Society & Culture i hate smokers

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It's not why would anyone question the intelligence of smokers, but why would anyone not?

Yep. With all the medical evidence that proves to us that smoking is a health hazard, you still see people taking it up, and some smokers claiming they know better than the medical experts who have spent years researching the issue.

I know one woman who is always ill, forever taking time off work, and claims her doctor has told her that she shouldn't give up the gaspers because it would create more problems. She just hears what she wants to hear. Now if that's not a case of mental deficiency, what is?
I can't believe people would do something that is bad for their health, makes them less attractive, wastes money, and more.

I see them every day, too. You'd think after all of the evidence we have that it is bad for you that people would never think of consuming this stuff.

But still I see people eating fast food, drinking alcohol, drinking coffee after coffee, smoking cigarettes, the list goes on and on. Some of these people don't get eight hours of sleep per night either. I mean what is going through their minds? Don't they realise they could (probably) prolong their lives by 5-10 years by doing everything absolutely right and never indulging in anything unhealthy?

People really should be in the gym every day, eating nothing but a perfectly balanced diet comprised mostly of vegetables, fuit and lean meat (no processed foods whatsoever), tucked into bed by 10pm. And yoga and other calming, psychologically/physically beneficial activites should be partaken in at least five times per week.

You know it makes sense.


As a smoker your doing something that will:
Leave you poorer
Reduce your life expectancy
Give you reduced fitness
Make your breath stink
Stain your teeth
Wreck your skin
Give you a choice of littering or spending time finding a bin on a regular basis
Face the regular choice of (at least temporarily) leaving to have a smoke or staying at a gathering in a public place

Given all of that, It's not why would anyone question the intelligence of smokers, but why would anyone not?

Pull up mate.

I’d confidently say 99% of smokers I’ve ever met took it up when they were in their teens, and then continued for various lengths of time because they were addicted. It’s highly addictive, that’s proven, and why there is so much support for people who try to quit.

If you’re looking for an answer as to “why”, I’d say predominantly, that’s it.

Anything else will really just be noise from years of having the righteous making them feel like they’re criminals.

Stupid decisions made when people are young, immature and unwise – that’s the reality of it.

Everyone does things they later regret, some pay a big price, others don’t. But nobody is above that, unless you’re absolutely perfect from the day you are born – which of course, nobody is.

Of course they may have been young and stupid at one point – but we all are to varying degrees. Just because someone is still addicted 20 years later, doesn’t mean they’re necessarily of lesser intelligence.

If you can’t get your head around that, I’d be questioning your intelligence more than that of any smoker.

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Well i am a smoker. Although, not a huge one. 10-12 a day. And i hate it.

I envy those that haven't touched a smoke in their life, or those that don't smoke on a regular basis.

I've tried giving up several times using pills, patches and going cold turkey, i just can't stick it.

But i am currently trying again. I'm reading a book called EASYWAY by Allen Carr, it's meant to be very successful as he takes away the mental side of being a smoker as opposed to (in his words) using the other methods.

I took it up when i was 22 or 23 after i chucked in the weed. And that was by far, a hell of a lot easier to give up that cigarettes. But it's been 8 or 9 years as a smoker and it's time i packed it in. I want to feel healthy and i want the financial benefits of not being a smoker and i don't want to feel miserable every time i light up.

Yeah, cigarette packages have all these warnings that "smoking kills" as well as graphic images. But they don't get you kill you straight away. When i was living in Australia and they first started introducing those a good 5 or 6 years ago, i initially gave up for 2-3 months. But i am not sure what dragged me back in.

But hopefully this book works. It say's to continue smoking whilst reading it. lol. It's 119 pages and it's early days, but here's hoping it works.
LOL @ all the smoker hate in this thread; "they expect tax payers to foot the bill for their filthy habit", as if smokers don't pay tax at all, infact they most likely pay more than non smokers if you think about it logically.

Lets ignore the fact that Australia is the second most obese nation on earth, with people shovelling food into themselves at an alarming rate causing all kinds of diseases, pouring the same garbage directly into their children as well, childhood obesity figures and the costs of this shit will leave the cost of smoking on the health system in the dust in the future. Maybe they should ban fast food, put warning labels on big macs with pictures of ugly fat people on them so that people will know, if you eat fast food you will become an obese burden on society. Or even better they could force people who eat fast food in public to eat from a trough all together crammed in like the filthy pigs they are.

