How to lose 20kg

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Whilst i am not advocating soft drinks as healthy, if you still control your overall calorie intake you will still lose weight even whilst consuming sugary drinks. But if you are on 2000 calories a day wasting 300 calories on a soft drink isn't worth it.

Is this as good as drinking water instead. NO. Is sugar/sweetners some kind of magic where it binds calories so you can't lose weight whilst in a deficit. NO. If you aren't losing weight and drinking soft drinks, then you aren't in a calorie deficit.
This is false. The role of insulin in fat storage, hunger hormone regulation and blood sugar crashes (making you feel hungry even if you aren't) are well documented now. 2000 calories is 2000 calories but how your body regulates and burns these calories will vary if you are having insulin yo-yos. Also limiting yourself and not feeling like shit and hungry is also an issue when insulin is on a rollercoaster ride.

Anecdotally, I packed on the kgs eating sugar and processed carbs and got to 95kg by the time I was 25. I INCREASED the number of calories I ate on keto to between 2500-3000 calories and managed to lose weight and recomp to 75kg in under a year. I have stayed for at that weight for 6 years and increased to 80kg (muscle) since. The only difference apart from diet has been 3-4 half hour weight sessions per week (initially stronglifts now GZCLP).

Key outcome is lift weights, that will speed up your metabolism and don't give your body a reason to store fat (insulin spikes).
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I never said I wanted to lose 20kg in 6-8 weeks. I would be happy if I could get back to my "normal self" by march/april of next year.

spot on mate do it in a sustainable way. Work back from the date you want to achieve it by and use that as your goal. A little planning goes a long way. The golden rule is to burn more Kjs than you consume. So it is worthwhile working out how much you are eating v burning. A food/exercise diary or app does help for this sort of thing.
This is false. The role of insulin in fat storage, hunger hormone regulation and blood sugar crashes (making you feel hungry even if you aren't) are well documented now. 2000 calories is 2000 calories but how your body regulates and burns these calories will vary if you are having insulin yo-yos. Also limiting yourself and not feeling like sh*t and hungry is also an issue when insulin is on a rollercoaster ride.

Anecdotally, I packed on the kgs eating sugar and processed carbs and got to 95kg by the time I was 25. I INCREASED the number of calories I ate on keto to between 2500-3000 calories and managed to lose weight and recomp to 75kg in under a year. I have stayed for at that weight for 6 years and increased to 80kg (muscle) since. The only difference apart from diet has been 3-4 half hour weight sessions per week (initially stronglifts now GZCLP).

Key outcome is lift weights, that will speed up your metabolism and don't give your body a reason to store fat (insulin spikes).

Gaining weight means you are overeating simple as that, if you weren't losing weight you weren't in a calorie deficit.

You can provide all the studies you want, all the anecdotal evidence you want, Keto isn't magic.

What makes you feel better or what is inherently healthier, there is no debate there. You can lose weight eating junk food, but its kinda like using the shittyE10 fuel vs premium.

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spot on mate do it in a sustainable way. Work back from the date you want to achieve it by and use that as your goal. A little planning goes a long way. The golden rule is to burn more Kjs than you consume. So it is worthwhile working out how much you are eating v burning. A food/exercise diary or app does help for this sort of thing.
cheers mate. kinda depressed right now... well actually I have severe depression and I can't really find a way to motivate myself but I need to start. the first steps are always the hardest.
cheers mate. kinda depressed right now... well actually I have severe depression and I can't really find a way to motivate myself but I need to start. the first steps are always the hardest.

just get moving mate. Rome wasn’t built in a day. You’ll be surprised how much exercising will help with how you’re feeling
hi guys,

during isolation I have gained 20kg. I feel down and depressed.

whats the best way to lose 20kg and how long will it take me to get back into the shape I was in back in march?

thank you.

Take it one day at time and don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day. The key is to make those days as infrequent as possible. Rome wasn't built in a day.

I dropped about 20kg a couple of years ago. Both because of a changed diet and more regular exercise. Cut out Maccas, KFC, Pizza, Kebabs and no sugary drinks. Rather than having them 2-3 times a week, turned into 2-3 times month which then turned into 2-3 times every six months to I cant remember the last time I had Maccas, KFC or Hungry Jacks. I might indulge in a margarita pizza every now and again. My takeout go-to is Poke bowls which are salad with either salmon or chicken. Out a restaurant to treat yourself? order veggies with your steak rather than chips.

