I've heard of similar things happening at other "haunted" houses that my brother's tried to inspect a while ago. It makes you wonder who is employing security to watch over an abandoned house, and why???
Sounds like a case for:

Anyone ever been to a haunted house?

A couple years ago i went to the abandoned mental asylum in Bundoora, Larundel. It was around 11pm. Around 6 of us jumped the fence and took a stroll around the place absolutely shitting bricks. We didn't hear / see anything strange apart from a door slamming shut. The atmosphere was daunting. Here are some pics I've found online for those of you who haven't seen / been there.





Anyone ever been to a supposed "haunted house"? Share some experiences.

When I was at La Trobe another student took a few of us there one night. Pretty freaky.
On topic - has anyone checked out the documentary made on the "Scariest Place on Earth" - The Waverley Hills Sanitarium in the US? Forget the subsequent movie (its rubbish) but the doco is super cool. The main claim to fame of this huge facility is the 500 foot Death Tunnel (see pics and story below) where all the dead bodies were removed from the hospital without the patients seeing...

The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is located in Louisville, Kentucky and is often classified as “one of the most scariest places on earth”. Ghost Hunters of the Sci Fi Channel and Family Channel’s Scariest Places On Earth have also talked about the Waverly Hills Sanatorium.

Waverly Hills was started in 1910 as a hospital with 140 beds outside of Louisville. The place was isolated and was mainly opened to care for patients that were infected by the ‘White Plague’ disease also known Tuberculosis.

The most talked about part of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium is the ‘Death Tunnel’. The ‘Death Tunnel’ was a 500 feet underground tunnel of the Sanatorium that was used to transport dead bodies from the main hospital to a receiving area for dead bodies. The dead bodies would then be handed over to loved ones from there. The ‘Death Tunnel’ was a very important part in the hospital’s treatment of TB. A recovering patient would lose his will to live if he saw a dead TB patient. This was what the doctors at the hospital thought and special care was taken to dispose off the dead bodies in a manner such that living patients never saw any dead patients. All bodily fluids were removed from the dead bodies before they were sent down the Death tunnel.

The facility was closed down in 1961 and since then there have been numerous tales that if believed would make this place ‘One of the most scariest places on Earth’. Room 502 of the Sanatorium has a story associated with it and two suicides are said to have occurred in this room. Hauntings of different forms have been witnessed here.
Here is a link to some creepy abandoned hosptials/sanitariums etc in the US. Great photos.

Here is a link to an abandoned Hospital in Greenvale near the Melb airport. My wife and I researched it and then went exploring to find it a year or two ago - but it had been pulled down. Its a fair walk through the national park and we had to jump a fairly high fence to get in there..only to find out it no longer existed...massive disapointment. Hosppital/

Here is another link to a site where they explore all sorts of places that people are not supposed to go - from tunnels, to old buildings, to the Roswell Missile facility etc. Its a cool site.
Gee, there are some really really good links there! I'd definitely have a look if a had the chance.
You do wonder how much psychology plays apart with such phenomena. Having a pre-conceived idea of what goes on is likely to distort actual events.
Nothing like a new story to bump a thread with.

Spoke with my brother yesterday who has just recently got back from a business trip to Europe. Told me a story about staying in a hotel/guest house in England (don't recall where), and being woken in the early hours of the morning by something.

Said when his eyes adjusted a little to the light he could make out a woman sitting on the edge of his bed looking at him. He said he was quite startled, as you would be, and he started to apologise to her, "sorry, you must have got the wrong room... sorry..." and he turned on the light. He said he was looking at her for at least a minute, mumbling the apology, and fumbling for the lamp. He said he was staring right at her when he turned the lamp on and the woman just disappeared.

He was freaked out. Couldn't sleep, just sat in his room and streamed the radio through his laptop to keep him company. Said he was too scared to even leave his room. When morning broke he went downstairs and told the staff about the strange woman/ghost he had seen. They weren't at all surprised, said it was probably the ghost of a woman who had been murdered with a knitting needle/hair comb (?) over 250 years ago. They also said that people in the past had been woken up by things been tossed onto the bed, in one case, a lamp itself.

They also said my brother must either be very lucky or unlucky because the ghost hadn't been seen for over 8 years. Freaks me out just to write this post.

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^^^hate shit like that.

as long as its never happened to me or someone i know directly then it cant exist in my mind!

Yeah, it creeps me out. He was terrified even weeks later.

We had a really creepy experience when we were teenagers (no, it wasn't Mr Bubbles in the Gelati Truck) in the house we grew up in. But that one takes the cake.
Nothing like a new story to bump a thread with.

Spoke with my brother yesterday who has just recently got back from a business trip to Europe. Told me a story about staying in a hotel/guest house in England (don't recall where), and being woken in the early hours of the morning by something.

Said when his eyes adjusted a little to the light he could make out a woman sitting on the edge of his bed looking at him. He said he was quite startled, as you would be, and he started to apologise to her, "sorry, you must have got the wrong room... sorry..." and he turned on the light. He said he was looking at her for at least a minute, mumbling the apology, and fumbling for the lamp. He said he was staring right at her when he turned the lamp on and the woman just disappeared.

