Intermittent fasting

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Yer I guess not, but the doco did show them chowing down on a greasy burger and chips on their unrestricted day and the doctor chick who was with him assures us it really didnt matter what we ate on the unrestricted calorie day, hence the junk food meal.. sounds like the ol' "all calories are the same" concept without really considering nutrient density of the food.

Either way I dont think Ill be adopting any hardcore IF lifestyle just yet, only time Ill fast is the morning after a cheat night to try get back into ketosis.

I do 16/8 every day, apart from most sundays when I fast all day (~36 hours from late dinner on saturday to lunch on Monday). I've found that I can have the odd beer/burger and I dont gain any weight. I could probably lose weight faster but since November last year I've gone from 86 - 76 kg (I'm 6ft) without being super strict on diet. It took a bit of time to get used to fasting but now its a breeze, if anything I feel more energetic when Im not eating. The battle is far more mental than physical. You never said anything about shedding fat so not sure if thats your goal but for what its worth, I never imagined losing weight could be so effortless
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I do 16/8 every day, apart from most sundays when I fast all day (~36 hours from late dinner on saturday to lunch on Sunday). I've found that I can have the odd beer/burger and I dont gain any weight. I could probably lose weight faster but since November last year I've gone from 86 - 76 kg (I'm 6ft) without being super strict on diet. It took a bit of time to get used to fasting but now its a breeze, if anything I feel more energetic when Im not eating. The battle is far more mental than physical. You never said anything about shedding fat so not sure if thats your goal but for what its worth, I never imagined losing weight could be so effortless

Yer I dont mind the sound of the daily split but my goal is not to shed fat, already lost that last bit of belly fat to expose my abs through LCHF, so now Im happy maintaining my weight and gaining lean muscle on LCHF thats why I dont really see the need to go IF as well.
I do 16/8 every day, apart from most sundays when I fast all day (~36 hours from late dinner on saturday to lunch on Monday). I've found that I can have the odd beer/burger and I dont gain any weight. I could probably lose weight faster but since November last year I've gone from 86 - 76 kg (I'm 6ft) without being super strict on diet. It took a bit of time to get used to fasting but now its a breeze, if anything I feel more energetic when Im not eating. The battle is far more mental than physical. You never said anything about shedding fat so not sure if thats your goal but for what its worth, I never imagined losing weight could be so effortless

Good post. Just out of curiosity, what is your body fat %?

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Good post. Just out of curiosity, what is your body fat %?
Dont know, never measured that kind of thing tbh. I dont even really weigh myself that much, only every so often to make sure Im tracking in the right direction. I could definitely be more trim and could definitely have gotten to the point I am at now faster but IF has allowed me to get reasonably trim and its been a breeze. If I compare myself to the images below Im closest to the 20% guy

I should also add, in regards to protein intake, protein synthesis, absorption etc. Now the bro science myth is you can only absorb 30g-40g of protein in one sitting is not true (not entirely false either) but it appears to be the goldilocks zone, not to little, not to much just the right amount. Upwards of 40g won't go unused, the calories still count, its just there is no continual linear progression between protein intake amd muscle gain, in excess of approx of 40g. Say if you decided to take 80g post work our you gains won't suddenly double because your protein intake has, will it increase slightly, possibly yes but not double.

Try taking 3-4 serves of 5-6g of unflavored BCAA's during the day. As berkhans (Leangains) said this is the upper amount to not break the fast and atrophy within the body. Listen to others if they disagree with what you are doing, read a lot and arm yourself with knowledge and you can really inform them on what you are doing, why and how it works.

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good post
I do 16/8 every day, apart from most sundays when I fast all day (~36 hours from late dinner on saturday to lunch on Monday). I've found that I can have the odd beer/burger and I dont gain any weight. I could probably lose weight faster but since November last year I've gone from 86 - 76 kg (I'm 6ft) without being super strict on diet. It took a bit of time to get used to fasting but now its a breeze, if anything I feel more energetic when Im not eating. The battle is far more mental than physical. You never said anything about shedding fat so not sure if thats your goal but for what its worth, I never imagined losing weight could be so effortless
You have the perfect regime IMO. I pretty much do the same thing.
I should also add, in regards to protein intake, protein synthesis, absorption etc. Now the bro science myth is you can only absorb 30g-40g of protein in one sitting is not true (not entirely false either) but it appears to be the goldilocks zone, not to little, not to much just the right amount. Upwards of 40g won't go unused, the calories still count, its just there is no continual linear progression between protein intake amd muscle gain, in excess of approx of 40g. Say if you decided to take 80g post work our you gains won't suddenly double because your protein intake has, will it increase slightly, possibly yes but not double.