It is a mental mindset you need to change. You need to learn how to shop and cook for healthy options. That takes time and effort and research, if you want it bad enough you'll put in the time to learn. You need to be patient though. Over time it becomes second nature and you'll realise you don't shop Isle 2 being the snacks and chocolate isle
Take it one day at time and don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day. The key is to make those days as infrequent as possible. Rome wasn't built in a day.

I dropped about 20kg a couple of years ago. Both because of a changed diet and more regular exercise. Cut out Maccas, KFC, Pizza, Kebabs and no sugary drinks. Rather than having them 2-3 times a week, turned into 2-3 times month which then turned into 2-3 times every six months to I cant remember the last time I had Maccas, KFC or Hungry Jacks. I might indulge in a margarita pizza every now and again. My takeout go-to is Poke bowls which are salad with either salmon or chicken. Out a restaurant to treat yourself? order veggies with your steak rather than chips.

It is a mental mindset you need to change. You need to learn how to shop and cook for healthy options. That takes time and effort and research, if you want it bad enough you'll put in the time to learn. You need to be patient though. Over time it becomes second nature and you'll realise you don't shop Isle 2 being the snacks and chocolate isle

100% this, don’t worry about the fad diet quackery people preach, just follow the above advice and keep it simple.
hi guys,

during isolation I have gained 20kg. I feel down and depressed.

whats the best way to lose 20kg and how long will it take me to get back into the shape I was in back in march?

thank you.

I stumbled across this a few weeks ago.
Australian Cricket team doctor tried a low carb diet then got a few players on it.
Since then I have basically cut right back on eating bread and I've lost about 3kg.

I've found it pretty easy because when you cut back on carbs you don't get as hungry which helps with eating less as well.
You don't need to count calories or anything just eat the foods that are low in carbs.

thanks everyone. I just want to feel normal again. I'm not myself.

I've lost 50kg in the last year and a half. 40kg of that since January. I was 130kg plus now I'm 80kg. I was very similar, depressed and would struggle to get through a full day of work. I was addicted to sugar and ended up pre diabetic on top of that.

You just have to start and once you see some results and feel better it gets easier. I workout but I've never done a lot of cardio to lose the weight. Mainly lifting weights which doesn't burn alot.

I tried keto and fasting etc... while they can work they are not sustainable imo. Well not for me anyway.

Low calorie dense food is the key. You can eat the volume and feel fuller but keep the calories low. Eat lots of fruit, veggies and salad and lean meats. Avoid nuts, pasta, sugar, processed carbs. Carbs aren't the devil like keto fanboys will preach but obviously don't go overboard. Bread is fine. Its actually better than rice if you look at the macros.

Liquid calories are the worst. No point wasting your calories there. Be careful of dressings and sauces, the cals can add up quick. Avoid snacking if you can, its easy to over do it. Popcorn and fruit are good choices if you need to. I eat 4 times a day and that's it. That's why fasting can work for some but don't over do it when it is finally time to eat.

Also sleep is very important.

Good luck.
I've lost 50kg in the last year and a half. 40kg of that since January. I was 130kg plus now I'm 80kg. I was very similar, depressed and would struggle to get through a full day of work. I was addicted to sugar and ended up pre diabetic on top of that.

You just have to start and once you see some results and feel better it gets easier. I workout but I've never done a lot of cardio to lose the weight. Mainly lifting weights which doesn't burn alot.

I tried keto and fasting etc... while they can work they are not sustainable imo. Well not for me anyway.

Low calorie dense food is the key. You can eat the volume and feel fuller but keep the calories low. Eat lots of fruit, veggies and salad and lean meats. Avoid nuts, pasta, sugar, processed carbs. Carbs aren't the devil like keto fanboys will preach but obviously don't go overboard. Bread is fine. Its actually better than rice if you look at the macros.

Liquid calories are the worst. No point wasting your calories there. Be careful of dressings and sauces, the cals can add up quick. Avoid snacking if you can, its easy to over do it. Popcorn and fruit are good choices if you need to. I eat 4 times a day and that's it. That's why fasting can work for some but don't over do it when it is finally time to eat.

