Intermittent fasting

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Trying to hit high protein/fats and not really fussed with carbs, though to up my calorie intake usually I'll need to revert to carbs once I've hit my protein goals

Eating a lot of eggs, salmon, chicken etc and mixing in flaxseeds with a lot of them

Ive been told to try and add more nuts in to my foods to get fat and calories up but I've never really enjoyed eating nuts but I think I'll try

Good stuff, yeah eating nuts is a good way to get good fats in and the calories up. Look at adding some avocado in where you can, even a tea spoon or two of coconut oil when its semi solid with a couple of pieces of dark chocolate and you've got yourself a poor mans bounty as a dessert. Also look at nut butters, some strict people may tell u to steer clear of peanut butter, but i just god damn love the stuff and could devour it by the truckload with handfulls of almonds, macadamia's, hazel nuts etc.
Question? Slightly hypothetical... Let's say I reserve only one feeding time that's tailored with all my macros for none training days around 6pm... Do I run any risk of not absorbing nutrition?

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Question? Slightly hypothetical... Let's say I reserve only one feeding time that's tailored with all my macros for none training days around 6pm... Do I run any risk of not absorbing nutrition?

Short answer, No. Your body will absorb calories and nutrients regardless of exercise. Just think, do you think over weight, non exercising people don't absorb nutrients/calories from food they eat? However exercising can prime the body for nutrient absorption, resistance training can prime the body for protein synthesis some say for up to 24 hours.

Google Brad Pilon's blog, he is one of leaders in all things fasting/training and nutrition.
Short answer, No. Your body will absorb calories and nutrients regardless of exercise. Just think, do you think over weight, non exercising people don't absorb nutrients/calories from food they eat? However exercising can prime the body for nutrient absorption, resistance training can prime the body for protein synthesis some say for up to 24 hours.

Google Brad Pilon's blog, he is one of leaders in all things fasting/training and nutrition.

Thanks mate... From my understanding it would be fine but I have this upstart PT at work who tries to shoot me down about IF and low carb diets... From the dabbling I do with IF it has been amazing but I'm going to refine it a bit more and focus on hitting macro's in single meals with paleo meals and an isolate to hover around 100g on rest and 150g protein training...

Thanks for the blog link too... Most of my info is Leangains but I tend to think I will use baby hits of isolate on training days instead of BCAA...
Thanks mate... From my understanding it would be fine but I have this upstart PT at work who tries to shoot me down about IF and low carb diets... From the dabbling I do with IF it has been amazing but I'm going to refine it a bit more and focus on hitting macro's in single meals with paleo meals and an isolate to hover around 100g on rest and 150g protein training...

Thanks for the blog link too... Most of my info is Leangains but I tend to think I will use baby hits of isolate on training days instead of BCAA...

Quietly point out Garry Ablett Jn is low carb/paleo and the best bowler in the world Mitch Johnson (and Clarke, Warner, Warson) are also low carb high fat. That should shut him up.
Quietly point out Garry Ablett Jn is low carb/paleo and the best bowler in the world Mitch Johnson (and Clarke, Warner, Warson) are also low carb high fat. That should shut him up.

Haha love it :) and was not aware of GAj and the cricketers... What do you think of the isolate pre post instead of Bcaa... I cant remember where I stumbled on the info about it but it made sense to me with increased pulsing of hgh...
Didn't realise collagen was digestible. Intredasting

Its only digestible, apparently the molecules are larger in collagen than the skins pores, so creams etc are next to useless, but manufacturers are making hydrolyzed collagen (chopped up molecules) for the beauty industry. And all collagen whether for medicine health or beauty comes from pig skin or cow hide. Its so easy to make your own and only takes a day.

I have this upstart PT at work who tries to shoot me down about IF and low carb diets...

You can also tell him LeBron James is also low carb
Thanks mate... From my understanding it would be fine but I have this upstart PT at work who tries to shoot me down about IF and low carb diets... From the dabbling I do with IF it has been amazing but I'm going to refine it a bit more and focus on hitting macro's in single meals with paleo meals and an isolate to hover around 100g on rest and 150g protein training...

Thanks for the blog link too... Most of my info is Leangains but I tend to think I will use baby hits of isolate on training days instead of BCAA...

