Status in Question I don't trust Jason Mifsud

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catman 71

Club Legend
Sep 20, 2011
AFL Club
I don't trust Jason Mifsud, the guy who made the allegations against Matt Rendell.

If Mifsud was so "deeply offended" by what Rendell said, then why didn't he say something at the time, or soon afterwards to Rendell? He could have told Rendell in private that what he said hurt him, and Rendell may have apologised and everything be cool, and a disagreement between friends be smoothed over, without anyone having to know.

Yet Misfud said nothing at the time, and only revealed it two months later to someone at the AFL. Yet he was so "offended"? It seems strange behaviour.

If someone says something that hurt you, especially if a friend said it carelessly, you usually (1) get upset with him, or (2) give him the silent treatment, and stew over it, until he wants to know why you are mad at him, or (3) you confront him privately, and tell him that you didn't appreciate the comment, and want him to apologize to you. It is rare for someone to say nothing about it for two months, and then remember in a conversation that someone offended you, and go public with it. Some friend!

I hope that's the last time someone tells Misfud anything, since he can't keep things to himself.

Also, why has Misfud not been interviewed by any media outlet? Could it be that he is afraid of being asked the questions above? Or is it that any media outlet that asks him the hard questions may be seen as "racist" as well?
Wondering the same about Mifsud, and my only explanation is that Ali Fahour called him out on it.

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I'd be concerned Mifsud will never again be trusted in club land, given his failure to revisit a concern with Rendell - upfront is clearly not his way.

Rendell has form, e.g Andrew McLeods comments, his time in Brisbane with Walls, Chris Johnson etc, I'm sure Mifsud has a good track record, but you'd have to be apprehensive speaking your mind to him, just politically correct platitudes.
Mifsud is due to appear on the Marngrook Footy Show 8.30pm on ABC2 tonight.

Looking forward to seeing what he's got to say.

Let me first disclaim this by saying I am not only not racist, but a massive fan of Marngrook.

But I have reservations as to whether anything will come out of the interview with Mifsud. I can't see Gilb and the boys asking the tough questions that will give us the opportunity to form an opinion in this he said/he said saga. At least in the FC interview with Rendell, Caro was there with some testicular fortitude to really put him on the spot.

Seeing rendell vigorously defending himself to the poitn of tears had me convinced there is more to the story than what has been reported, and Rendell told it exactly how it played out, even though his analogy didn't really make sense.

I hope I'm wrong about tonight though. Unless bombshells are dropped, Mifsud will do nothing to sway my opinion on what has happened here - Rendell has been hung out to dry as a scapegoat for a off-the-cuff remark that was taken in jest at the time and treated as a serious issue when made public.
Very disappointing response by Mifsud. I can't help but think the media is frightened to track Mifsud down and ask him to refute Rendell's version of events.
Very disappointing response by Mifsud. I can't help but think the media is frightened to track Mifsud down and ask him to refute Rendell's version of events.

i am thinking that way as well.

I know for for whats happened to me, when someone has something something against my religion, i say something immediately or within a few days about how upset i am with them that they made those comments. i never would wait 2 months.
started following Mifsud on Twitter. He generally only retweets stuff from racial support groups and never responds to tweets.
Seems an arrogant twat.
Let me first disclaim this by saying I am not only not racist, but a massive fan of Marngrook.

But I have reservations as to whether anything will come out of the interview with Mifsud. I can't see Gilb and the boys asking the tough questions that will give us the opportunity to form an opinion in this he said/he said saga. At least in the FC interview with Rendell, Caro was there with some testicular fortitude to really put him on the spot.

Seeing rendell vigorously defending himself to the poitn of tears had me convinced there is more to the story than what has been reported, and Rendell told it exactly how it played out, even though his analogy didn't really make sense.

I hope I'm wrong about tonight though. Unless bombshells are dropped, Mifsud will do nothing to sway my opinion on what has happened here - Rendell has been hung out to dry as a scapegoat for a off-the-cuff remark that was taken in jest at the time and treated as a serious issue when made public.

I only viewd Footy Classified 2 nights ago and this whole thing is a massive beat up to get rid of a bloke that maybe was over the job by all accounts, himself included. His comment was a tongue in cheek comment basically saying that to keep an aboriginal player in the game they almost need to have some interacial breeding, bit of a Cathy Freeman scenario, so they are less likely to suffer from the dreaded homesickness a lot pof the aboriginal youngsters suffer from? It was then turned into something completely different. Then to top it off Andrew Demetriou sticks his big uninformed head into it with his usual micromanagement and lies on national TV. He owes Rendell an apology for his rant, where was the investigation by an independant panel, where was Rendell's right of reply etc etc

Rendell's only crime is he is clearly passionate and maybe not as articulate as some but clearly in this case has been made a scapegoat, well done AFL another great example of pea brained ex footballers running a competition

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What an arseh*le this guy is.
Obviously thinks his job is one of the more powerful ones in the AFL, cannot understand how he still has his job after 2 public controversial incidents.
I hope his professional career in the immediate future is devastatingly painful. I hope the indigenous players come out publicly stating he cannot be trusted.

He needs to get firetrucked.
Rioli didn't pull any punches and is spot on.

I heard his interview and agreed with everything he said. His views on how the Rendell situation should have been handled and Mifsuds ongoing employment were spot on.

The treatment of Rendell was appalling and the AFL and Demetriou are responsible.Whatever Rendell said or did he was NEVER given a right of reply. Somebody decided they wanted him crucified and the AFL said OK.

The AFL on racism is a sham - their interest is only to be SEEN to be behaving in the right way not with respect to underlying principles. Ultimately it should be the goal that everybody regardless of your heritage should be accountable for actions through individual behaviour and judged on that alone. Defence of a man or woman's reputation should not be discounted simply because the AFL is afraid of damage to their image . The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Demetriou not accepting Mifsuds resignation is prejudice of the highest order. His actions were deliberate and inflammatory and without regard to the effects on those implicated. For such behaviour to be brushed under the carpet by the AFL gives a real insight into their morality and fairness.
Mifsud appears to be clumsy, unprofessional and grossly incompetent. Cost Rendells' career.

He was the wrong man for the job and I suspect that the AFL may have now realised this, are effectively in damage control, and will predictably move him out of this role stealth-like.

Too little too late.

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Status in Question I don't trust Jason Mifsud

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