Hird, Charter and the Feds. Why have the media not touched this?

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Hird's rebuttal of the police investigation claim is very firm.

However Robinson didn't say Hird's house was raided by the AFP, he said Hird said it was. Hard to mount a slander case on that, it is just one person's word against another.
John Silvester also deny Hirds house was ever raided.
I think those that Robinson has said it, it is up to him to proove it was said?

BigFooty Lawyers Baldur , Higgs Boson ?

The texts and the raid claim just confirm what most here suspected, Weap put a bit of gravy on his claim re: his limited involvement in the program.

Doesn't mean the others are innocent, just that his story should be treated the same as all the others, with a massive grain of salt
John Silvester also deny Hirds house was ever raided.
I think those that Robinson has said it, it is up to him to proove it was said?

BigFooty Lawyers Baldur , Higgs Boson ?


Yes up to Robinson to prove it, but Robinson did not say that Hirds house was raided, just that Hird said it was. Hirds first problem is this even defamation? People bullshit all the time and even if his house was raided it does not mean Hird is a bad man.

Assuming he can show that it is defamation. Then both give evidance and who the judge believes wins on the balance of probabilites. Frankly if there ever is a defamation case over this the police raid will be little more then colour.
For the OP: Because it's not at all true in any way.

Though, that hasn't stopped them with the rest of their 'reporting', I guess...

What's not at all true?

That Charter supplied EFC?
That Hird knew of Charters involvement in the supply chain?
John Silvester also deny Hirds house was ever raided.
I think those that Robinson has said it, it is up to him to proove it was said?

BigFooty Lawyers Baldur , Higgs Boson ?

Of course, no-one has to prove anything unless proceedings are brought. If they are, my very rudimentary understanding is Hird would have to show the statement made had defamatory imputations, and then Weap could avoid liability by showing the statement is true. That's a very potted summary though

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Stay on topic op...
What's not at all true?

That Charter supplied EFC?
That Hird knew of Charters involvement in the supply chain?

But your thread is about why the raids not big news isnt it?... you do realise other people tell lies to substanciate their own lies dont you?

How about you stay on your own irelevent topic, topic mate... sheesh
Didn't Robinson say Hird had told him this? Perhaps Hird had said something "yeah, police questioned me and went through my stuff when Shane got in strife"... and it was taken out of context?

Who really knows, I think in the HS text messages though, it shows Robinson was not as immune from the supplement program as he tried to make out. Someone on this board, I forget who said when Robinson and Dank were at Manly, there was a 'shed' only Robinson and Dank were allowed into, I think it might have been RFCTiger74. Those two seem to have a close relationship in that area, now Robinson is trying to distance himself, and throw the pressure on Hird?
John Silvester also deny Hirds house was ever raided.
I think those that Robinson has said it, it is up to him to proove it was said?

BigFooty Lawyers Baldur , Higgs Boson ?


If Robinson said his house was raided and it wasn't, trouble. But he didn't say that.

But no way this particular claim goes to court. I am sure Robinson didn't completely make it up, he may have embellished Hird's own words about being questioned by police. They probably questioned Hird at his house and whatever conversation Hird and Robinson had about that is anyone's guess.

I am assuming here that Robinson isn't completely making it up. If he is, then he has stuffed his whole case and can kiss goodbye any money he earned from this interview, with interest.

My view is Hird would be foolish to take Robinson to court at all. Will just keep his and Essendon's association with a convicted drug trafficker in the news for longer.
I'm with you Echols - the EFC PR machine has done a terrific job keeping us and the media all obsessing over the technicalities around AOD when there are plenty of other things worth scrutinising in all this.
Weapon's credibility takes a hit

So this is:

Danks fault
Weapons fault
Caros fault
Riemers fault
Robsons fault
Kennetts fault
Media in generals fault
Demetrious fault
Doc Reids fault

anyone Ive missed?

Remember it is a classic tactic of the corrupt and powerful to discredit the whistle blower. It seems the Hird camp is straight on with that old routine.
One thing is for certain - The Hird/Charter/Dank triumvirate is dodgy as all hell.

What I find great is, according to the Weap, it's Dank and Hirdy who did all the nasty stuff.

According to Essendon/Hird, it's Weap and Dank who were to blame.

If we were to ask Dank, what answer would we get it?

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Hird, Charter and the Feds. Why have the media not touched this?

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