Laughable that you are allowed to be whoever and whatever you want in this world, heaven forbid we judge someone for making their own decisions in life, but if you smoke cigarettes you are treated like a leper.
So we should go around lighting fires in rubbish bins now should we.

Dont tell me theres ciggy bins around everywhere because any smoker will tell you they are diminishing.

Take a pocket butt bin with you, you lazy selfish bastard.
I can't believe people would do something that is bad for their health, makes them less attractive, wastes money, and more.

I see them every day, too. You'd think after all of the evidence we have that it is bad for you that people would never think of consuming this stuff.


I´m totally agree with you
maybe that people are crazy
LOL @ all the smoker hate in this thread; "they expect tax payers to foot the bill for their filthy habit", as if smokers don't pay tax at all, infact they most likely pay more than non smokers if you think about it logically.

And they're suckers for paying outlandish amounts for something thats shortening their lives

Lets ignore the fact that Australia is the second most obese nation on earth, with people shovelling food into themselves at an alarming rate causing all kinds of diseases, pouring the same garbage directly into their children as well,

I don't recall anyone in this thread denying the fact that obesity is a problem in this nation, but if you want to make a thread about that issue go ahead.

childhood obesity figures and the costs of this shit will leave the cost of smoking on the health system in the dust in the future.

Got any evidence to back this statement up?

Maybe they should ban fast food,
Great idea in theory, but just like banning smoking, it wont happen

put warning labels on big macs with pictures of ugly fat people on them so that people will know, if you eat fast food you will become an obese burden on society.

Another great idea, but how much of an effect has this had on smokers? Doesnt appear to be getting the message through, so doubt it will work with fast food.
The problem with fast food, is the fact that generally its far cheaper than the healthier options

Or even better they could force people who eat fast food in public to eat from a trough all together crammed in like the filthy pigs they are.

So you never eat fast food?
How does someone else eating fast food affect you so much?
I dont understand...

Laughable that you are allowed to be whoever and whatever you want in this world, heaven forbid we judge someone for making their own decisions in life, but if you smoke cigarettes you are treated like a leper.

In your previous statements, you have judged people for eating fast food... Bit hypocritical isnt it?
Like ive said earlier in this thread, i have no problem with smokers, so long as im not forced to breathe in their second hand smoke.
You can do whatever you want to your body, its your decision to waste your money and destroy your body
And they're suckers for paying outlandish amounts for something thats shortening their lives

Does nothing to defuse the fact that they are still paying more tax than non-smokers, feel free to say thank you to any smoker that you see

I don't recall anyone in this thread denying the fact that obesity is a problem in this nation, but if you want to make a thread about that issue go ahead.

Just an example, I don't hate, I've simply mirrored the vitriol spouted in this thread to make a point

Got any evidence to back this statement up?

Wasn't aware I needed statistical evidence to support an opinion of my own, however I would think that the decline of smoking numbers and the increase of obesity rates coupled with a rising diabetes rate and other obesity related diseases on the increase it would be reasonable to assume don't you think?

Great idea in theory, but just like banning smoking, it wont happen

Of course not, once again, simply an example

Another great idea, but how much of an effect has this had on smokers? Doesnt appear to be getting the message through, so doubt it will work with fast food.
The problem with fast food, is the fact that generally its far cheaper than the healthier options

Are you saying that warning labels have no effect on smokers? Or people taking up the habit? Quit Australia would disagree with you. The problem with fast food isn't cost related in my opinion, it's a matter of people being too lazy to cook properly/parents too weak willed to deny their children anything

So you never eat fast food?
How does someone else eating fast food affect you so much?
I dont understand...

Of course I eat fast food, who hasn't? In fact a couple of decades ago you could ask the same about cigarettes and would most likely get the same response, how does people clogging up our health system affect me? It doesn't but if people want to complain about smokers taxing the health system then surely the same accusation should be levelled at obese people

In your previous statements, you have judged people for eating fast food... Bit hypocritical isnt it?

