If Lehmann walks or is sacked, who replaces him?

If Lehmann goes, who replaces him?

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Hard to say.

Justin Langer has turned around a hitherto dysfunctional Warriors squad. However, he comes off as a little too earnest and eager to ingratiate himself to his allies.

Ricky Ponting seems to be quite an astute commentator and analyst. At the tactical level he was overly reactive as a Test captain, but that should be less of a problem as a coach - plus he doesn't have Nielsen/Cooley to let him down.

Jason Gillespie is highly regarded, but from what I've heard not on the best terms with CA.

I'd normally want to have a look at the Sheffield Shield winning coach, but neither Seccombe nor Griffith are overly experienced coaches.

Internationally, Gary Kirsten and Anil Kumble may be worth looking at, though the same cultural and organisational issues that eventually ended Mickey Arthur's tenure could easily swallow them up.
IF Lehmann knew about the tampering he should have been sacked yesterday. On the spot. IF he knew about it he should have stopped the tampering occurring the instant he knew about it, IF he knew. Therefore IF he did know then he did nothing, effectively condoning the actions of the tampering. That constitutes gross misconduct in anyone's dictionary.

If he knew and hasn't been sacked then WTF are CA doing?

If he didn't know then he stays, and he does his best to rid our team of this very sorry saga. If he resigns and he knows in his heart he did nothing wrong then the stigma will be automatically painted on him. Probably already is anyway.
If I was innocent I'd be coming out very strongly saying I had no knowledge and was disgusted by the actions of the culpable players. It is his only sane option if innocent.
There should be no "if" about it.

He better be sacked or I'm not watching.


I think all nations do it btw, but that's no excuse.

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I'm hoping for Ponting but it will probably be Langer. Would love to see Ponting lead with Langer, Gillespie, Katich involved.
Given how naturally cheating/tampering came to Bancroft you'd have to say there are big question marks around his mentor Langer.

They should be looking for a much cleaner skin imo
Langer is a great coach and seems like a nice guy, but he didn't get his nickname for nothing. He isn't enough of his own man to take charge of this situation.
Ponting has a contract with Delhi.

I agree with looking outside the team culture if that's the problem.
Rick Charlesworth. They'll all end up hating the control freak's guts but he won't stand for any nonsense from any of them and they'll probably work like machines at least for a while. He also won't respect reputations.

Apparently wore out his welcome with NZ pretty quickly when he was involved with them.