Injury/Rehab Injury/Niggle Management - w/ cptkirk

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Yup ^ although I will add the forwards/anterior of the femur can deviate either medically or lateral (that is, it can drift forward and towards the centre or forwards and out to the side as well as drifting directly forward)
Couldn't find a simple vid but basically its this:
Knee to chest, knee to midline, internally rotate hip by pulling foot out to side

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When I do the exercise aeglos posted, there is a slight pulling pain on hip flexor area. The same pain isn't there when I do it on the left side
Badly rolled ankle this morning when running to work - pain is around the fifth metatarsal, xrays have cleared me of any breaks thank god.

Is it merely a case of pain management and avoiding exercise that hurts for a couple of weeks to help healing or are the exercises that should definitely be included/avoided?

I'm guessing my weekly Friday deadlift session is out :(
Badly rolled ankle this morning when running to work - pain is around the fifth metatarsal, xrays have cleared me of any breaks thank god.

Is it merely a case of pain management and avoiding exercise that hurts for a couple of weeks to help healing or are the exercises that should definitely be included/avoided?

I'm guessing my weekly Friday deadlift session is out :(

If I was you, and have been you about 12 times playing basketball - once with a footy grand final 3 days away - I'd ice for the rest of today then stop that, get some epsom salts and wrap them around the ankle and in between try and walk on it or at the very least move it around to regain through the pain a little but don't go up to a fast waslk, jog etc as fast as you can

by the way made the gf and was 3rd best on a wing in a loss
Hamstring issues:

I'm only 21 but already had 2 hamstring strains on each side (3 this year). Been told it's mainly due to my job (office job) and tight hips from sitting down. Also have had OP and quad issues throughout this year. I've been given strengthening exercises and tips on how to reduce the load around my hamstrings to reduce how much strain they're under. Essentially they're constantly sore and tight and I've been told they'll stay that way until my body is used to the load.

Any other tips on what I can do to manage the pain and reduce the risk of another strain? Extremely frustrating.
Hamstring issues:

I'm only 21 but already had 2 hamstring strains on each side (3 this year). Been told it's mainly due to my job (office job) and tight hips from sitting down. Also have had OP and quad issues throughout this year. I've been given strengthening exercises and tips on how to reduce the load around my hamstrings to reduce how much strain they're under. Essentially they're constantly sore and tight and I've been told they'll stay that way until my body is used to the load.
Any other tips on what I can do to manage the pain and reduce the risk of another strain? Extremely frustrating.

Here are my thoughts:

- Not really buying the sitting/tight hips diagnosis 100%, it may be contributing but hardly the major factor otherwise every office working athlete would be hamstrung

- You've got a shitty history which will plague you forever in some form but you need to look long term on this, not just aim for round 1 next year and gun towards it

- Sssllloooowwwwlllyyyy work up in workload starting from not the ground floor but the basement

- Work on glute activation every ****in day, no'll need to research as many activation exercises as you can, try them all out, and determine which one's you feel in your glutes the most...then make a circuit of these and roll them everyday for at least a month, making sure your glutes are doing the work...if that means you do sets of 5 bodyweight glute bridges at a time then do it

- Forget running or now, you need to get fit to run, not run to get fit

- For fitness use off-leg variations like swimming, boxing, rowing etc

- Your activation patterns are way off and you're body is tired - i think that's your main issue so here's a very good read on how pain, fatigue and stress all ends up in injury, not tight this, weak that from my business's 12 parts or something but the blogs are pretty short...have aread and elt me know any correlations you find...maybe read it twice!:
Need some advice bros

Just back into a heavy lifting day after being sick this week.

Get through my set of 120kg and 110kg squats no probs then as I'm warming up for deadlifts get a stabbing pain in the front of my right knee cap.

Pain only occurs when knee is flexed and even occurs when it's not bearing any weight.

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I've got naturally tight glutes, hamstring and lower back. Any chance that's related?

Will spend this week thoroughly working on them at home with a foam roller if so.

Just hope it's not tendinitis.

Kinda feel like today's pain has been steadily building up over the past couple of weeks legs sessions.
not sure if it's actually related to my knee pain but holy shit my glutes were very very tight

spent some time stretching and using a muscle roller and massage ball to try and relieve some tension, feeling quite sore today though. So going to make sure I make it a daily routine
Cadaver testing shows hypertonic glute medius related to ITB syndrome so it could well be (I think; the teacher that told me is a bit vague but the general gist is treating glute medius helps with ITB syndrome)
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Any ideas for knee pain/weakness when squatting?

I think it could be a quad overuse thing and maybe some failure to properly recover/stretch/foam roll my quads. Gave them a really good seeing to last night and will continue throughout the week plus my next legs session will be of the deloading light weight variety.

Hopefully I'll be back fighting fit after that.
what sort of pain/weakness?
this is the write up I put in my lifting log
Today was meant to be a heavy squats session. Knees packed it in after 2 working sets, kinda annoying but I backed off and did some low intensity stuff instead.

Full write up incoming

27th February Squat Focus Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout 84.0kg

Squats 20kg 10 60kg 3 80kg 3 100kg 1,1,1 120kg 3,2 65kg 4
Barbell Good Mornings 20kg 10,10,10
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
Leg Press 100kg 10,10,10

Rowing Machine 1.5km in 7:07 (5/10 resistance)

So as I said above everything was looking good during the warm up. Was even hoping to push out 4 reps at 120kg in my first working set but it wasn't to be. Then in-between my first and second set my knee started giving me some grief, I do body weight squats and lunges in between sets basically for this very purpose i.e. identifying niggles before the cause me serious harm. Decided to persevere with the second set at full weight but both knee felt "off" I can't think of a better word for it.

Decided I'd try a Wendler-esque "boring but big" workout of 5 x 10 sets at 50% of 1RM (that's the 65kg set) but only managed 4 reps before my knees once again threw in the towel.

At that point I decided discretion was the better part of valour and retreated to some very low weight reps and finished with some rowing machine cardio.

Will drop cardio this week and my light weight legs session will be more of a deloading session as opposed to pushing my 10RM as normal. Combined with some stretching and foam roller work at nights it should give everything a nice rest and recuperation.
Kinda just feel like me knees are a bit worn out/overused that's probably the best description for it
Any ideas for knee pain/weakness when squatting?

I think it could be a quad overuse thing and maybe some failure to properly recover/stretch/foam roll my quads. Gave them a really good seeing to last night and will continue throughout the week plus my next legs session will be of the deloading light weight variety.

Hopefully I'll be back fighting fit after that.
It's not mostly in the patella tendon below the kneecap is it?
The pain/weakness was below the knee cap yeah.
Could be tendonitis - it's bitch of an injury in terms of pain management.
Lack of quad flexibility contributes, I've been dealing with it for years.

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Injury/Rehab Injury/Niggle Management - w/ cptkirk

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