Have the events of the last four years impacted your love of Aussie rules?

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Love the game, but the AFL is still an infant when it comes to managing a professional sport. It's a self-serving boys club that has zero accountability and answers to no one - until of course an international body like WADA comes Down Under and reminds the boys club that they are in fact boys, not men, in the realm of world professional sport.

What's particularly annoyed me are:
  • the corporatisation of the game and the clubs. We're seen and treated as cash cows, not supporters. This thirst for our money needs to be tamed, and the AFL needs to recognise the spirit/community aspect of our game. It's failing on this, and fixturing a few themed rounds isn't the quick fix.
  • expansion. While I agree with it, it's has been handled poorly, and having a tremendous impact on the quality of the game as well as the evenness of the competition. Eighteen teams in one comp is just too much - we either need to move to a US style conference system, or cull. The boys club never seem to think ahead and study the consequences of their (in)actions.
AFL still has a lot of growing up to do as a sporting body.
Wait, what? So, you think it needs to be more professionally managed, but you don't like the corporatisation of the game? The only guaranteed outcome of the AFL "growing up" is a higher level of corporatisation....
I will never not love the game but I I'm not fond of the business the is the AFL. They try to cater to a larger audience which is fine but I think they do that at the expense of traditional and diehard fans. There are power struggles and if I'm being honest, they players themselves probably have a little too much power these days.

Players should have a say in where they go, I don't have a problem with that but I don't like that say a Tom Boyd can just up and leave after a year being the #1 draft pick back home on a mega contract. Or that Cam McCarthy can pretty much quit on his team after being offered a bumper contract after showing early form (he very well may be homesick and I do feel for him if he is, but Freos interest and increased pay/chance to play for a contender in his home state are factors in some way).

I really feel like teams like mine, Saints, Brisbane, North could very well go another 15-20 years without a premiership. I'm not saying any of these teams deserve one, but that it is harder to achieve than it is for Eagles, Hawks, Collingwood amongst others. AFL stopped zoning years ago yet we are still seeing one sided competition most years with the same teams dominating. Think about this- since just 2000 we have already had 2 3-peat premiers, and it could have easily been 3 if Geelong won as the favourites in 2008. Three teams alone have taken 10 of the 16 premierships since 2000, while each of these teams has also had the opportunity for one more but failed as the strong favourite. With free agency, quality players will continue to go to powerful teams, while the 'bottom feeders' will continue to only get the odd one (Vince, Carlilse, Higgins). They are not even huge name signings, just the best way can get.

In the next 10 years Eagles will be able to have another crack at a premiership, as will the Swans, Hawks and Pies. There is nothing surer. A player that Collingwood would have to pay 600,000 to get over would cost Melbourne or the Saints 20% more because we are less prestigious and successful, and this adds up after a while. I'm hoping I'm wrong but it just seems that the AFL is following a similar trend of the EPL, where the popular and powerful may go down for 2/3 years, reload and have another shot at the flag. Meanwhile us minions wait for decades at a time for our next realistic opportunity.

Sorry bit of a rant, and obviously influenced by being the supporter of a smaller club, but it's something I genuinely believe and seems supported by permisership trends in the league.
What's the alternative to this though? There is a draft with concessions in place, from which your club has benefited more than any other (bar the expansion clubs) in the past decade. The smaller clubs have less revenue, the only way they can get more revenue is by taking it from the larger clubs. So, that would for example involve me giving membership revenue to my club, then having some of it shipped over to your club. That's bullshit, I shouldn't personally have to pay to make your club not shit. And to be honest, I don't really care if you continue to be shit. It's up to you and the other Melbourne members to find a way to get your members to pay up more to the club.

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Intentionally chose not to follow any of the Essendon saga since it broke (whenever the hell that was) so probably not as weary as some hearing about it. Anything else that happens during the season (such as Goodes 'saga') I consider just part of the season and week to week events.

As for everything else that's happened, standard pre-season. Some players **** up, majority don't, we wait for Rd 1...
I am a little surprised that some Hawks fans are so relaxed and comfortable about the AFL. I am also surprised that people are eulogising the 80's and 90's AFL administration.

The AFL (like the IOC and FIFA) has always been an unfair playing field if not corrupt.

The 80's saw the introduction of the Draft and the Weagles. The draft was compromised as WC got to pick a state team and the AFL turned a blind eye to rumoured steroid use by WC and fomented a drug culture that may have led to Cousins and Mainwaring.

At the same time the AFL actively tried to destroy my club. They did destroy Sth Melbourne.

