How to lose 20kg

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last night I was bad... worked 13 hours then came home and had chocolate, smiths chips and candy. what a shit feeling.

I think played tennis for 4 hours non stop today so I hope that helps.

really loving the support and kind wishes lads, you peeps are unreal!
It happens, just don't let it de-rail the week. Make today better. It's very easy to slip into the mindset that Thursday was crap, Friday doesn't matter, then if Friday sucks you won't care about your weekend and it's a four day food bender. Especially coming into the holiday season, if you come in half deflated it's very easy to have a big blow out.

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It happens, just don't let it de-rail the week. Make today better. It's very easy to slip into the mindset that Thursday was crap, Friday doesn't matter, then if Friday sucks you won't care about your weekend and it's a four day food bender. Especially coming into the holiday season, if you come in half deflated it's very easy to have a big blow out.
cheers mate!
So I just went to the ER and was in hospital for a bit over a week and lost close to 10kgs. That’s one way. Don’t recommend it though! 😳

I now have a temporary little stomach flap I need to flipping rehydrate. Genuinely feels like I’m wearing another humans skin because the weight loss has been to quick for me to get used to the sensation of the change of shape! 😂
Of course, it is a hard job to lose 20 kg, but at the same time, it is achievable. First and most importantly is to set the right menu, which will include only healthy food, as only this way you will be able to get the desired result. Also, you must start running. Running is the most effective way of losing weight. Also, it would be good to try practicing yoga. Even though it may sound strange, yoga is helpful for losing weight. When I started to practice yoga, that was because I had chronic knee pain, and a person recommended trying yoga, for fixing the problem. Really, yoga helped me fix the problem with chronic pain, but also I started losing weight. If you have such a goal, first you must keep going and to make sure that nothing can stop you. When I feel tired, or demotivated, I just read motivational yoga quotes on this site, and it helped me a lot to stay motivated and committed.
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Of course, it is a hard job to lose 20 kg, but at the same time, it is achievable. First and most importantly is to set the right menu, which will include only healthy food, as only this way you will be able to get the desired result. Also, you must start running. Running is the most effective way of losing weight.

no it’s not, eating less food is the most effective way to lose weight.

exercise supplements weight loss, calorie deficit is the key driver

Take this example your average joe could burn approx 100 calories per km Run.

you eat two tim tams that’s 200 calories, now that will take 2kms of running to “burn off” and that’s just to get back to equal if you want to “burn” more calories and create a deficit you are going to have run further than 2kms.
lads got some not so good news to report.

been tripped with depression the last 2 weeks and I have ate really bad. I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 103. this is a new high for me weight wise but a new low for me as a person.

devastating stuff.

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lads got some not so good news to report.

been tripped with depression the last 2 weeks and I have ate really bad. I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 103. this is a new high for me weight wise but a new low for me as a person.

devastating stuff.

Don’t beat yourself up, you are only human, no one is perfect. Weight loss will be a roller coaster, you will have some ups and downs. I’m far from an expert on depression but I don’t think you will find anyone who says exercise won’t help for depression. Just try and find a routine and system that works for you.
hi guys,

during isolation I have gained 20kg. I feel down and depressed.

whats the best way to lose 20kg and how long will it take me to get back into the shape I was in back in march?

thank you.
Good luck with everything . There are quite a few posters on this board who have fantastic advice.
I dont post often but read regularly if I want a reboot or just to get some thoughts on things.

Falling short or going backwards isnt failure, dont let it get you down or give up.
We all have our moments and set backs .

Find the advice here that works best for you and give it a go . Sometimes you need to try things to find out what works for you .

Good luck with it all , you will get there. Posting on a forum your struggles is a brave step and people are here to help.
plus you cant lose weight day in day out forever otherwise youd fade to nothing.

play the long game.

Lose 1kg/year over 20 years.

Agree on playing the long game, particularly with setting yourself up with a sustainable lifestyle. Basically the opposite of whatever the biggest loser did.

But 1kg a year for 20 years, that’s like less then 100g of fat loss per month, it’s a negligible amount of fat loss to track changes accurately.
Good luck with everything . There are quite a few posters on this board who have fantastic advice.
I dont post often but read regularly if I want a reboot or just to get some thoughts on things.

Falling short or going backwards isnt failure, dont let it get you down or give up.
We all have our moments and set backs .