He was freaked out. Couldn't sleep, just sat in his room and streamed the radio through his laptop to keep him company. Said he was too scared to even leave his room. When morning broke he went downstairs and told the staff about the strange woman/ghost he had seen. They weren't at all surprised, said it was probably the ghost of a woman who had been murdered with a knitting needle/hair comb (?) over 250 years ago. They also said that people in the past had been woken up by things been tossed onto the bed, in one case, a lamp itself.

They also said my brother must either be very lucky or unlucky because the ghost hadn't been seen for over 8 years. Freaks me out just to write this post.

****, shouldn't have read this post just before sleeping.
I once went into an abandoned hotel and saw an eerie blue glow from one of the rooms. I went to check it out... turned out to be a squatter with a brand new plasma screen tv.
My friend swears by this story, and is the sort of guy who would have previously made fun of people who would claim such a thing.

He awoke in the middle of the night , looked up and there was a young girl about 6 or 7 walking towards him, as if creeping up on him to get a better look.

He jumped up out of bed, turned the light on and she was still there and she walked into the ensuit bathroom and vanished into thin air.

At 3am in the morning he rang his ex- gf to ask if he could stay the night at hers he was so terrified.

He hasnt yet asked the previous owners of his house about it yet, but would be very interesting if he did.
My friend swears by this story, and is the sort of guy who would have previously made fun of people who would claim such a thing.

He awoke in the middle of the night , looked up and there was a young girl about 6 or 7 walking towards him, as if creeping up on him to get a better look.

He jumped up out of bed, turned the light on and she was still there and she walked into the ensuit bathroom and vanished into thin air.

At 3am in the morning he rang his ex- gf to ask if he could stay the night at hers he was so terrified.

He hasnt yet asked the previous owners of his house about it yet, but would be very interesting if he did.

****kkkkk man this gave me the shivers.

I wonder if these do exist especially when you walking and all of a sudden everything goes cold thats when i get the **** out
Ok, I have one story I can contribute from when I was about 15.

I grew up in a big, old Edwardian house in Canterbury. It was one of the original homesteads in the area, and, until my parents bought the joint, had been in the same family for 3 generations.

The house was massive with like 3 bedrooms downstairs and 3 upstairs in the attics. Plus a kind of wing in the house where my grandmother lived (4 rooms) before having a stroke and going to a nursing home. There were like 3 rooms that were so massive we actually played cricket in one of them.

My parents divorced when I was 14-15, and Dad quickly played the scene again and was often 'staying with friends'. And around the same time Gran had her stroke, so me and my brother spent quite a few nights in this huge house all alone. It was never overly spooky, sure it had a presence about it but almost all old houses do.

With that background in mind, this story starts on a Friday night. I was sitting in the downstairs kitchen with my brother and friend from school. We were sitting around listening to music. I went to bed about 11, as I was going to Wilson's Prom the next day with my girlfriend and her dad, so I left my brother and Jeff talking.

I was woken a few hours later, hard to tell as I was sleeping pretty soundly, by two things: one, the family Labrador trying to get into my bed in a panic; and two, the sound of what I thought I was Jeff and my brother being rowdy in the kitchen, more specifically dragging the wooden kitchen chairs across the lino. So I got up, pissed off if the truth be known, and the dog dived under the doona. I headed out into the hall to see my ashen face brother standing silently and pointing at the ceiling. And there was a very loud noise of furniture being dragged across the attic floorboards.

"What's going on, " I asked, "I've got to be up early tomorrow and I don't need you and Jeff playing stupid games while I'm sleeping."

My brother finally stammered out a reply, "Jeff left hours ago. I've been watching tv in the front room when i heard that noise, and I came to investigate."

We both looked at each other petrified, because we knew we were the only people in the house. And that noise was the sound of Dad's heavy Aero wooden chairs being dragged around his upstairs study by someone, something. and lit was really freakin' loud by now.

So for some stupid reason I started heading up the stairs, i rounded the landing and cautiously went up about 4 or 5 stairs until I could see through the little gate at the top of the stairs (which my dad had installed when we were small kids) and I could see these chairs crashing around all by themselves like dodgems. I could only see a small bit, but enough to know what was going on and enough to know I was getting out of there fast. I jumped down to the landing screaming, and almost took my brother out who had climbed the stairs holding our terrified dog. He went past me to the top of the stairs, opened the gate and pushed the dog in the direction of the room, quickly shutting the gate after himself.

The next moment the dog vaults the gate and comes tearing back down the stairs, we both run down the stairs screaming, leave the house without looking back and go and stay at our neighbor's house.

The next morning we went back into our home, ventured up the stairs and, finally, into Dad's study. The 3 aero chairs were haphazardly stacked on top of one another in a corner and the floor was scratched up like an ice-skating rink from the chairs. We just looked at each other.

Every word of that is true. It gives me shivers to write it down years later.

Some odd things happened at that house after that experience, not as violent and as weird as that but very creepy. We also found out about a bunch of stuff from my mother many years later too.