In the 90's the AFL tried to wipe out The Hawks and Melbourne, and succeeded with Fitzroy. They then commenced massive cap and draft concessions that led to Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney's success. At the same time they overlooked (ie didn't cancel) illegal cap cheating premierships from power clubs in Ess and Carlton.

In the 2000's the AFL continues to offer cap and draft concessions to the 'interstate' clubs resulting in them winning a disproportionate amount of premierships. The AFL's bias and corruption reached a low point with non-suspension of Barry Hall for smashing a bloke in the guts off the ball thus helping Syd to a premiership.

The Ess saga and the AFL's corrupt attempts to 'deal' with it led to delays then WADA intervention and suspensions. But of course Ess had time to move on 22 suspended players ensuring Ess could field a team and meet media commitments.

Now the AFL uses various mechanisms like the the draw and media rights disbursements to crush opposition from clubs.

They are a law unto themselves. As a Dogs fan we have suffered from the introduction of FA and the new clubs when we bottomed out. We lost two AFL captains in the process.

I understand all this yet hope against all hope that a miracle happens and the Dogs can win a flag. But we will peak when GWS and GC will be getting massive AFL support to ensure it doesn't happen.

But I'm stuck. I love footy and my club. So here I am.
The last four years has altered the way I follow the game. I was one to never miss a game but I tune out a lot more than I did pre-saga. I've followed NBA and Tennis a lot closer than I did before. Following another sport without the drug saga hanging over it is refreshing and I would've gone mad otherwise. Now that the decision has been made, hopefully the club can start rebuilding both the list and their reputation. Now that the worst is over, the footy will be more enjoyable to follow from here on out.
One thing that saves the footy for me, amidst all its faults, is this place. And you guys make this place, even the guys I disagree with and who drive me nuts.

Without Big Footy, the crap from the last half a decade would have driven me away, I reckon.

I enjoy reading BigFooty. From a distance it looks like people with Aspergers arguing over stats, or teenage girls bickering over dumb arguments.....but it's the left of centre interesting topics and serious love of the game I admire about the site. Reading it inspires me to follow the game to an extent. Without it, I most likely wouldn't follow the game at all.
What's the alternative to this though? There is a draft with concessions in place, from which your club has benefited more than any other (bar the expansion clubs) in the past decade. The smaller clubs have less revenue, the only way they can get more revenue is by taking it from the larger clubs. So, that would for example involve me giving membership revenue to my club, then having some of it shipped over to your club. That's bullshit, I shouldn't personally have to pay to make your club not shit. And to be honest, I don't really care if you continue to be shit. It's up to you and the other Melbourne members to find a way to get your members to pay up more to the club.
That's the thing, I honestly can't think of an alternative, and I wouldn't for one second suggest that we are propped up by successful clubs. It is our own fault that we are where we are right now, no doubt about it. What I'm concerned about now are the things that are not in our control. The draft concessions to GC and GWS hurt but that was only for a few years. The major concern is free agency, which is beyond club control. Although it is designed to aid player movement, I'm concerned it is far more advantageous to bigger clubs at the expense of the smaller ones.

Look at how much Bulldogs had to pay Boyd and St Kilda had to pay Carlilse. If it was the Hawks going for these players I'd be confident they could of wiped off 20% of that salary and got them. It is mainly this that I fear will make the league uneven going forward in the foreseeable future. It is beyond club control now, and destinations clubs have a distinct advantage which will be hard to match. Theoretically a club could be well run, developed youth well after good drafting, yet still find themselves in a continuous state of feeding bigger clubs and constantly rebuilding at the draft. That is what occurs in a way with youth academies in the EPL and that is a reason for concern IMO.

Hawks will get a young gun mid in the next 2/3 off seasons from another team, I believe this is inevitable. May be O'Meara, Pretia or whoever. It will happen though and everybody including Hawthorn knows it will. I don't think that constitutes a level playing field. Your right in saying it's our fault we are awful, I'm just thinking it's possible we may stay awful due to reasons beyond our own control.
I filter out the noise.

Couldn't give a crap about Demetriou. He looked and always sounded like a pompous tool so blocked him out. It's clear to me why he left though.

The only way to follow this sport now is to put some filters on. Focus on your club, ignore half of the Herald Scum, unfollow all the AFL 'journalists' social media accounts, ignore the rumours (except the fun ones) and just watch your club play, then do something else for the rest of the weekend.

