How We Can Hold The Club Accountable (Petition Added to OP)

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Premiership Player
Jun 27, 2008
AFL Club
**** UPDATE ****

Members petition launched here:

Email membership cancellation to:

Email frustration to Eddie:

In the last decade, we've put up with under the Eddie/Bucks regime:

- a poorly managed coaching transition
- a player revolt caused by the poorly managed coaching transition
- racism scandals involving Adam Goodes and Heritier Lumumba (now a court case)
- indiscretions by players, questions around club culture
- terrible recruiting decisions, culminating in an inflated player list and the shocking and clumsy forced ouster of talent
- no flag
- (blank space for every stupid thing Eddie has said or done and I've missed)

The way they've treated Treloar and Stephenson is the final straw.

Yes, Eddie built the club after the 1990s, but he's now undoing all that he built with his blind lust for power. Two decades is beyond long enough for any leader.

His time has come.

What can we do?

Maybe it's time for members to speak with their wallets. We're funding a toxic regime that runs the club like it's their private property.

Is it time for a membership boycott? A boycott of home games next year? If not, what are our options?

I'll say this, and preempt the naysayers - if we don't do anything, we'll end up like Essendon. That is exactly where we're headed if nothing changes at the top.
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We seen this Trade Period he has Shitted on Stephenson and Treloar.

How can the rest of the Playing Group have any Respect for him Now?

Culture be Terrible and No one would feel Happy with Bucks

We be like what Happened at the Crows this Season

Sorry he has to go

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If you want to judge Buckley on his coaching then that's fine. But it's hard to point a gun at Bucks for the salary cap issues. That's a list management issue.

If anything, Bucks was left with the dirty job of having to tell the player. Doesn't sound like anyone in list management had the guts to speak with them.
If you want to judge Buckley on his coaching then that's fine. But it's hard to point a gun at Bucks for the salary cap issues. That's a list management issue.

If anything, Bucks was left with the dirty job of having to tell the player. Doesn't sound like anyone in list management had the guts to speak with them.

Bucks also been a Terrible Coach for all except 1 Season when we actually had Proper Assistant Coaches then got rid of them and back to shit again.

The Whole Footy Department can go too
If you want to judge Buckley on his coaching then that's fine. But it's hard to point a gun at Bucks for the salary cap issues. That's a list management issue.

If anything, Bucks was left with the dirty job of having to tell the player. Doesn't sound like anyone in list management had the guts to speak with them.

Stephenson would still be at the club if Buckley wanted him to be.

It's that simple.
If you want to judge Buckley on his coaching then that's fine. But it's hard to point a gun at Bucks for the salary cap issues. That's a list management issue.

If anything, Bucks was left with the dirty job of having to tell the player. Doesn't sound like anyone in list management had the guts to speak with them.

i thought thats why players had deal with these issues
If you want to judge Buckley on his coaching then that's fine. But it's hard to point a gun at Bucks for the salary cap issues. That's a list management issue.

If anything, Bucks was left with the dirty job of having to tell the player. Doesn't sound like anyone in list management had the guts to speak with them.
Going by the rumoured the conversations he had with the players that left he contributed to making their positions untenable and lowering our bargaining power.

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If you want to judge Buckley on his coaching then that's fine. But it's hard to point a gun at Bucks for the salary cap issues. That's a list management issue.

If anything, Bucks was left with the dirty job of having to tell the player. Doesn't sound like anyone in list management had the guts to speak with them.

A coach with half a testicle and half a brain would never let these trades happen. Absolute rubbish from the club to be honest, I usually have an optimistic glass half full perspective, but the the way this has been handled is ridiculous. We've haven't taken a hard line, we haven't stood firm and we've given up proven quality for a very very poor return.

As one example, Tom Philips has been out of form and had a terrible year, I've been really frustrated with the quality of his disposal and he just didn't have enough strength or mongrel in him for my liking, but pick 65 is well well under value despite all this.

Surely any Pies supporter with half an ounce of football nous is outraged by all of this.
I don't need to go in to detail, everybody knows shipping off Treloar for the equivalent of a 2nd round pick, Phillips for a 4th rounder and Stephenson, our most promising youngster, for a 2nd round pick is absolute mismanagement at best and negligence at worse.

The entire supporter base is ropable, so what can we collectively do to ensure that those who were responsible for this situation are held responsible and are let no where near our beloved club ever again?

Is it Ned Guys fault for handing out unnecessarily substantial contracts for years? Is it Eddie McGuires fault for hiring a list manager with no experience for the job?

No matter whose at fault, it's sure that the club will try to sweep this incredible and unprecedented incidence of collective incompetence under the rug to save themselves, so what can we do as supporters, the people who truly own this club, to hold those at fault accountable?
I'll give it some thought once I've calmed down, but never seriously considered renewing my membership until now. Incompetence is one thing, but having terrible people like Eddie, Bucks and Guy (both in terms of how competent they are and as people in general) in key positions at our club is another. Leaning towards cancelling (and not renewing until these three are all gone).

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