****ing umpires

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Club Legend
Jun 9, 2007
Bay 13
AFL Club
Seriously - most atrocious umpiring I have ever seen!

So many times this game should have been well over yet time and time again they have attemted to 'even up the game'.

I vehemently believe that Guerra would not have done his Hammy if it were not for those two woeful decisions in the last.... Which just makes this so much worse.
Seriously - most atrocious umpiring I have ever seen!

So many times this game should have been well over yet time and time again they have attemted to 'even up the game'.

I vehemently believe that Guerra would not have done his Hammy if it were not for those two woeful decisions in the last.... Which just makes this so much worse.
Agree with everything else but to blame Guerra's hammy on the umpires is just ridiculous

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Agree with everything else but to blame Guerra's hammy on the umpires is just ridiculous[/quot
Agree with everything else but to blame Guerra's hammy on the umpires is just ridiculous
I actually thought the same thing after defending the umpires, I know its extreme and likely not the case, but that free against Mitchel after the two umps argued over it was incredible, if that was a free then Buddy is even more hard done than I previously thought
Certainly not the best effort from the umpires tonight. Loved those two goons discussing who blew their whistle first and then paid the free against Mitch for a shove. Comical. Oh, the hilarity!
Why? Do you really think there would have been that pressure in the back if not for early and late gifts from the umpires? I honestly don't.
There may still have been, if not Guerra could have made a hard run forward and done it then, could have done it when he kicked. There are too many variables to even bother considering the umpires
Was frustrating to watch mainly for the lack of consistency in the calls. If you pay them one way pay them the other. It's really annoying to see something be judged one way then moments later its judged a different way.
The maggots are ruining this great game. Games have become just so incredibly frustrating to watch these days.
the umps lost the plot, up until the last quarter i reckon they did alright, the they just reverted to ticky touch free's, frustrating for both sides.

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Was atrocious, but for both teams. Many in the backs and highs that weren't paid. i think we did have a better run with it though.
Have to agree. Crap both ways, but would say you did slightly better. That could be the colour of my glasses though. :D

Good to see you guys playing better after your run with injuries. I think you will be a tough opponent in Sept.
Didn't change the course of the game or the result.

****en close thing tho - they were that bad

Really shitfull.

Farkin awful.
Never seen umpires decide a game and never will
I thought the first 3 quarters where umpired fairly well, maybe a little on WC side but i'm used to that and also one eyed. However that last quarter was disgraceful. Why is it that the umps can't put the whistle away for all of the 50/50's and only pay the real infringements? First 3 quarters where great.
If I can borrow a quote from an AFL coach from years ago: 'I'm not allowed to comment on the umpires. And if ever I was going to not comment on the umpires, I really am not going to comment on the umpires after today's efforts.'

I noticed a couple of late square-ups to Hawthorn on the wing where it was safe to do so without costing a goal. Only when the game was dusted did they decide to bother offering us anything forward of centre. I also noticed the commentators were saying 'blatantly in the back' when we tackled the Weagles, but when they did exactly the same thing it was 'a perfect tackle'. If I was paranoid, I'd be suggesting a conspiracy...
Certainly not the best effort from the umpires tonight. Loved those two goons discussing who blew their whistle first and then paid the free against Mitch for a shove. Comical. Oh, the hilarity!

At least if they did a coin toss we would have a 50/50 chance.
Didn't change the course of the game or the result.

****en close thing tho - they were that bad

Really shitfull.

Farkin awful.

The couple against Mitchell were horrible. And there was one on Stratton where he was tackled then slung without the ball. Not good.
Never seen umpires decide a game and never will

Umpires decide every contest on the field. They influence games more than any player out there. Perhaps if you'd said 'Never seen umpires decide the outcome of game' it would be a more believeable statement.

But only to the weak-minded...

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