With all the talk about legal action pertinent to concussions, I cannot see where the AFL has any choice ban to ban the bump completely. When I played many years ago, the bump made perfect sense because it was a controlled action and you would hit with the hip and shoulder, but the pace of the game these days means the player is airborne when attempting to bump, and more likely to make head high contact with either an elbow or shoulder.
You can't be talking about legal proceedings with concussion but still allowing the bump to continue.
Just on Buddy, he has always been a clumsy bumper and I'm surprised nobody has been able to eliminate this from his game over all these years.
You can't be talking about legal proceedings with concussion but still allowing the bump to continue.
Just on Buddy, he has always been a clumsy bumper and I'm surprised nobody has been able to eliminate this from his game over all these years.