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Re: Who should I support?

:confused: Obviously this poster still living in the Mark Rypien days of 'Wiggle finger waving' euphoria... what is this posters definition of success makes me wonder.. but then again... blow-in bulldust.. :rolleyes: Shut the door on the way out.

Well said STKO.. the Lions push is silly.

Recommending ANYONE follow ANY team is stupid, its got to be your own decision. If it's some stupid reason like because they wear the same colours as your AFL team, then so be it.
Re: Help me pick a team!

Let's go back to what started this off....

Again, nothing personal or aggro here, just delving into the topic....

The comment you made, mcgarnacle, was in direct reply to the comment about the Browns being one of the most storied franchises. The implication at the time of the post being something like, "No, the Browns dont have a storied history anymore, the Ravens do because that's who the old Browns are."

If we all agree and confirm that actually the new and old Browns are one and the same after all, then it renders that debate moot. No need to mention it 'as tho' slighting the Browns. That the old Browns ownership and executive staff (THE FRANCHISE, to be specific) all moved over to the new Ravens organization, is true, and we all agree that happened. But it has no relevance to the topic of "Old Browns : New Browns".

It's just a dirty and complicated little sequence of events that occured that brought about a 'new franchise' in Baltimore (despite it transporting from the former Browns). Modell relinquished all entitlement to the Browns name, colors, history, in doing so. He wanted to move HIS organization from Cleveland to Baltimore, but wanted to change the name and colors etc etc, totally killing off a storied heritage. Like Oilers-Titans. And Modell was allowed to do so on the proviso of this new team name/colors NOT taking the Browns history with him. The NFL agreeing that the "Browns" heritage and importance to the NFL-landscape, was far bigger than Modell, that there should not be an NFL without THE Cleveland Browns in it.

Like heritage listings, there are certain historical 'icons' in the NFL that would be considered that way, namely----Browns, Packers, Bears, Raiders, Chiefs, Giants, that would be preserved and revived if something occured a la Modell's treachery.

yep, i posted the original comment in a rush, so i can see the confusion that it may have caused. but in the posts since then, ive clarified (or hoped to) what i meant.

reacher and chris commented that the browns have a great history and are a storied franchise. no dispute with that from me. since then, you and i agree that the browns franchise and legacy continues in cleveland, but i say that the current browns organisation is a brand new body/organisation/club that inherited this. so my opinion is that they are not one and the same. They look the same, but scratch the surface and its a totally different operation behind it. its the organisation that builds the franchise, not the other way round.

as i wrote in a prior post, the rooney organisation built the steelers legacy.......the davis organisation built the raiders legacy..........etc........

the people and systems in place determined the direction of their respective franchises. even when an owner sells a team, the structure/systems remain in place for the the new owner to continue the going concern, to thrive or perhaps **** it up with bad decisions. but in cleveland between 1996-1999, a whole new organisation was formed and it's associated new culture created and put in place. the logo and colours may be the same, but the organisational culture and old browns know-how is not. they are simply continuing the name.

and so the organisation owned by mcbride/jones/modell built the browns legacy, not the one owned by the Lerner. What old Lerner did was purchase the rights to the Browns, not the actual organisation that was behind the Browns because this was relocated to Baltimore.

this is what I wanted chris or any new supporter to know. from all that, they can decide to support my opinion, side with yours and woodson, or from their own.
Re: Who should I support?

u don't pick your team, your team picks you...

if you just decide on a team, you'll never be passionate about them. watch a few games, see if any of them draw you in.

the added bonus of this is that if you base your decision on who you're watching, you know you'll end up supporting a team that you're going to actually get to watch occasionally.

for me the decision to 'join' the eagles was made in this way. being a west coast fan, the eagles affinity was already there... having so much opportunity to watch them made it much easier...

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Re: Help me pick a team!

It's a bit like a chicken or egg debate because the point you're emphasizing (while it is true in a historical sense) doesn't have any bearing on the topic of "old browns vs new browns" considering that they are both one and the same.

Put it this way....all that happened, in a roundabout way, was essentially this....

Modell sells Browns to Lerner, Modell wins a new expansion franchise with the NFL called the Ravens, Modell hires/brings over the complete staff of the former team he owned over to his new franchise, Lerner hires a completely new staff for the continuing Browns franchise.

You're getting hung up imo on the franchise/ownership structure. It's completely different to an Al Davis analogy. Being Davis IS the raiders. Modell isnt the Browns and never was the Browns. In fact Paul Brown has far more claim to that, and when he left to start up Cincinnati Bengals, he didnt take the history with him either, even tho he took their uniforms etc.
Re: Who should I support?

Recommending ANYONE follow ANY team is stupid, its got to be your own decision. If it's some stupid reason like because they wear the same colours as your AFL team, then so be it.