Also sleep is very important.

Good luck.
thank you so very much!
Hey mate,

I've lost 30kg since January. Below was the process for me. It was all about changing habits and lifestyle. I set myself 6 week blocks of one change I was going to make and stacked the changes over time.

First 6 weeks I cut out booze and made sure to train 6 times a week, how hard I trained didnt matter it was all about making sure I got my 30 mins in for the day.

Next 6 weeks I added in light and easy 5 days a week and still allowed myself to eat whatever I liked on weekends.

Then I added in drinking on Friday and saturdays only again (this massively slowed my progress but I was still losing about half a kg a week)

After a few months of the above I've started another block of 6 weeks no booze and stricter diet on weekends.

The main point for me was consistency and small improvements overtime. Make today better than yesterday and if it isn't start by not having two bad days (missing training for example) in a row.

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I've found rating your achievements by the scale aren't the best way to do it. Just make incremental lifestyle changes that will make you feel better rather than wholesale diet and exercise changes, then rate your achievements on things like how awesome it is you trained six days a week for two weeks or how much better you feel physically or mentally and the scales take care of themselves.
I've found rating your achievements by the scale aren't the best way to do it. Just make incremental lifestyle changes that will make you feel better rather than wholesale diet and exercise changes, then rate your achievements on things like how awesome it is you trained six days a week for two weeks or how much better you feel physically or mentally and the scales take care of themselves.

Clothes are always a good guide of changes, in particularly your belt size coming in and your sleeves filling out in your tshirts.
Cut out Maccas, KFC, Pizza, Kebabs and no sugary drinks.

I think an important point to note here, is that no one is suggesting you never eat a burger or pizza again, but rather if you occasionally indulge is fine. By occasionally also I mean once a week or month. I havent had a burger this year but once every 3 months smash a pizza.

If you do, dont go to Maccas KFC etc. Go to a quality burger place or pizza place where they use quality ingredients to make their food.

Fast Food outlets use the cheapest ingredients.
I defiantly have but I'm still eating too much maccas unfortunately.

At uni, I went through a phase of junk food 24/7 brekkie, lunch and dinner.

It will take time for you to break the cycle.

Not sure of your age, height, BMI etc etc, but I will give you the heads up here, continue with Maccas/fast food at your peril. Genuinely believe once you balloon out to over 120kgs + its game over, you will be overweight for life. Sure some recover and fight back, the majority remain overweight/obese for the rest of their lives. With that comes the complications of obesity.

Good doco, if you have never seen it before.

At uni, I went through a phase of junk food 24/7 brekkie, lunch and dinner.

It will take time for you to break the cycle.

Not sure of your age, height, BMI etc etc, but I will give you the heads up here, continue with Maccas/fast food at your peril. Genuinely believe once you balloon out to over 120kgs + its game over, you will be overweight for life. Sure some recover and fight back, the majority remain overweight/obese for the rest of their lives. With that comes the complications of obesity.

Good doco, if you have never seen it before.

33 years old, 5'10 and mow down to 95kg.
33 years old, 5'10 and mow down to 95kg.

Well done. Psychologically that 100kg barrier can break some (at your height and age), so Im glad you are in the 90s range now.

Over Xmas and New Years will be hard, aim to at the very least stay at the weight or lose a little, then push hard from Mid January onwards.
Intermittent fasting. 6-8 hour window (I go 2 hour windows one week per month.) I’m not strict though, I eat when I’m hungry which when you get used to fasting becomes further apart.

For your meals I find that just following the simple rule of nothing processed, no refined sugars and as little as possible from a packet.

Foods - Meats (majority white meat), Veg, Fruit, Fish, occasional white rice or proper rye bread.

Drinks - Water, Green Tea, Black Coffee (no milk, no sugar.)

That’s basically all I put in me. Now I have a Lifelong bowel disease So I would not expect many to go such a grossly limiting diet.

But in terms of aesthetic can’t get much healthier. I am 5’11.. I was 120kg of slob and lost every single bit of fat over a couple years with that diet and minimal exercise and I’m now a steady, constant 70kg.

I think too many people over think a lot about weight loss. Just eat clean and don’t eat much.

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How to lose 20kg

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