In the Kennel = Ryan Griffin

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Apr 18, 2008
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
What club did you support growing up?

The Adelaide Crows, because I'm from South Australia.

Using one word, how would you describe the life of an AFL footballer?

What is your favourite team to play against and why?
Richmond because of the rivalry between us. It's nice to beat them.

Is the game becoming too fast?
No, I quite like it actually. I think it's good for the game and it's exciting, and there's more players that are taking the game on so it's good.

What is your favourite football memory?
First game for the Bulldogs. We played over in Perth and it was just amazing, even though we didn't win.

What would you call the new Gold Coast and West Sydney team if you had naming power?
What? This is the hardest question ever. Just leave it out. The Eels and the Penguins maybe?

If you could be any other player, who would you be?
Robert Murphy, because he's a freak. He's a great player, because of his skills and his agility and stepping ability. He's just a real smooth player.

Who's the most annoying player to room with when you go interstate, and why?

That's why I don't room with them. I wouldn't know – I room with Adam Cooney, and he's quite good.

What's the funniest prank any of your teammates have played on you?
It wasn't on me, but it was pretty funny when Chris Grant super-glued Matthew Robbins' shoes to his locker.

Who considers himself the most fashionable at the club?
Daniel Giansiracusa. He thinks he's pretty fashionable, but I don't really like his style.

Who would be the most un-fashionable?
Everyone is saying me, but I don't think I am. They think I wear a nice jacket with trackies, but I'd have to say Adam Cooney. I hate his fashion. He's got those trackies with the elastic at the bottom. Not good with a pair of shoes.

Who's got the best singing voice?
Tom Williams has a very nice singing voice when he gets going. He's quite good and he likes to sing in the car a bit.

What's an amusing fact about one of your teammates that not many people know?

Shaun Higgins writes poetry. The other night we were sitting there and he was writing poems, and he wrote one about me. It was just lovely. It just hit me. It's a bit of a hobby on the side for him. It makes his brain work, which is good because he doesn't use it for much else.

If you had to pick one of your teammates to take on a date, who would it be?
Lindsay Gilbee. He's a terrific bloke and I'd take him somewhere special. We'd have a good time together.

What's the funniest Rocket moment you can think of?
There's been too many to recall. When he goes off his 'rocket'.

Who do you live with?

Rowan Nayna. He used to play for the Dogs a few years ago on the rookie list, but he got delisted. I live with him now. It's good because he's got his own job and we're not together all day, and we don't have to talk about footy. I used to live with Tom [Williams] and 'Faz' [Farren Ray], but it was just too much.

Who does the cooking?
Rowan usually cooks, and he's good at it.

How are you in the kitchen?
Not too bad when I put my mind to it. I don't think I am anyway. I can handle the basics: steak; fish.

If you were having Rodney Eade around for dinner, what would you cook?
I'd try a roast. I'd have a crack at that and I reckon I'd do alright. Shaun [Higgins] would come over and help me. He loves to cook and he thinks he's the best cook in the house.

Who does the housework at your place?
Rowan. I'm not too bad, but he thinks he has to do it so he does. I encourage him to.
What's your most used appliance and why?
Probably the toaster. I'm good with the basics.

Do you have any pets?
I have a fish and an eel. The fish is Ted and the eel is Kossie, and I feed him live goldfish.

What is your most annoying habit?
I sometimes don't flush the toilet.

Are you generally a cat or dog person?

I was a dog person but I had a cat, fell in love with him, and he got hit by a car. So probably a cat person, because they're easier to look after.

If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you want with you?
Water, a nice lady friend, and a tin of baked beans.

What's your ideal holiday spot?
Las Vegas.

What's your idea of a perfect day?
Probably down the beach on a nice day, with no wind, some sunbaking and relaxing.

What action hero would you most like to be, and why?
Superman, because he can do everything, can't he?

What sort of car do you drive?
Subaru Liberty.

What's the most embarrassing song on your I-Pod?
I don't have an I-Pod. I listen to the radio – I'm not big on I-Pods, or on music.
What's the funniest prank any of your teammates have played on you?
It wasn't on me, but it was pretty funny when Chris Grant super-glued Matthew Robbins' shoes to his locker.

If you had to pick one of your teammates to take on a date, who would it be?
Lindsay Gilbee. He's a terrific bloke and I'd take him somewhere special. We'd have a good time together.

Hahahhaah They were the two funniest for me :D

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Footballers can be pretty funny sometimes, it's good to see that side of their personalities and not just listen to the cliche answers they give most of the time.
I have a fish and an eel. The fish is Ted and the eel is Kossie, and I feed him live goldfish.

do you reccon he really has an eel???? :D lol
If you could be any other player, who would you be?
Robert Murphy, because he's a freak. He's a great player, because of his skills and his agility and stepping ability. He's just a real smooth player.

Out of all the players in the AFL (Judd, Brown, Franklin, etc,etc), say's alot about Murph and his status amongst the players. Hmm good endorsement for future captaincy maybe.
What would you call the new Gold Coast and West Sydney team if you had naming power?
What? This is the hardest question ever. Just leave it out. The Eels and the Penguins maybe?

lol he has a thing for eels doesnt he? and penguins? lol sounds like a real funny bloke

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In the Kennel = Ryan Griffin

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