Hypocrisy? Well, it was simply an example of people hurting themselves and others for no reason, can include alcoholism, drug use, driving a car, not recycling in for good measure as other examples of peoples general selfishness, but then again those people aren't as bad smokers

Like ive said earlier in this thread, i have no problem with smokers, so long as im not forced to breathe in their second hand smoke.

Yeah so annoying when smokers hold you down and breathe smoke down your throat, I wish they would make it easy so you could simply walk away from a smoker at anytime, but I guess we just aren't that lucky huh?

You can do whatever you want to your body, its your decision to waste your money and destroy your body

Bingo! And don't you forget it either

How can anyone compare smoking to junk food?

Junk food in moderation is not harmful at all. You can always exercise to negate the negative effects of junk food - nothing reverses the effects of smoking. People could eat Maccas around me all they like, it doesn't harm me and is hardly selfish, no such thing as second-hand calories. On the other hand, second-hand smoke is just disgusting, selfish and harmful to those around you.

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haven't had a cigarette in 4 days.


Top effort! :thumbsu:

Have you found the Carr book helpful? I saw some video presentations by him that seemed quite compelling. I am a non-smoker, but my best friend is a heavy smoker. I would love for her to get off them if she could.
Thank smokers for paying more tax... really?

I'm not sure about Australia, but in the emerald isle at least, smoking related illnesses cost the state much more than is collected in from indirect taxation on cigarettes. So yeah, if anything that makes the decision to smoke even more selfish, as not only are you destroying your life, but your also costing everybody around you money when you eventually get sick from the things. So yeah, I'll start thanking smokers when they're paying 18 euro for a packet and the government does more than recuperate on some of it's losses. Of course, that kind of decision would destroy peoples lives on a rapid scale, but maybe that's the only way to get the message across that this is what they're going to be doing anyway.
Top effort! :thumbsu:

Have you found the Carr book helpful? I saw some video presentations by him that seemed quite compelling. I am a non-smoker, but my best friend is a heavy smoker. I would love for her to get off them if she could.

Yeah it was good! I only got 75% of the way through the book actually and that was enough for me. The book sort of explains that you aren't "giving up" smoking because in that context it sounds as though you are making a sacrifice, when in actual fact you aren't at all. I was advised to really go ahead and read the rest, but it's coming up on 2 weeks now since i had a cigarette and i'm feeling pretty good. Started working out a bit and the likes. So hopefully there is no looking back now. Definitely get your friend to have a crack at the book and the DVD as well if she hasn't seen it (that was recommended too)

If i feel the urge to have a cigarette, i'll just start reading the rest of this book. Haha
I hate smoking but I will pay respect to the habits ability to pull chicks. Smoking areas are now the best way to meet the fairer sex. If it was only a weekend habit I would have considered taking it up, unfortunately I know I would develop a full blown addiction like everyone else.
Smoking in moderation isn't very harmful either. It's just that people smoke dozens a day.

Don't believe there's such a thing as a "safe amount" to smoke.

My wife performs PET scans and smoking is a major contributor to her workload.
I'm a smoker and I'm really conscious of it.

If I'm in a public place I always stand a good distance from people to avoid them getting blasted with smoke.

If I'm at a house with people who are all non-smokers, I'll go out the front and down the street a bit. I do this mostly at like, relatives houses who are quite straight or some friends we may visit who are non-smokers.

If I'm at a bar I always make sure I stand near other smokers to concentrate the area affected by smokers. If there's people sitting near me in a beer garden where you can smoke, I'll always ask them 'do you mind if I smoke', otherwise I'll go stand away from them.

The other night I was in a PACKED wine bar with a tiny outside courtyard and was sitting on a little wall when a young lady came and sat next to me. Place was so packed she was basically sitting on top of me. She asked if I could sit there and I said, yeah but I'm smoker so as long as you can put up with the smoke. She was a non smoker but was really appreciative that I had the courtesy to show concern.

We got talking and then made out for a bit. Exchanged numbers and then got really drunk and sent her some dumb messages about going down on her and never heard back.


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Society & Culture i hate smokers

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