Hird's Legal Team : "Demetriou Conflicted" - The Age 12/8

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I think Andrew Demetriou will feel that the AFL needs to be seen to be delivering a punishment that is consistent with the length of time the investigation has taken and consistent with the tone of the commentary from the usuals. It is becoming more about delivering the several pounds of flesh demanded by the media commentators, wrapping the Bombers up with a bow and saying "we've investigated for 6 months and we've found all the drugs - they're all here" as opposed to delivering a punishment that fits the crime.

I don't know what the crime is - I seriously can't wait.

I think Essendon fans have convinced themselves that this is the case, convinced themselves the result has no correlation with their actions.

All neutral fans want is the truth and justice, whatever that will be.
Someone needs to tell Hird that no on really cares about Demitriou in all of this.

This is about what he led his coaching department to do re supplements. He and his club are the ones in the gun, not Demitriou. As others have mentioned if they go into the next phases of the investigation without the AFL on their side players will be suspended by ASADA.

As for this mythical phone call the story I heard is that Evans called the meeting at his home to find out what had happened after constant calls from the media. After Hird and Corcoron explained he wanted to self report to the AFL and ASADA, Hird and Corcoron did not, there was an impasse.

Demitriou then returned Evans call, Vlad said nothing re the investigation but Evans decided to tell a white lie by saying the AFL was aware of the issue. This forced Hird and Corcoron to give in and agree to self report.

That is why Evans was torn, he told a white lie to get the outcome he wanted. Anyway all alledged, but plausible as all parties are adamament re their stories.

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I think Andrew Demetriou will feel that the AFL needs to be seen to be delivering a punishment that is consistent with the length of time the investigation has taken and consistent with the tone of the commentary from the usuals.

Others might believe that it is essential that the AFL is seen to deliver the most serious punishment it ever has, given that this is by far the most serious offence in the history of the game.
It's in everyone's interest for Demetriou to stand aside from the Commission's decision-making. Every side thinks he is biased.

I am more than happy for this to happen. I'm sure I read somewhere that he wouldn't be participating in any case. (one of the million or so news articles written on this topic!).
I think Essendon fans have convinced themselves that this is the case, convinced themselves the result has no correlation with their actions.

All neutral fans want is the truth and justice, whatever that will be.
Don't lump me in as "delusional Essendon fan #217", I want the punishment to fit the crime absolutely, but I want to know what the **** happened and then be able to assess what sanctions are appropriate
IF Demetriou has any fault in this, its his desire to limit the public damage to the league at almost any cost. The last thing the Commission would have wanted is for a big club to have this sort of issue, to the point where it gets international media coverage. There are further 9 members of the Commission at the moment, at least 6 of whom arent associated with Essendon.
Hird & Essendon obviously believe AndyD is working to a predetermined outcome. It is why Evans is gone and it's why Tim Watson made his "offensive" comments.

I'd love them to publicly say why they believe this.

Personally I don't blame Essendon if they fight this to the hilt. I reckon they are as guilty as hell but the way the past 6 months have been handled is an absolute farce.

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Don't lump me in as "delusional Essendon fan #217", I want the punishment to fit the crime absolutely, but I want to know what the **** happened and then be able to assess what sanctions are appropriate

I think the Ziggy report should be enough mate.
The AFL have created a rod for its own back here. ASADA releasing an interim report has only confused the seperate issues. The AFL imposed sanctions have nothing to do with PED's, it is to do with governance and duty of care to its players.
There is a pattern appearing of Hird making poor judgement calls on those he surrounds himself with?
To be honest, as a tactic, I think this is just a first step.

I think they're working toward a point where it is recognised that the AFL (the executive OR the commission) is in no position to make a just, unbiased call on this case, and any finding or sanction they deliver would be illegitmate.

First shot is fired in Vlads direction. He falls (in terms of this case), it's a big scalp.
To be honest, as a tactic, I think this is just a first step.

I think they're working toward a point where it is recognised that the AFL (the executive OR the commission) is in no position to make a just, unbiased call on this case, and any finding or sanction they deliver would be illegitmate.

First shot is fired in Vlads direction. He falls (in terms of this case), it's a big scalp.

I personally think, based on what we've seen in the media, they should want the AFL to make the decision, not WADA or ASADA. The AFL, wherever possible, will ensure the damage to the competition is as minimal as possible. ASADA and WADA don't give a flying fig about our competition and wouldn't blink at removing Essendon for a year or two. AFL definitely don't want that to happen because it screws with their bottom line.

IMO it's a stupid, stupid move by Hird and Essendon to get the AFL off side.
To be honest, as a tactic, I think this is just a first step.

I think they're working toward a point where it is recognised that the AFL (the executive OR the commission) is in no position to make a just, unbiased call on this case, and any finding or sanction they deliver would be illegitmate.

First shot is fired in Vlads direction. He falls (in terms of this case), it's a big scalp.

Gee that will be clever. So the AFL stands aside and hands it over the ASADA/WADA, good luck with that.

If two players are suspended, then ASADA and WADA get to impose team based and competition penalites.

Who do you reckon will go easier on you? Be careful what you wish for, the only other party with an interest in trying to get Essendon's players through this without utter carnage is the AFL, the other parties do not care one bit. Essendon and Hird are being idiots.
Don't lump me in as "delusional Essendon fan #217", I want the punishment to fit the crime absolutely, but I want to know what the **** happened and then be able to assess what sanctions are appropriate

Yeah fair enough.

I think the AFL will justify the reasons for penalties, but they won't provide enough detail publicly to provide confidence to both Essendon and non-Essendon fans that the penalties are suitable.
ASADA and WADA have no power to sanction Essendon FC. Its written in stone in the AFL Anti Doping Code.

They can and might sanction individual players, but that's it.

Yet Essendon are fighting the AFL Anti doping code by insisting the AFL NOT be the ones to hand down punishment on the Club. Can't have it both ways. If they don't want AFL to administer the Anti-Doping code, then team based doping rules from WADA code applies, and ASADA absolute CAN throw the team out of the competition. Essendon need to tread very, very carefully IMO.
Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/demetriou-conflicted-20130811-2rq9o.html#ixzz2bfNiIH1u

Well if you are going to go down, you may as well go down swinging.

But don't for one moment think that Vlad & his cronies at AFL House will do the Bombers any favours going forward.

Bad move by Hird & his team, this individual battle with Demetriou is only going to end in tears and lots of them.

Oh well, pass me the popcorn please ............

And Memebership fees going directly into the Lawyers pockets.
They won't be getting mine next year thats for sure!
ASADA and WADA have no power to sanction Essendon FC. Its written in stone in the AFL Anti Doping Code.

They can and might sanction individual players, but that's it.

Lol, yeah good luck fielding a team then, they will just rule half your side out for 2 years and the AFL refuses to allow you to recruit as they will still be contracting and part of your list.

You are friggen deluded.

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Hird's Legal Team : "Demetriou Conflicted" - The Age 12/8

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