Try taking 3-4 serves of 5-6g of unflavored BCAA's during the day. As berkhans (Leangains) said this is the upper amount to not break the fast and atrophy within the body. Listen to others if they disagree with what you are doing, read a lot and arm yourself with knowledge and you can really inform them on what you are doing, why and how it works.

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and how many hours is between two different sittings?

I rarely dont have more than 40g in a meal (only get close when I eat pork) but I'll have a shake later in the night, so how many hours should I be leaving in between?
You have the perfect regime IMO. I pretty much do the same thing.
Cheers mate, just wondering if you work out during your 36 h fasts? I've been doing it the past few weeks and its usually ok but this morning I had almost no energy. Felt like a bit of a waste of time going to the gym since I couldnt do a proper workout
Cheers mate, just wondering if you work out during your 36 h fasts? I've been doing it the past few weeks and its usually ok but this morning I had almost no energy. Felt like a bit of a waste of time going to the gym since I couldnt do a proper workout
yes, i workout just before i break the fast. It does take a bit of getting used to - your body has to 'learn' how to be a fat burner for energy.

Try using a pre-work out drink like C4, Musclepharm Assualt or purplewrath. They work really well on an empty stomach.
and how many hours is between two different sittings?

I rarely dont have more than 40g in a meal (only get close when I eat pork) but I'll have a shake later in the night, so how many hours should I be leaving in between?

Well the traditional bodybuilder will say 2.5-3 hours. I read this article over the weekend written by Layne Norton, who advocates slightly higher intake at meals with a bit more spacing between them.

In all honestly, when you get to this point you start splitting hairs as such, the more important thing is overall protein intake not a specific amount at certain times. Your body will use protein whether you consumes 100% in one sitting or spread out overall intake over 3, 4, 5 or 6 meals. Splitting up protein intake over the day is more than likely the most optimal way to do it.
yes, i workout just before i break the fast. It does take a bit of getting used to - your body has to 'learn' how to be a fat burner for energy.

Try using a pre-work out drink like C4, Musclepharm Assualt or purplewrath. They work really well on an empty stomach.
Ok, im working out at 6am then breaking the fast at around midday, maybe not optimal during a longer fast. I thought I was well-used to burning fat for energy but maybe theres another level of adjustment needed for exercise

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marking the 30th anniversary of my birth with a 24 hour fast followed by an unholy and ungodly food binge the likes of which have never been witnessed :thumbsu:

Sounds fun! But in my experience, its actually real hard to binge as much as you want because you get full too easy I found.. I've had a planned day of binge/cheat in the past and was looking forward to it for ages even planning my meals and food I was gonna gorge on but when the day finally came a whole thin & crispy pizza, handfuls of crisps and a couple of stubbies later I was absolutely stuffed!

Then I just felt bloated and sick so the tub of Ben & Jerrys ice cream remained in the freezer..

Not to say it wasnt still fun though, really especially enjoyed my decreased tolerance of alcohol too as I sensed it before I went overboard and stayed at that perfect level of fun tipsy-ness instead of messed-up wasted.

Already planning my next month's super-binge day!
Let us know how you go, probably posting the morning after not enjoying life! :p
This past few weeks I've been doing a Warrior style diet where I just have one massive meal a night (plus a bowl of bone broth later in the night), so I haven't been eating until about 8.30 every night anyway.

Not that my backwards state even has daylight savings. Won't somebody think of the curtains!
and how many hours is between two different sittings?

I rarely dont have more than 40g in a meal (only get close when I eat pork) but I'll have a shake later in the night, so how many hours should I be leaving in between?