Getting all worked up about the umpiring, how the AFL runs things, the media w***ers.. it just causes grief.
Not the game, but my love for the AFL as a business has diminished considerably. Prior to the 2012 season the AFL were light years ahead of the NRL and the A League. The AFL were the envy of every sporting organization in the country. I'm not convinced about "Gilligan" being a strong enough personality to turn things around. He needs to take charge and gain control of his subordinates, not the other way round (Mark Evans) "Gilligan" is a smooth operator, but being smooth and having the corporate gift of the gab doesn't hold any weight at all with the average football fan. The AFL have had their pants torn down in recent years and it's time someone re-adjusted the belt and tightened things up a little.
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From the shambolic handling of the Essendon affair, to victim blaming during the Martin incident, the AFL has ruined footy somewhat for me. Trying to tell the crowd who they can and can't boo, therefore making them boo harder. Telling the crowd not to boo PED users.

I'm one of the few bombers fans who think we were guilty. However, we should have been suspended once everything came out, not 4 years after. Another gripe I have is the insincere themed rounds for every minority group under the sun. I watch sport to escape politics. However, their treatment of the fans has been even worse. The ticket prices are absurd. Food expensive. Blatant extortion.

The constant lying and PR spin has ruined my love of the sport. This is the first time in 16 years I have not renewed my membership. As a fan, I feel mistreated and disillusioned.

Sorry AFL. I will continue to watch, but will not pay you a dime this year. I still like the sport but your negligent, irresponsible and greedy stewardship has taken away my passion.

Does anyone feel similarly to me?

The greatest game on earth. The WORST humans play it.
Why? Well lets be real youd have to be a little mentally disturbed to ram your head into positions in which reality could cause death or permanant brain damage. The egos to do this are extraordinary.

So what to do?? Accept it. Footy players for the most parts are complete tools and will be knobs off the field. They will pretend to be caring sane nice individuals but anyone whos parties with em, talked to em privately, will realise they have issues. Such a pack mentality and fantasy world its scary.

Of course there are some who rise above it. But I cant think of many. If any. They all pretend in front of cameras.

Enjoy AFL for what it is. Entertainment and on field story and your club which is bigger than any scum individual. And almost feel Sorry for these players. Look what happens to em? They do over best mates, do drugs, treat women terribly, treat others like they are better and its all against what they know to be moral. So who hurts in the end? They do. And why do they do these things? Ego and peer pressure. Childish crap.

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That's funny. I think Hird is culpable for what happened. I think he bears ultimate responsibility, and of the many failings by many people, his were the most significant. I am disgusted by his response to what happened, and think it entirely self serving. However I do not hate him. The castigation of those who believe he has done wrong as Hird haters is a weak cop out.

There are many reasons a commanders plans in battle may fail, not all the commanders responsibility. However having a plan that requires subordinates toe a fine line, then just trusting they do is a complete failure on the commanders part. This does not mean it is not also a failure of the subordinate.

Hirds failure is worse, there were to a degree checks in place (the club Dr), and when it became clear this mechanism was not going to give the outcome desired. Hird was complicit in subverting this process.

Check out the article in today's Australian on the court case involving Dank, the guy Hird put his trust in. Incompetent, shady, slimy about sums it up.

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These are all questionable statements. Incompetant , shady , slimy for Dank maybe , but even then we don't really know, but assuming he is slimy what about the club doctor, was Hird to NOT put any trust in him , or people who had been recommended to the club as experts in lots of fields, this was football, not the invasion of Normandy, and I would think in many cases military leaders have put their faith in subordinates, totally because they had no choice.
You make a decision you believe in your people and off you go, that's what Hird did, but he's taken the fall. He has copped his kicking.
Whether deserved it totally or not, is a point to be argued forever, and you know, no one, will ever know , and that makes this condemning of Hird even worse.

Its all I have ever said, there is no concrete in any of this, either way, yet at the moment 34 young blokes are stuffed up for a year which they don't deserve in this botched episode, its why I think the AFL needs an overhaul completely.And some other official sports bodies too.
The greatest game on earth. The WORST humans play it.
Why? Well lets be real youd have to be a little mentally disturbed to ram your head into positions in which reality could cause death or permanant brain damage. The egos to do this are extraordinary.

So what to do?? Accept it. Footy players for the most parts are complete tools and will be knobs off the field. They will pretend to be caring sane nice individuals but anyone whos parties with em, talked to em privately, will realise they have issues. Such a pack mentality and fantasy world its scary.

Of course there are some who rise above it. But I cant think of many. If any. They all pretend in front of cameras.

Enjoy AFL for what it is. Entertainment and on field story and your club which is bigger than any scum individual. And almost feel Sorry for these players. Look what happens to em? They do over best mates, do drugs, treat women terribly, treat others like they are better and its all against what they know to be moral. So who hurts in the end? They do. And why do they do these things? Ego and peer pressure. Childish crap.

St Kilda, is this where your experiences stem from?
Nail, head, bang.