Excuse the mangled syntax and sloppy writing. I just wrote it quickly and have no desire to read back over what I've written.
Ok, I have one story I can contribute from when I was about 15.

I grew up in a big, old Edwardian house in Canterbury. It was one of the original homesteads in the area, and, until my parents bought the joint, had been in the same family for 3 generations.

The house was massive with like 3 bedrooms downstairs and 3 upstairs in the attics. Plus a kind of wing in the house where my grandmother lived (4 rooms) before having a stroke and going to a nursing home. There were like 3 rooms that were so massive we actually played cricket in one of them.

My parents divorced when I was 14-15, and Dad quickly played the scene again and was often 'staying with friends'. And around the same time Gran had her stroke, so me and my brother spent quite a few nights in this huge house all alone. It was never overly spooky, sure it had a presence about it but almost all old houses do.

With that background in mind, this story starts on a Friday night. I was sitting in the downstairs kitchen with my brother and friend from school. We were sitting around listening to music. I went to bed about 11, as I was going to Wilson's Prom the next day with my girlfriend and her dad, so I left my brother and Jeff talking.

I was woken a few hours later, hard to tell as I was sleeping pretty soundly, by two things: one, the family Labrador trying to get into my bed in a panic; and two, the sound of what I thought I was Jeff and my brother being rowdy in the kitchen, more specifically dragging the wooden kitchen chairs across the lino. So I got up, pissed off if the truth be known, and the dog dived under the doona. I headed out into the hall to see my ashen face brother standing silently and pointing at the ceiling. And there was a very loud noise of furniture being dragged across the attic floorboards.

"What's going on, " I asked, "I've got to be up early tomorrow and I don't need you and Jeff playing stupid games while I'm sleeping."

My brother finally stammered out a reply, "Jeff left hours ago. I've been watching tv in the front room when i heard that noise, and I came to investigate."

We both looked at each other petrified, because we knew we were the only people in the house. And that noise was the sound of Dad's heavy Aero wooden chairs being dragged around his upstairs study by someone, something. and lit was really freakin' loud by now.

So for some stupid reason I started heading up the stairs, i rounded the landing and cautiously went up about 4 or 5 stairs until I could see through the little gate at the top of the stairs (which my dad had installed when we were small kids) and I could see these chairs crashing around all by themselves like dodgems. I could only see a small bit, but enough to know what was going on and enough to know I was getting out of there fast. I jumped down to the landing screaming, and almost took my brother out who had climbed the stairs holding our terrified dog. He went past me to the top of the stairs, opened the gate and pushed the dog in the direction of the room, quickly shutting the gate after himself.

The next moment the dog vaults the gate and comes tearing back down the stairs, we both run down the stairs screaming, leave the house without looking back and go and stay at our neighbor's house.

The next morning we went back into our home, ventured up the stairs and, finally, into Dad's study. The 3 aero chairs were haphazardly stacked on top of one another in a corner and the floor was scratched up like an ice-skating rink from the chairs. We just looked at each other.

Every word of that is true. It gives me shivers to write it down years later.

Some odd things happened at that house after that experience, not as violent and as weird as that but very creepy. We also found out about a bunch of stuff from my mother many years later too.

Excuse the mangled syntax and sloppy writing. I just wrote it quickly and have no desire to read back over what I've written.

surely you got moar?????????

what was the stuff from your mother years later? stories about this place?

grizzlez you got me on edge here brother
I've got a few stories that probably aren't 'haunted house' stories, but are close enough to not deserve their own threads. I've always been a bit of a sceptic on the whole psychic/ghost front, and I've never really had anything happen to be to change that train of thought, but a few things have spooked me/made me rethink.

1. When my grandfather died in '05, our family had the unfortunate task of selecting a photo to display on his casket at the funeral, we came across one taken a few months before, but it had what appeared to be an apparition of a dog hovering above his left shoulder. The dog, my mother says, looks exactly like a family dog they had as a child. The more spiritual members of the family lost their shit a bit over this, and as the sceptic, it took me a while to come up with the theory that it was an intricate series of shadows on the wall behind. But I'll admit, it looks exactly like a dog. I'll see if I can find the picture, upload it and share it (but I don't think it will be until tomorrow at least - sorry to leave GD hanging!)

2. The night of my grandfather's death (same one - '05), I had a few very vivid, and pretty strange, dreams. The first was of the ghost of my grandfather floating up through the floor, and I interviewed him like a newspaper journalist about his life and death etc. I don't remember much of the dream (obviously, 5+ years ago), but I remember asking "What's death like?" and getting the response, "It's like being born, except backwards." The dream somehow ended with my grandfather walking into the sunset as the sun set (talk about your corny cliches). Not long after I was woken to be told he had passed away. Again, when I told my family about those dreams, a few lost their marbles, as it was a "sign" etc. I don't really think it was, it was on my mind as I went to sleep, so it makes sense that that's what I'd dream of, but the "like being born, but backwards" thing is something I've carried a bit from there, because it gives the whole dying thing a sense of comfort, sort of.

Doesn't hold a candle to some of the others in this thread, but I figured I may as well share my semi-supernatural stories, seeing as I can't sleep, due to Grizzly's stories!

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Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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