I should also add, in regards to protein intake, protein synthesis, absorption etc. Now the bro science myth is you can only absorb 30g-40g of protein in one sitting is not true (not entirely false either) but it appears to be the goldilocks zone, not to little, not to much just the right amount. Upwards of 40g won't go unused, the calories still count, its just there is no continual linear progression between protein intake amd muscle gain, in excess of approx of 40g. Say if you decided to take 80g post work our you gains won't suddenly double because your protein intake has, will it increase slightly, possibly yes but not double.

Try taking 3-4 serves of 5-6g of unflavored BCAA's during the day. As berkhans (Leangains) said this is the upper amount to not break the fast and atrophy within the body. Listen to others if they disagree with what you are doing, read a lot and arm yourself with knowledge and you can really inform them on what you are doing, why and how it works.

You may enjoy reading this book to;
I should also add, in regards to protein intake, protein synthesis, absorption etc. Now the bro science myth is you can only absorb 30g-40g of protein in one sitting is not true (not entirely false either) but it appears to be the goldilocks zone, not to little, not to much just the right amount. Upwards of 40g won't go unused, the calories still count, its just there is no continual linear progression between protein intake amd muscle gain, in excess of approx of 40g. Say if you decided to take 80g post work our you gains won't suddenly double because your protein intake has, will it increase slightly, possibly yes but not double.

Try taking 3-4 serves of 5-6g of unflavored BCAA's during the day. As berkhans (Leangains) said this is the upper amount to not break the fast and atrophy within the body. Listen to others if they disagree with what you are doing, read a lot and arm yourself with knowledge and you can really inform them on what you are doing, why and how it works.

You may enjoy reading this book to;

Solid info and a big thanks... It certainly is an interesting Rabbit hole and I am enjoying this threads no bs approach... :D

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I have been doing 16/8 (except for the days with sugar in coffee) for about 2 months and would definitely recommend it. Hunger control is a big positive so far
8.30pm tonight on SBSone is ,
Eat, Fast & Live Longer.
Might be worth a look see.

So what did we all think of this? I know nothing about IF except pretty much what I've read in this thread so the fasting methods brought up in the show were new to me. Surely the alternate day fasting method where you restrict calories one day and then can eat whatever crap you want the next day cant be good for you for long term health.

But what about the 2-day a week fast? I still dont see myself going along with it, was actually hoping to hear more about IF on a daily basis (ie: skip breakfast or no eating after 7pm deal)

Either way good to hear theres now more research going into linking fasting with longevity.
So what did we all think of this? I know nothing about IF except pretty much what I've read in this thread so the fasting methods brought up in the show were new to me. Surely the alternate day fasting method where you restrict calories one day and then can eat whatever crap you want the next day cant be good for you for long term health.

But what about the 2-day a week fast? I still dont see myself going along with it, was actually hoping to hear more about IF on a daily basis (ie: skip breakfast or no eating after 7pm deal)

Either way good to hear theres now more research going into linking fasting with longevity.
Why not? I dont think the idea is to eat 'whatever crap you want'
Remember Eat, Fast and Live longer is a few years old now and he did this way before his best selling book the Fast Diet, and more importantly he has completely changed his stance on saturated fat since.

I was wrong - we should be feasting on FAT, says The Fast Diet author DR MICHAEL MOSLEY
  • Dr Mosley used to believe all saturated fats were bad for us
  • So he ditched beef, full fat milk and butter
  • They were thought to cause weight gain and heart attacks
  • But new studies have revealed this isn't the case
  • There's a stronger link between sugar consumption and heart disease
  • Eggs are a prime example of how we got it wrong on fats
  • People were advised to eat just one a week in the Eighties
  • But now regular consumption is encouraged as they are high in protein

Read more:
Why not? I dont think the idea is to eat 'whatever crap you want'

Yer I guess not, but the doco did show them chowing down on a greasy burger and chips on their unrestricted day and the doctor chick who was with him assures us it really didnt matter what we ate on the unrestricted calorie day, hence the junk food meal.. sounds like the ol' "all calories are the same" concept without really considering nutrient density of the food.

Either way I dont think Ill be adopting any hardcore IF lifestyle just yet, only time Ill fast is the morning after a cheat night to try get back into ketosis.

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Intermittent fasting

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