The lacklustre planning job put into the creation of the expansion clubs seems to suggest that the AFL wrote the plan on the back of the newspaper while taking a particularly long Saturday Morning Poo. As a result, we wound up with two squads which were boys playing against men, with matches against GWS and GC serving as a week off for two-thirds of the competition. GWS in particular - not having recruited arguably the best player of all time - were the equivalent of lemmings attempting to cross a highway in treacle boots in their first year and it was about as enjoyable to watch, too.

Instead, they rather predictably stockpiled picks and as a result clubs who were in the bottom reaches of the ladder over the last six years (Essendon, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Richmond) haven't had the sort of access to talent that they could reasonably expect given how far they are from the summit. Free agency hasn't helped this, either. There were a lot of weekends last year where there were only one or two fixtures worth looking forward to, the rest were just no-contests or highly uninspiring matchups.
Thanks , someone actually sees the folly of the AFL, at the expense of real AFL clubs including Fitzroy(Bris) and South Melbourne (Syd) we are now seeing some , although not much, but some success from GWS and maybe better this year for GC, but neither of these clubs should exist, I am a passionate hater of this expansion , the sycophants on Fox Footy and FTA tv ALL JUMP ON THE PAYMENT BANDWAGON, AND BEAT IT UP ALL THE TIME ABOUT THESE NEW CLUBS .
Thanks , someone actually sees the folly of the AFL, at the expense of real AFL clubs including Fitzroy(Bris) and South Melbourne (Syd) we are now seeing some , although not much, but some success from GWS and maybe better this year for GC, but neither of these clubs should exist, I am a passionate hater of this expansion , the sycophants on Fox Footy and FTA tv ALL JUMP ON THE PAYMENT BANDWAGON, AND BEAT IT UP ALL THE TIME ABOUT THESE NEW CLUBS .
OK, you lost me there.

I don't have an issue with the existence of expansion clubs per se. The AFL is much, much stronger for being a national league, with the involvement of clubs such as Sydney, West Coast and Adelaide. Without that, it's still effectively amateur hour.

My issue is the way in which the expansion clubs have been introduced and effectively been non-competitive for five years. West Coast and Adelaide made the AFL a stronger competition because they quickly rose to the standard required, and in the case of the Eagles, effectively set the started from 91-94. The expansion clubs should have been made to compensate their early picks for players of a certain age or over, to avoid this Bad-News-Bears-esque farce of a noncompetitive competition.
People who are so upset about how corrupt the AFL supposedly is need to take a look at some other sporting organisations around the world. No comparison.
It may have impacted my love of the game if it had been my team mired in controversy and criminality, suspensions and lies. But it was not and the red and black have always been irrelevant to me anyway.
.... and agree about the overload of themed rounds, where's Caucasian round?? Just saying if they want to be equal and all. Not that i actually think there should be such a round.


That's the most moronic statement I've hear or read this year.
Why thankyou, My family and friends will be so proud.

I wasnt serious mate but rather saying that round as to point out how unnecessary all the other rounds are...obviously there will never be a caucasian round or do i think there should be but at the same time if were all equal why can we not celebrate our race, culture and all the players and fans that are proud to be a caucasian Australian.

suppose im a massive racist now hey, in the end i think there shouldnt be any of them. Just advertise footy instead of all these politically correct rounds.
But I'm stuck. I love footy and my club. So here I am.
I can do no other.

Grwat post. As a Saints supporter, you and I share the same story in this regard.
The greatest game on earth. The WORST humans play it.
Why? Well lets be real youd have to be a little mentally disturbed to ram your head into positions in which reality could cause death or permanant brain damage. The egos to do this are extraordinary.

So what to do?? Accept it. Footy players for the most parts are complete tools and will be knobs off the field. They will pretend to be caring sane nice individuals but anyone whos parties with em, talked to em privately, will realise they have issues. Such a pack mentality and fantasy world its scary.

Of course there are some who rise above it. But I cant think of many. If any. They all pretend in front of cameras.

Enjoy AFL for what it is. Entertainment and on field story and your club which is bigger than any scum individual. And almost feel Sorry for these players. Look what happens to em? They do over best mates, do drugs, treat women terribly, treat others like they are better and its all against what they know to be moral. So who hurts in the end? They do. And why do they do these things? Ego and peer pressure. Childish crap.
Complete tripe.
Keep watchin thw footy shows and news and sen and beliwve rhwyvare dantastic caring blokes
Ok mate.

Players a reasonable reflection of the 18-30 male population, so yeah there's a few dickheads among them. There'll also be issues when they are in a group, as with any group of males, but to say they are the WORST humans, and for the most part complete tools, is rubbish.

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Have the events of the last four years impacted your love of Aussie rules?

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