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Today I’ve been sleeping, no energy, no appetite, legs ache, ears blocked. I hate this shit. On the coldest day in Melbourne I was sweating 😂

They are really good it showed up instantly
trust me you dont want the covid i just got, it was so bad i initially mistook it for manflu!
trust me you dont want the covid i just got, it was so bad i initially mistook it for manflu!
I have had Covid 3 times and it just feels like a cold.

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I got told by a female colleague today that there's a lot in common between manflu and menopause.

In which case, women really have nothing but my sympathies.
I woke up last night legitimately in a pool of sweat. Like my pjs were wet 😭
I have had Covid 3 times and it just feels like a cold.
Thats what my last ones were like, wife said she had only ever seen me bed ridden for a full day after a hangover prior to the other day and we been together 20 years!

I reckon it must have mutated quite a bit since my last booster.

Prolly still only back to 80%. Aches, fever and headaches are pretty much gone today. Just the blocked head and saw throat persisting. But been 5 says since onset.

My dad rang today, said the bloke next to him in the retirement place died with covid the other day.
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Did surf coast trail marathon today. Torquay to Fairhaven, prob about 30% on the beach and 70% on single trail. Beach running was nasty at points. Picturesque course, have been meaning to do this for years. At about the 35k mark I was thinking I’m never racing again. At home tonight wondering what I should enter next.
Did surf coast trail marathon today. Torquay to Fairhaven, prob about 30% on the beach and 70% on single trail. Beach running was nasty at points. Picturesque course, have been meaning to do this for years. At about the 35k mark I was thinking I’m never racing again. At home tonight wondering what I should enter next.
Kozzie 100 mate?
I think I may have spread somewhat of my sickness to the team 😭

ALTHOUGH my parents + the teammates who I took to the game aren’t sick 🤔

It’s going around 😭
Did surf coast trail marathon today. Torquay to Fairhaven, prob about 30% on the beach and 70% on single trail. Beach running was nasty at points. Picturesque course, have been meaning to do this for years. At about the 35k mark I was thinking I’m never racing again. At home tonight wondering what I should enter next.
Got a lot of friends who have done that, really enjoyed it.

I did the 67km at Wilson's Prom in May, that was fantastic, even if the bloke who runs it is a bit hopeless. He likes to mark the trail in all the spots where there are no options, then you get to a 5 way intersection and there's nothing. Mucks you around in the alps, but it was all a bit more straight forward at the Prom. Reckon I'll do the 100 next year.

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I've fallen off the wagon for a bit, due to life, and need a goal event or two to train for. Anyone got some favourite trail run suggestions in the 15 - 30km range over the coming months?

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