Obviously it's not a determining factor, but considering our lack of brownlow contenders in recent years I'm curious to see both the quality and quantity of our midfielders in the votes with Schofield in control
I really think the Brownlow, a subjective award noting only three players on the field and judged by the umpires who should be focusing on their job at hand is completely superflous to what we are hoping Schofield can achieve.
I want Schofield to develop a robust system, that plays to individuals strengths, is intimately known and executed by the playing group. I want to see the ability for guys like Atley and co to simply step in and know what they have to do to successfully contribute to the side (ala. the inexperienced Richmond midfield against us). I want to see set plays that hold up late in games when it's on the line (ie. not sit around on the skinny side of the contest mouths agape like St Kilda's midfield did in the Ryder2Gray finish). I want our guys to be well drilled in executing changeovers coming off the field for rotations or stints up forward. Our midfield isn't bad but there is a lot of improvement that still can be made. Improved Brownlow polling is not the way to be able to identify if we are getting better in these areas which I would expect the midfield line manager to have control over.