You'll absorb all the protein you eat in one sitting but the more you eat the more taxing it is on you digestive system n kidneys.
More sensible to consume 40g or less, fish is easier digested than most other protein sources so that would be smarter choice if consuming a high amount for what ever reason.
Betain with pectin & digestive enzymes is ideal to be accompanied with high protein meals aswell, they assist in digestion & utilisation of the protein, it's one to chew down allot of protein but two to whether it's effective or not if you don't have the right gut flora n stomach acids.
ablett when I perform a 24 hour fast with AM fasted cardio I'll quite often eat a 2000 calorie meal for dinner. I remember reading somewhere on this forum that eating massive calorie/protein intense meals are quite taxing on the digestive system. Can you provide any more details/studies? Bazzar interested to know if mark sisson or any other primal advocates have any advice on the subject.
ablett when I perform a 24 hour fast with AM fasted cardio I'll quite often eat a 2000 calorie meal for dinner. I remember reading somewhere on this forum that eating massive calorie/protein intense meals are quite taxing on the digestive system. Can you provide any more details/studies? Bazzar interested to know if mark sisson or any other primal advocates have any advice on the subject.

The more you eat the more taxing it is on your digestive system so Common sense should tell you that a 500 cal meal is less taxing on the digestive track than a 2000 cal meal?

You would be better breaking that 2000 meal in half & consuming each half a few hours apart so your body can utilise the nutrients better.

That's why people that eat less calories live longer, cos they don't over stress their organs from over consumption of food.
Think off your little old Granny that lives into her late 80's or 90's ,I bet she hardly eats all day, if so probBly grazes on small meals.
Hmmmm... I just finished a corporate fitness course at work, where a couple of people I trained with sarcastically mentioned how they were fueled up on cake from their morning tea, to which I mentioned I hadn't eaten since 9:30pm last night (this was at about 2pm this arvo), to which another guy said to me "that's the worst thing you could possibly do". Why? I asked - "Because your body will retain all that extra energy from starving yourself and it'll sit in your gut when you do finally eat, have you ever wondered why those ppl in Africa are so skinny but have such round, fat potbellys?"

Fair dinkum.... All I could do was shake my head in disbelief.

Then he starts banging on about 6 meals a day etc. And that what I was doing was dehydrating myself somehow which is what the body builders and other extremists do.

"Fair enough mate" I thought.. You just keep doing your thing man. :confused:
Hmmmm... I just finished a corporate fitness course at work, where a couple of people I trained with sarcastically mentioned how they were fueled up on cake from their morning tea, to which I mentioned I hadn't eaten since 9:30pm last night (this was at about 2pm this arvo), to which another guy said to me "that's the worst thing you could possibly do". Why? I asked - "Because your body will retain all that extra energy from starving yourself and it'll sit in your gut when you do finally eat, have you ever wondered why those ppl in Africa are so skinny but have such round, fat potbellys?"

Fair dinkum.... All I could do was shake my head in disbelief.

Then he starts banging on about 6 meals a day etc. And that what I was doing was dehydrating myself somehow which is what the body builders and other extremists do.

"Fair enough mate" I thought.. You just keep doing your thing man. :confused:

Ah yes , just another sheep whom is a regular on FleeceBook!
You need to refrain from eating for more than 72 hours before you go into starvation mode.
I get this from uneducated people all the time , it's easier for someone to bag fasting than admit the don't have the discipline & Will power to do it because they are foodaholics.

Was he fat?
Ah yes , just another sheep whom is a regular on FleeceBook!
You need to refrain from eating for more than 72 hours before you go into starvation mode.
I get this from uneducated people all the time , it's easier for someone to bag fasting than admit the don't have the discipline & Will power to do it because they are foodaholics.

Was he fat?
In this case I believe they thought it was just easier to believe what they'd just assume happens from their uneducated, formed option, rather than listen to somebody explain something that's new and foreign to them, never mind the science behind it either. Know it all, know-nothings.

No he wasn't, in fact he's in the department gym every day - hogging the treadmill at full pace, for longer than any person should hog a lone treadmill at a communal gym.

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Intermittent fasting

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