What's the reference to my post you're replying regards to, Nappies?? I just agreed with STKO. Are you just pulling my chain? ;)

Colors are subjective.. but then again so are opinions. My Steelers sell to Chadwiko last year was more about gaining appreciation for a team that has so much in common with North. Since he is a highly stung North fan.. so I'm backflipping on comments abit. Just a matter of educating some of the newbies of what to look for in some players is all I was doing. To just say "YOU MUST FOLLOW team X.. is not the way to do it.. influence and appreciation is something else and the more they watch, (all teams), then they'll garner their choice in with abit more conviction. Goedy is the ideal recent example. Was appreciative of many players/ teams then he just settled on the Chargers. Good on him.
Re: Who should I support?

You don't HAVE to follow or support a particular team in order to enjoy the sport. I realise this concept seems outrageous to most but you'll find it's true.

Never said that FL18.. it's a horses for courses thing. Our last AE member, Wolfmother2, is a college fan and partial to the Colts if any team in the NFL.
Re: New to NFL and looking for a team to follow

I've got a few questions, and thought i'd bump my original thread here rather than starting a whole new one :)

  1. When does the NFL season start?
  2. Is ONEHD likely to show many Redskins games? I understand that they tend to show a few NFC east games, so i've got my fingers crossed
  3. How do people predict the Redskins will fare this year? Are we a genuine playoffs chance? Our new DT (Heynesworth?) seems to be very highly regarded...

Cheers in advance (again) guys :D
Re: Who should I support?

I would suggest supporting developing teams and gain satisifaction on watching them growm instead of jumping on a elite franchise band wagon.

AFC Suggestion for developing teams to watch for:
1. Miami Dolphins - wildcat offense is fun!
2. NY Jets -Mark Sanchez will be good and exciting @ QB + their already solid D and run game.

NFC Suggestions
1. Atlanta Falcons - OFFENSE! + constant BLITZING on D!
2. San Francisco 49ers - They compete in my teams div (Cards) so i hope they don't get too much better but they are looking ok and thier young.

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Re: New to NFL and looking for a team to follow

As i posted on a similar thread support teams merging from piles of extrement instead of elites. IMO here are the one to take a look at.

AFC Suggestion for developing teams to watch for:
1. Miami Dolphins - wildcat offense is fun!
2. NY Jets -Mark Sanchez will be good and exciting @ QB + their already solid D and run game.

NFC Suggestions
1. Atlanta Falcons - OFFENSE! + constant BLITZING on D!
2. San Francisco 49ers - They compete in my teams div (Cards) so i hope they don't get too much better but they should finally make a move.

But if you are to choose and elite team make it Da Bears!
Re: New to NFL and looking for a team to follow

How do people predict the Redskins will fare this year? Are we a genuine playoffs chance? Our new DT (Heynesworth?) seems to be very highly regarded...

Their division will be a slaughter house like it was last year :eek:
Re: Who should I support?

What's the reference to my post you're replying regards to, Nappies?? I just agreed with STKO. Are you just pulling my chain? ;)

I was jumping on the anti-Lions push bandwagon as well, but then also jumping on the anti-influencing anyone to support someone bandwagon.

I appreciate many of the wiser heads are merely telling newbies what certain clubs are like, gamestyle, how the club conduct themselves, but at the end of the day who you support is a personal choice, and having 14 "who should i support" threads is ridiculous. Watch the game for yourself!
Re: New to NFL and looking for a team to follow

NFL Season starts Sep 10 (US time).

One HD will likely have a number of Redskins games. If you're interested tho, you'd be better off buying NFL Game Pass, spending $60 USD to have HD access online to every Redskins game this season. Can view it live and view it up to 48 hrs after a game has played. You could spend $250 USD to have full access to see every NFL game. But the other is the best way imo, and then you watch the rest of the NFL games (the few here and there that interest you) on One HD and myp2p.eu

Redskins MIGHT push for a playoff spot imo. They're always a good team. 6-10 at their worst.
Re: New to NFL and looking for a team to follow

Redskins MIGHT push for a playoff spot imo. They're always a good team. 6-10 at their worst.


I reckon you've been ZNORTING too much gun powder GG... or is that just an August activity to get FIRED Up for the NFL season?? :D

You know that the Skins need to start winning 'On the Road' to have any hope of re-loading for the BIG GUNS of Play-off calibre. ;)
Re: New to NFL and looking for a team to follow

Check the Sunday and Monday night games on the schedule, that's what 10HD show.

Apart from that, it's pretty much unknown (to me anyway) which early game they will chose to show each week.

I'm pretty sure they show AFC (CBS affiliate) games as Fox always show NFC games.

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