How many minutes of good footy do geelong have to play to beat hawthorn ?

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some nerd talk going on here people :thumbsdown:

Geelong Crazy 26 - what sort of a limp dick response is this???

Clearly I have over-estimated you.

Rather than being the Colonel Kurtz of Bay 13, you are actually our Colonel Harland Sanders, cane and all.

In that context, "the Horror, the Horror" refers to your Boneless Chicken rather than the atrocity of the human condition.

Now, I am all for redemption GC 26. Clearly you have to beef up. And no, I am not referring to Joe Weeder's Muscle Dust.

If you are to get anywhere in life, Geelong Crazy 26, you need to incarnate William Blake's Proverbs of Hell from his work, the Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

Now, much like the Marines in 'Nam used to inscribe the Peace symbols on their helmets when they were hunting Charlie, well GC26, I want you to pick two of them - yes, two of them - and use a permanent marker to write them onto your propeller-head hat.

Moreover, you will then wear this propeller-head hat when you next visit Zombie Park to watch the Mighty Geelong Cats.

Please let me know which two you have selected, and I want documentary proof that you are wearing the hat with the aphorisms on match-day.

Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead.
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity.
He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence.
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star.
Eternity is in love with the productions of time.
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.

Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion.
The pride of the peacock is the glory of God.
The lust of the goat is the bounty of God.
The wrath of the lion is the wisdom of God.
The nakedness of woman is the work of God.
The roaring of lions, the howling of wolves, the raging of the stormy sea, and the destructive sword, are portions of eternity too great for the eye of man.
The fox condemns the trap, not himself.
Let man wear the fell of the lion. woman the fleece of the sheep.
What is now proved was once only imagin'd.
The cistern contains: the fountain overflows.
One thought fills immensity.
Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you.
Every thing possible to be believ'd is an image of truth.
The eagle never lost so much time, as when he submitted to learn of the crow
(make of that what you want)

If you are to get anywhere in life, Geelong Crazy 26, you need to incarnate William Blake's Proverbs of Hell from his work, the Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
[Biff is drivin' down that road in a big 18 wheeler full of excess]

If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise. [but don't tell the fools this, it'll only encourage them]
Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion.
The nakedness of woman is the work of God.
[if god built the brothels and the ho's, what's left for satan to tempt us with?]

The cistern drains: the toilet overflows.
[Blake was a plumber?]

The Eagles never lost so much time, as when they lost to the Crows.

My favourite work by Blake is the brilliantly allegorical: "The Cat Sat on the Mat"
Well obviously we all agree it's one day at a time and all that shit. But if we end up playing in a final I just think we are capable of playing at a higher intensity than you guys. That may or may not be enough to beat you but I'm loving the ride so am happy to crap on about it :p
higher intensity? like 119 point gf intensity, or comeback from 38 points intensity... the worst game of footy ive ever attended was the hawks v roos final and the hawks showed zero intensity.

im more worried about your freak players.

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Since the start of the season we have watched geelong tease the opposition by letting them get a head start and thinking they are chance of winning then and than crushing their hopes by deciding to play a few good minutes of footy

The question is how many minutes of good footy do geelong have to play to beat hawthorn ? I would say 20 mins of good footy would do it and than we can all sit back and watch the hawthorn supporters have their big cry.

geelong are 100 points better than them, just look at how good geelong are when they actually try its like they are a level above AFL standard.Just imagine what will happen when they play like that for 4 quarters

why troll?
"...I'm a little man, I'm a little man, he's... he's a great man.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across floors of silent seas... "


"What are they gonna say about him? What are they gonna say? That he was a kind man?
That he was a wise man? That he had plans? That he had wisdom? Bullshit man!"

Strewth, Mr Lizard.

Is that Freddy Mercury journeying up the Barwon River to track down Geelong Crazy 26 with the intention of asking GC 26 to participate in a remake of the video to "I Want to Break Free"?

And then, yes, followed by a session where GC 26 is acquainted with Freddy's hard-to-meet needs?


"I don't understand what you are talking about. Stop hijacking my thread and go back to slinging shit. :mad:"

Can I ask in general: since the debacle on Friday night, have there been any garbed radio-transmissions received from the Cambodian border by Bay 13 Military Intelligence, or has Colonel Kurtz (let us be generous towards Geelong Crazy 26) immersed himself in other activities ("God dammit - how does that epic novel Jim and Jan finally end?")

Since the start of the season we have watched geelong tease the opposition by letting them get a head start and thinking they are chance of winning then and than crushing their hopes by deciding to play a few good minutes of footy

The question is how many minutes of good footy do geelong have to play to beat hawthorn ? I would say 20 mins of good footy would do it and than we can all sit back and watch the hawthorn supporters have their big cry.

geelong are 100 points better than them, just look at how good geelong are when they actually try its like they are a level above AFL standard.Just imagine what will happen when they play like that for 4 quarters

More than what they did against Collingwood :D
Can I ask in general: since the debacle on Friday night, have there been any garbed radio-transmissions received from the Cambodian border by Bay 13 Military Intelligence, or has Colonel Kurtz (let us be generous towards Geelong Crazy 26) immersed himself in other activities ("God dammit - how does that epic novel Jim and Jan finally end?")


