Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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I have a ghost in my house. Fortunately he is harmless. He just moves my stuff around every now and then. I had a good "conversation" with him one night. The old one knock for no, two for yes deal. After you get past the initial shock, it is quite cool.
Do you tell it to **** off when you're fapping? Unless the ghost is a chick....kinky.

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Yep, I've been to Larundel.
Went one night at about 3am with a group of mates.
And yes we were all shitting bricks. It's a pretty messed up place in there. We ended up walking through a fair few of the wards until a few of us got seperated from the rest. Anyway we were walking on the outside between a few of the buildings and someone screamed from one of the windows 'GET OUT NOW!'. No doubt it was just some homeless person, but the 3 of us shat bricks and ran for the hills.
There was a house in my old street which was dark and scary and covered over by trees all the time cause it was the holiday house of some rich guy who only visited once a year.

All the kids in the street said it was haunted, said they heard screams coming from the house, until we had like a $20 (lot of money in those days) reward for anyone who went inside.

So one day me and my friend took off a small window and got in, ive never been so scared :eek:, It was dark as hell and I was imagining the eyes in the pictures on the wall were following me.

Anyway, the phone started ringing and i saw my friend is over next to it, he picks it up and he's like "security alarm? you're from the police?" then he gives them my name and the place where my dad works and suggests they go talk to him if they have a problem.

All my fear left me and i just wanted to bash him to death... but then he started laughing and told me he'd just dialled the automatic call back number to make the phone ring.
Not so much as a "haunted house" but in Perth there is this old tunnel where back in the olden days there was a train station. Anywho, a mate told me that if you stand in the middle of the tunnel at midnight, apparently you subconsciously hear the train going past. So a few mates and I went out there for a laugh and it was without a doubt the scariest experience of my life. It's smack bang in the middle of a national park so it's right out in the open and I swear I heard the train, we all did, the look on terror of everyone's face was legendary. The thing is, the tunnel's about 100-150 metres and it was pitch black, even during the day, so if you tried to run you'd probably smash into the wall of the tunnel or something. It happened about 1 year ago and I'm still freaked out about it.

Another story, I moved into a place with my dad near a huge bushy area near Mundaring Weir (anyone in Perth should know what that is). As with all new houses, it takes a bit of getting used to and the place was very old, apparently the landlords grandparents used to live there :eek: Anywho, a couple of uneventful nights later, I went to the loo in the middle of the night as you do and went back to bed. However, 5 minutes after I went to the loo, the toilet flushed AGAIN. I assumed it was Dad because no-one else was there but he was fast asleep (and yes, he was asleep, I know Dad and he didn't do it). It could've been nothing sinister at all, maybe I imagined it but it still scared me. There've been a couple of other scary things like lights turning on randomly and the finding the fridge open in the middle of the night. Not as good as some other stories but a couple nonetheless.
The Clarkefield Hotel in Clarkefield, Vic is known to be a haunted hotel.

My grandparents took over the lease for a while when i was about 10. I stayed there with them which was to be just a weekend visit, I got out of there 2 weeks later. I got incredibly sick and was unable to travel. I remember having some real wacked out dreams and feeling sh!t scared along with sick.

Apparently the story goes, 2 little girls died there I think they fell in a well then the mother topped herself. It was when the hotel was first built. Or something like that.
This thread piqued my interest to see if I could find out who my ghost might be. I contacted the guy I bought the house off of and after a few minutes I finally came out with it and he goes "Oh, that'd be Joe."

It turns out the original owner had a heart attack and died in the house. Apparently John (the guy who sold it to me) said he had heard all the noises and the had stuff moved but never really thought much about it. But he said it made sense that it would be Joe as he was the only other person other John and his family and me who had ever lived here.

John and his family had this house for 15 years and never had a problem with him so we guess that Joe is quite happy where he is, wherever that is.

I asked the ghost if his name was Joe and I didn't get a response. The next night, same question, no response. The third night I got a Yes. I asked him if I could call him Joe, if that was cool. I got another yes.

Now Joe gets a hi everytime I come home from work. I just want to keep him happy.
What do you mean by 'got a Yes.' ?

A voice?

How did it sound?
As I said before, we use the old one knock for no, two knocks for yes. I've never actually heard him "say" anything. That would be a little too weird. I'm not sure I would handle a disembodied voice as well as I do knocks.

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Many year ago we use to ride our push bikes thru Larundel/Mont Park before it was a ghost town. Getting chased by the mentally deranged was scary enough. Now my daughter and her freinds treat it as an act of bravery to enter the derelict buildings that are left there.

Me and the Mrs rented an old house in Reservoir. The 1st night we laid in bed we heard footsteps and when they stopped you could hear snoring. We both looked at one another and cuddled up and finally fell asleep. This happened for a couple of nights, footsteps then snoring, footsteps then snoring. In the end I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd investigate. The footsteps led me to the bathroom (the Mrs would shower before going to bed) where I noticed the build up of condensation on the ceiling which was dripping and hitting the floor making the footstep noises. Next was the snoring which ended up being the neighbors dog sleeping under the house dirctly under our bed. Not so supernatural as it only took a ceiling fan and a couple of fence palings to silence the spooks.
Not so much as a "haunted house" but in Perth there is this old tunnel where back in the olden days there was a train station. Anywho, a mate told me that if you stand in the middle of the tunnel at midnight, apparently you subconsciously hear the train going past. So a few mates and I went out there for a laugh and it was without a doubt the scariest experience of my life. It's smack bang in the middle of a national park so it's right out in the open and I swear I heard the train, we all did, the look on terror of everyone's face was legendary. The thing is, the tunnel's about 100-150 metres and it was pitch black, even during the day, so if you tried to run you'd probably smash into the wall of the tunnel or something. It happened about 1 year ago and I'm still freaked out about it.
Where exactly is this tunnel? I want to try this.
:eek:That happened to me at the pub the other night!!

Having been a glassy, glasses sometimes just shatter with very little pressure.
Where exactly is this tunnel? I want to try this.

John Forrest National park.

Went there as a kid.

Scary as hell.

Yep, John Forrest National Park is the place. Pretty much follow the track up until you reach the tunnel, it's not too far a walk. Definitely going to go back there one of these days, and definitely going to take some unsuspecting victim/s for extra enjoyment.
Where exactly is this tunnel? I want to try this.

Yep, John Forrest National Park is the place. Pretty much follow the track up until you reach the tunnel, it's not too far a walk. Definitely going to go back there one of these days, and definitely going to take some unsuspecting victim/s for extra enjoyment.

Yeah I can remember going there a couple of times as a kid, there is a big picnic area nearby. We went up to the train tunnel but don't think we went too far in, it was during the day anyway so didn't hear any ghost trains.
Cheers, I'm going to give it a go :thumbsu:

But I'm amazed that the tunnel hasn't been sealed off in these days of health and safety. :confused:
Cheers, I'm going to give it a go :thumbsu:

But I'm amazed that the tunnel hasn't been sealed off in these days of health and safety. :confused:

I know, I was kinda the same. I went with a couple of friends for a look at around 2-3 in the arvo and even then it is pitch black, I rolled my ankle in it and it's very possible that someone could get injured, not seriously mind you, but injured never-the-less. There are loose rocks and lots of other bits and pieces in it that could be dangerous.

Superb picture! You can see from that picture alone how dark it is even in the middle of the day.

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Ghost/Paranormal Haunted houses

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