Soz for the late reply, but this is a brilliant post and makes it easy to decipher the face of the veiled activist (Milligan).Interesting comments made around the 34:00 minute mark...
Just the way it was stitched together and the obvious things which went unsaid.
Chloe Clark (LGBT activist from Amnesty International)
"Everyone has the right to be who they are and express that and to be safe doing so.
It's absolutely a human rights issue that no one is openly gay in the AFL at the moment."
Tanya Hosch (AFL's general manager of inclusion and social policy)
"Mmm.. Yeah... It is... [a human rights issue??] However, we are also told by clubs and club leaders that they do know who their gay team-mates are. They're just choosing not to make it more widely public..."
Louise Milligan (ABC interviewer)
"But why are they choosing that? Because they don't feel safe. They don't feel safe going to Brownlow and flagging that this is their male partner. So it's not about necessarily having a big press conference and telegraphing to the world who you are, but just living your life."
Milligan was pontificating, making her own statement. Not really asking Tanya Hosch a question. She is trying to tell us all how homophobic the AFL is. That's her whole angle. But it doesn't add up. We are told that within AFL clubs, people know who their gay teammates are. So it isn't a secret. They know. They're respecting their gay teammates' rights to privacy by not gossiping nor broadcasting it publicly. It seems to me that gay AFL players are being themselves and living authentically. They're just choosing to keep their privacy and not make a public spectacle of their sexuality. Good for them. Why should they? They're not LGBT activists. They are footballers.
The other inescapable conclusion I make from that is they aren't wary of homophobic attitudes from within their club or the AFL, but from the general public... Homophobic attacks from drunk low-IQ bogans in the street and from cowardly anonymous trolls on social media. As public figures, they make a simple decision not to put themselves through that crap and I don't blame them. But the LGBT activists just hate that... They need to blame someone.... Let's blame the AFL, hey?
The ABC's Milligan tells us the AFL is the "only sporting league in the world" not to have an openly gay player. But she failed to mention the abuse and homophobic attacks endured by gay athletes in other sporting competitions; and that's the reason why there are so few openly gay athletes in other sports leagues.
Who is the gay rugby player in the NRL? Ian Roberts??? LOL! He played in the 1990's! What about the past 25 years? Who are the gay NRL players? Where are they? Why are they hiding? Why doesn't Milligan include them in her story? Surely the NRL is a FAR more homophobic environment than the GayFL (that's what many league fans call our sport )
This is typical of the ABC, or anyone else in the media with an agenda. They love to use the AFL as their political football to get their ratings and clicks. They don't care if their attack on the AFL is unfair... which it clearly is... as the AFL has demonstrated they provide a safe, inclusive environment for gay players. I don't think the AFL has a homophobic culture. The issue is with a minority of knuckleheads in society.
No wonder nobody wanted to talk to Milligan. They can see it's a stitch up. But she acts like they're too scared and too ashamed. Pfft.
Showing 25 year old clips of Sam Newman and Billy Brainless being clowns on the The Footy Show doesn't prove the AFL is a homophobic environment. That's Channel 9 being an non-inclusive, unsafe environment... Not the AFL.
Same with highlighting Jason Akermanis's contrarian, attention-seeking, idiotic views. He is one person. And look what happened to him for expressing those views 12-13 years ago!! He was marginalised by his own teammates! It was the beginning of the end for him. Eventually sacked.
Didn't that tell us something about how far the AFL has progressed since the days when Newman and Brownless played, back when homophobic attitudes were the norm?
I would really like to know if this is by deliberation or an unconscious agenda i:e not deliberately pushing an agenda but rather can't help themselves so inadvertently push it anyway.
More broadly that veiling goes on in all spheres of societal issues, in all corners of ideological spectrum, whether deliberate or not.