Injury/Rehab Injury/Niggle Management - w/ cptkirk

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Lower back absolutely kills me the next day from mid/low rows.

My form is fine, so I think I need to stretch between sets as the stiffness/tension comes from keeping my back straight. What's the best stretch to do between sets?

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we talking bent rows? free standing?

Sorry, should have specified. Seated - using close grip triangle and also using the wide parallel grip.
I'd have you move to chest supported rows as well as stability rows

And/or do your cable rows standing up at a cable machine

Interesting - will try and then report back. Thanks!
Hoping for some advice friends.

Switched from my normal routine to Wendler 531 with the big but boring assistance a year ago this month. I have been really enjoying it and getting some good gains strength and size wise but I am starting to get pain in the front of the knee. I don’t know if this might be related to going from 90kgs to around 100kgs in the year without running a lot? I have played footy for the last 5 years but had this year off due to hand surgery. Before I stopped this year I had pain the front of my knee which I thought was possibly patellar tendonitis. After I stopped training/playing it obviously went away. I have noticed the last few weeks it has come back when I reach the top of my squat, more so on the lower weight doing during the BBB sets.

Last night I played a game of afl9s and felt fine but about an hour after the game the front of my knee was killing me and feels weak if I try and squat down on it. This morning it is still very sore and walking up the stairs into the office was a bit of a killer. Anything I can do to help this? Maybe knee support when I play/squat?
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Hoping for some advice friends.

Switched from my normal routine to Wendler 531 with the big but boring assistance a year ago this month. I have been really enjoying it and getting some good gains strength and size wise but I am starting to get pain in the front of the knee. I don’t know if this might be related to going from 90kgs to around 100kgs in the year without running a lot? I have played footy for the last 5 years but had this year off due to hand surgery. Before I stopped this year I had pain the front of my knee which I thought was possibly patellar tendonitis. After I stopped training/playing it obviously went away. I have noticed the last few weeks it has come back when I reach the top of my squat, more so on the lower weight doing during the BBB sets.

Last night I played a game of afl9s and felt fine but about an hour after the game the front of my knee was killing me and feels weak if I try and squat down on it. This morning it is still very sore and walking up the stairs into the office was a bit of a killer. Anything I can do to help this? Maybe knee support when I play/squat?

What's the tonicity of your quads like? Ie how tight are they?
A SSB shifts your weight forward a bit so inherently it will stress the quads/knees more
so you've gone from 90 to 100kgs and from no running to afl 9's with past knee issues?

too much too soon then for mine but if it;s come back pre afl 9's then you'll need to address it s time off didn't heal it either

try some vveeerrryyyy slow eccentric heel touches off a step (using support if needed) over 10secs for 3 - 4 days in a row and see how it will probably hurt doing it but you can't avoid that
so you've gone from 90 to 100kgs and from no running to afl 9's with past knee issues?

too much too soon then for mine but if it;s come back pre afl 9's then you'll need to address it s time off didn't heal it either

try some vveeerrryyyy slow eccentric heel touches off a step (using support if needed) over 10secs for 3 - 4 days in a row and see how it will probably hurt doing it but you can't avoid that

Yeah that sums it up. Did a full pre-season till April but then had surgery so never played a game. Was probably around 95kg's during pre-season. Too much too soon is very likely. I will give the eccentric heel touches a go. How large of a step should I use?

Aeglos. quads don't seem too tight. I do notice I probably move a bit far forward during the squat so I have been concentrating on keeping that to a minimum.
Yeah that sums it up. Did a full pre-season till April but then had surgery so never played a game. Was probably around 95kg's during pre-season. Too much too soon is very likely. I will give the eccentric heel touches a go. How large of a step should I use?

Aeglos. quads don't seem too tight. I do notice I probably move a bit far forward during the squat so I have been concentrating on keeping that to a minimum.

Then barring some sort of biomechanical fault that's all but impossible to diagnose over the interwebs it's most likely, as cptkirk says, a matter of too much too soon
Difficulty from pain, weakness or both?

Finally got an ultrasound. Distal attachment of hipflexors was really angry. Manifests itself as adductor pain( well in the region of). I couldn't stabilize my hips well enough to use by adductors and thats why it shows up as failing all the adductor tests too. Got cortisone. We will see how it goes over the next couple weeks.

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Played 11 games this season (my best effort in a long time) however my left knee is still giving me issues almost 7 weeks after the season has ended.

Hurts below the front of the knee cap particularly in the mornings, going up and down stairs or if i have to kneel down etc.

When I get back from holidays I'll go get it checked out but any good excercise recommendations that won't inflame it further? Would like to maintain some level of fitness as this feels like I may need a sustained period of time off my knee
Played 11 games this season (my best effort in a long time) however my left knee is still giving me issues almost 7 weeks after the season has ended.

Hurts below the front of the knee cap particularly in the mornings, going up and down stairs or if i have to kneel down etc.

When I get back from holidays I'll go get it checked out but any good excercise recommendations that won't inflame it further? Would like to maintain some level of fitness as this feels like I may need a sustained period of time off my knee

Short answer - anything you can that doesn't induce or increase pain
Played 11 games this season (my best effort in a long time) however my left knee is still giving me issues almost 7 weeks after the season has ended.

Hurts below the front of the knee cap particularly in the mornings, going up and down stairs or if i have to kneel down etc.

