Competitions Health and fitness

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I suspected you might be, great stuff, will be epic!
plot twist
I couldn't make the calendar work.

I think realistically I'm gonna aim for one ultra and a couple 30-42km races each year over the next couple. Its too hard to fit my other life obligations into anything more demanding.

So I've put my name done on the 30km Coastal Classic in about two weeks, in case there are vacancies. The starting line is basically a warm up jog away from where I live. I'm loving trails at the moment. Clears the head so good.

I am 100% down for the UTA100 next year. Sub 14, here I come.
Have started microdosing - 0.05ml of 50mg per ml - THC oil in the morning, and it is great.

Had been using CBD oil alone which was good, and THC oil and flower after work lol.

But experimented with some sativa (couldn't be indica, even tiny amounts still give me that "baked" feeling) and it works so well for anxiety and stress.

I work a job that's very intense and deadline driven, I would get all kinds of wound up before, but this works so well.

It is like having a valium but without the chemically or the life threatening addiction bit.

Anyone else done similar?

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I am like so pissed off at myself.

This year I’ve gotten unfit, tell me why I try to do a time trial and I’m averaging 5:20???? That’s nearly a minute off my PB are you kidding me. Soccer has killed me.

This year alone I’ve had a cold, the flu, soft tissue injury and now a sprained ankle.

I am so embarrassed
My GSP ran 16km mostly off-leash today, and then followed it up with a high-octane round of fetch.

Impressive stamina given she was in an RSPCA shelter like 6 weeks ago.

(My 16km is probably closer to 20km for her as she's forever sprinting on ahead, only to realise that she needs to let me catch up, so doubling back with this big goofy grin to meet me)

Think she'll be ready for a half mara in the next month.

What a fantastic training buddy. A pure endurance machine.
Went to the AIA centre to run this morning. It was great, loved the atmosphere and it made me run faster.

Had to do 6 x 400m (under 1min 51 seconds) with 1min 50 seconds rest.

The last rep😭


Almostttt got a BP😭

I’m super proud that I actually kept pace tho lol my BP was also my peak last season in the VFLW

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I sound like I’m chasing dopamine (I’m not (in denial))

Anywayssss, I wanna get an Apple Watch. Ever since I got my whoop I am experiencing information overload and tbh it’s just like not that interactive lol

I find the app a bit hard and clunky

I just need to balance my wrists out (lol) smart watch with fitness features and my whoop.
3 weeks of my first 4 week sprinting block completed.

40m time: 8.13 --> 6.82
20m time: 4.34 --> 3.81

Happy with over 15% improvement so early in my off season.

To put in perspective just how slow I had gotten when I started out, I ran a 3.04 20m in my 18s year. Injuries, age, and just not focusing on max sprints will do that to ya.
Been really focusing on my sleep, establishing a bed routine and it’s playing off. Getting to sleep @ or before 9pm and waking up @ 5.


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Competitions Health and fitness

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