You do know there is an easy way to find this out for yourself Biff?
Can I ask in general: since the debacle on Friday night, have there been any garbed radio-transmissions received from the Cambodian border by Bay 13 Military Intelligence, or has Colonel Kurtz (let us be generous towards Geelong Crazy 26) immersed himself in other activities ("God dammit - how does that epic novel Jim and Jan finally end?")


Charlie don't surf.
Can I ask in general: since the debacle on Friday night, have there been any garbed radio-transmissions received from the Cambodian border by Bay 13 Military Intelligence, or has Colonel Kurtz (let us be generous towards Geelong Crazy 26) immersed himself in other activities ("God dammit - how does that epic novel Jim and Jan finally end?")


Is there evidence of the existence of this?

p.s. Jim fails to emerge from his mid life crisis and condemns the relationship to 30 more years of cynical monotony. Jan lacks the courage to leave in these unstable times, what with interest rates rising and Putin exiting the Kremlin etc.

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Ya know, Megadeth always told me that 'military intelligence' were two words combined that can't make sense. In Bay 13's case, they make even LESS sense...

I think the phrase you're looking for is an oxymoron.
An oxymoron.
And while I'm on the topic, based on last Friday night's performance, they might actually have to put in a considerable amount of minutes to come away with the "W" there.
I was quoting song lyrics, you snapper head.

Song lyrics.

By the way, isn't an oxymoron also a Hawthorn supporter carrying a gas cannister?

Well yes, but granted, Military Intelligence is still an oxymoron.
Yes, that Hawthorn thing is also one.

'snapper head'



Bay 13 Military Intelligence has learnt that the Poor Man's Colonel Kurtz, Geelong Crazy 26, has set up a ten foot high inflatable Brad "Louis Vuitton" Ottens statue in his fortified mobile-home compound, and now his fellow Geelong Zombies are worshipping it as a god.

His command has to be terminated.

He has gone troppo from all the Barwon River Mosquito bites and an exclusive diet of cheezels.

A Bay 13 Gunboat, therefore, has to travel up the Barwon River to this end.

I nominate the following posters to undertake this frightful mission:

As Captain Willard: well, I could easily nominate H2F, as he would unhesitatingly fulfill the mission and do so with relish. That being said, he would be too easily distracted by the Asian women on the way with the big cans.

I need someone who is going to still quietly by himself in the back of the gunboat with the Bay 13 Military Intelligence dossier in hand and a glint in his eye. That means Keefrithhard.

The Cook: well, it can only be one person, and we know who that is Bushie. Go easy on the M-60 and the Mo.

The Captain of the Gunboat: I need someone who, like his cinematic mirror, is somewhat uptight. One candidate comes to mind: my West Horshamite comrade, Exit. Captain Exit, this could be your moment.

The Jim Morrison acid-head surfer type: this is a hard one, and no one really comes to mind on bay 13. I will need to import an actor at this point, and it can only be Nitro Tiger from the website that we dare not mention. He is not of this earth. "She comes in colours everywhere, she combs her hair, she's like a rainbow" - The Stones, 1967.

That leaves the young Lawrence Fisburne gunner at the front. I have always liked BWST. he has got plenty of fight, and this attribute will be needed if Geelong Crazy 26 is to meet his metaphorical demise.

please let me know, gentlemen, if you are willing to travel up the Barwon River to the Heart of Darkness, the Inner Station, and the lair of Geelong Crazy 26.


Bay 13 Military Intelligence has learnt that the Poor Man's Colonel Kurtz, Geelong Crazy 26, has set up a ten foot high inflatable Brad "Louis Vuitton" Ottens statue in his fortified mobile-home compound, and now his fellow Geelong Zombies are worshipping it as a god.

His command has to be terminated.

He has gone troppo from all the Barwon River Mosquito bites and an exclusive diet of cheezels.

A Bay 13 Gunboat, therefore, has to travel up the Barwon River to this end.

I nominate the following posters to undertake this frightful mission:

As Captain Willard: well, I could easily nominate H2F, as he would unhesitatingly fulfill the mission and do so with relish. That being said, he would be too easily distracted by the Asian women on the way with the big cans.

I need someone who is going to still quietly by himself in the back of the gunboat with the Bay 13 Military Intelligence dossier in hand and a glint in his eye. That means Keefrithhard.

The Cook: well, it can only be one person, and we know who that is Bushie. Go easy on the M-60 and the Mo.

The Captain of the Gunboat: I need someone who, like his cinematic mirror, is somewhat uptight. One candidate comes to mind: my West Horshamite comrade, Exit. Captain Exit, this could be your moment.

The Jim Morrison acid-head surfer type: this is a hard one, and no one really comes to mind on bay 13. I will need to import an actor at this point, and it can only be Nitro Tiger from the website that we dare not mention. He is not of this earth. "She comes in colours everywhere, she combs her hair, she's like a rainbow" - The Stones, 1967.

That leaves the young Lawrence Fisburne gunner at the front. I have always liked BWST. he has got plenty of fight, and this attribute will be needed if Geelong Crazy 26 is to meet his metaphorical demise.

please let me know, gentlemen, if you are willing to travel up the Barwon River to the Heart of Darkness, the Inner Station, and the lair of Geelong Crazy 26.


Who can be the photojournalist? And for that matter which poor demented Bay 13 souls can play the poor demented French souls left behind to defend their plantation.

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How many minutes of good footy do geelong have to play to beat hawthorn ?

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