When I get back from holidays I'll go get it checked out but any good excercise recommendations that won't inflame it further? Would like to maintain some level of fitness as this feels like I may need a sustained period of time off my knee
Get the oil out and give the area a good massage. Get ur fingers in there and don't be too soft. Get on YouTube, U should find some good technique there, just search patella tendon injury, etc. I always massage a sore spot, most times with an amount of discomfort, but it tends to heal the problem a lot quicker than doing nothing.
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Finally got an ultrasound. Distal attachment of hipflexors was really angry. Manifests itself as adductor pain( well in the region of). I couldn't stabilize my hips well enough to use by adductors and thats why it shows up as failing all the adductor tests too. Got cortisone. We will see how it goes over the next couple weeks.

It's funny/curious - virtually no one trains hip flexors because they're constantly considered tight in the common lower cross presentation yet, I'd say most people are also really weak there.
Played 11 games this season (my best effort in a long time) however my left knee is still giving me issues almost 7 weeks after the season has ended.

Hurts below the front of the knee cap particularly in the mornings, going up and down stairs or if i have to kneel down etc.

When I get back from holidays I'll go get it checked out but any good excercise recommendations that won't inflame it further? Would like to maintain some level of fitness as this feels like I may need a sustained period of time off my knee

try some very slow eccentrics (lowering phase) for single leg squats which will hurt but is usually the go to for these types of issues but go get it looked at for sure before doing anything...don't be afraid to get an mri if you haven't already so you can definitley fond out what's wrong which means you won't waste time/cash figuring it out then treating it
cptkirk and Aeglos

Gents following on from the hip flexor issues spoken about before......I've got issues with my psoas muscle in the hip flexor region. Spoke to my mate who is a physio he believe it's psoas tendinopathy issue, he told me to stretch the hip flexor and glute muscles to decrease the compressive loads.....wondering what your thoughts might be? What exercises should I include and steer clear of?

It's only a nagging pain when I squat, it's not sharp at all, but does take away some power and speed. It doesn't feel sore the next day after training legs either. When I do extensions there is no pain at all, like wise doing leg press the nagging pain is minimal.

Thanks in advance
cptkirk and Aeglos

Gents following on from the hip flexor issues spoken about before......I've got issues with my psoas muscle in the hip flexor region. Spoke to my mate who is a physio he believe it's psoas tendinopathy issue, he told me to stretch the hip flexor and glute muscles to decrease the compressive loads.....wondering what your thoughts might be? What exercises should I include and steer clear of?

It's only a nagging pain when I squat, it's not sharp at all, but does take away some power and speed. It doesn't feel sore the next day after training legs either. When I do extensions there is no pain at all, like wise doing leg press the nagging pain is minimal.

Thanks in advance

How long is a piece of string lol
I rely heavily on ROM tests and palpation which isn't going to be of much use here (for obvious reasons)
do you experience much pain, discomfort or weakness doing this movement? (With knees bent 10-15deg instead of straight, comparing left vs right etc)
It's also possible you may be suffering from anterior hip impingement (which may be the result of 'shortened' hip flexors anyway, but there are other causes)
If it is tendonopathy then typically it's treated with both soft tissue manipulation (aka massage & stretching) whilst strengthening the affected muscle
How long is a piece of string lol
I rely heavily on ROM tests and palpation which isn't going to be of much use here (for obvious reasons)
do you experience much pain, discomfort or weakness doing this movement? (With knees bent 10-15deg instead of straight, comparing left vs right etc)
It's also possible you may be suffering from anterior hip impingement (which may be the result of 'shortened' hip flexors anyway, but there are other causes)
If it is tendonopathy then typically it's treated with both soft tissue manipulation (aka massage & stretching) whilst strengthening the affected muscle

Thanks mate. No real sharp pain during my range of movement. It's just a nagging pain when I squat mostly when I'm at parallel and below. I found this injury flared up when I was focusing on squatting with my feet parallel and level to each other, previously my right foot kicked out and was behind my left foot.

My physio mate also said it could be a hip impingement but thought due to the nagging pain it would be a tendon issue.

I've had this issue before during footy season and kicking seemed to really flare up the issue. Back then foam rolling did help as well as stretching.
Thanks mate. No real sharp pain during my range of movement. It's just a nagging pain when I squat mostly when I'm at parallel and below. I found this injury flared up when I was focusing on squatting with my feet parallel and level to each other, previously my right foot kicked out and was behind my left foot.

My physio mate also said it could be a hip impingement but thought due to the nagging pain it would be a tendon issue.

I've had this issue before during footy season and kicking seemed to really flare up the issue. Back then foam rolling did help as well as stretching.

There will be a degree of inflammation (and therefore pain) associated with impingement.
Though unless you're kicking in a fairly specific way that activity tends to rule it out.
There is a test for impingement, I'll see if I can find a self administered version on YouTube. Check back in 5 lol
Impingement test is on your back, bring knee to chest then push into the midline

You've got some instability in where the thigh sits in the hip socket it sounds like and when you jolt your leg forwards such as kicking, your glutes aren't strong enough (for whatever reason) to keep the femur head centered in the socket and it pushes forward and hits the front of the pelvis

Try this sequence:


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Injury/Rehab Injury/Niggle Management - w/ cptkirk

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