Find the advice here that works best for you and give it a go . Sometimes you need to try things to find out what works for you .

Good luck with it all , you will get there. Posting on a forum your struggles is a brave step and people are here to help.
thank you so much mate.
Agree on playing the long game, particularly with setting yourself up with a sustainable lifestyle. Basically the opposite of whatever the biggest loser did.

But 1kg a year for 20 years, that’s like less then 100g of fat loss per month, it’s a negligible amount of fat loss to track changes accurately.
I was just meaning as an example to do it slowly.

If you lost it slowly over the years as a lifestyle change rather than doing fad diets etc and lose 20kg in 6 months its probably better for you plus less chance of plonking it all back on plus some
Here it is boyos, backed by an unbelievable amount of science:

1. When you eat is not important.

Please find me some strong (not anecdote) evidence for multiple small meals, IF, OMAD etc having serious impacts on fat loss because from my studies, nothing exists of any real substance.

2. What you eat is not particularly important, although more protein is usually better than less protein

Just to start:

- Thermic effect of food
- Satiety
- Taste
- Convienence, from meal prep to availability to social issues (eating with friends, family meal time)
- Cost

3. How much you eat is important.

You can't escape the equation of TDEE (BMR + TEF + NEAT + EEE) - caloric intake = energy balance.

No strong evidence at all of IF, LCHF, Keto, low fat, carnivore, vegan etc being SIGNIFICNTLY better at FAT LOSS. All about personal preference

TEF can be increased a small amount but even then, going from ~15% to 17% of TDEE at the absolute high end?
BMR can go up or down based on lean mass
NEAT - sure, park further away from the shops and walk I guess; YMMV.
EEE - 100% you can impact the equation

Calories - You have full control over

Don't worry about when you eat or what foods you do eat but keep the energy balance equation in mind.


I like to do 30-45 minutes of exercise per day, never too intense but extremely consistent.

Very picky with food, like to see every component, not have things touching, have as few steps from the animal or plant as possible - basically the same as the Starbucks protein boxes (aka adult luchables)

I gag at the sight of lasagne or quiche, can't stand not knowing what I'm eating.

Incredibly versatile, can be done within a tight budget and unbelievable to meal prep.

Add in weet-bix mixed with frozen berries, milk and vanilla protein powder for breakfast. Cold brew coffee with some stevia, protein shakes and apples, nectarines, plums, grapefruit, oranages, grapes, banana, mango's with or between meals and you have my diet.
Here it is boyos, backed by an unbelievable amount of science:

2. What you eat is not particularly important, although more protein is usually better than less protein
If all you are interested in is the scale, sure. If you interested in losing as much of the weight as fat, rather than muscle as well, that's a different matter.
Which is also true (to a lesser extent) for your first point.
Geez. Put like a bunch of weight on since mid last year.

I knew I had by just general feel amd vibe but didnt think nearly 10kgs added lol

I think majority has been the last fortnight off work as Ive literally been lounging around drinking beers.

Im kind of looking forward to challenging myself to lose some weight.

Set alarm in my calendar to do a "weigh in" every 10 days and record it.

10 days since my last 'weigh in' (gonna only weigh myself every 10 days as a guide) and lost 4kgs in 10 days

Not doing anything crazy just regular meals and coz i do afternoon shift Ive made sure I dont eat after midnight.

Havent had an iced coffee yet this year or alcohol so that will be my big test weigh wise but so far so good.

10 days since my last 'weigh in' (gonna only weigh myself every 10 days as a guide) and lost 4kgs in 10 days

Not doing anything crazy just regular meals and coz i do afternoon shift Ive made sure I dont eat after midnight.

Havent had an iced coffee yet this year or alcohol so that will be my big test weigh wise but so far so good.

Good stuff mate. Keep it up. It’s amazing how the slightest changes can make a difference.
Hi Xanthippus,
Don't worry your definitely loss your weight just follow some diet. Skipping sugary beverages is often the easiest way to lose weight faster. Exercising at any time is good for you, but evening activity may be particularly beneficial because many people's metabolism slows down toward the end of the day. Skipping meals will not make you lose weight faster. Potassium, magnesium, and calcium can help to serve as a counter-balance for bloat-inducing sodium.

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How to lose 20kg

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