Intermittent fasting

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Yeah there are varying degrees of fasting, if you want to follow it to the tee then you would just consume BCAA within noting else, but you could only do this with capsules i don't know anyone who could down pharmaceutical grade BCAA powder and nothing else. Or the other end of the scale BP Coffee where you consume larger amounts of calories from fat that doesn't affect insulin levels. Each to their own.

For me i fast between 8pm and midday only consuming Green tea, super greens with 5g of BCAA.

I did thst for a couple of months. It was freakin horriffic.
I did thst for a couple of months. It was freakin horriffic.

One thing i have tried with a bit of success......crush up a vitman C tablet they taste very sweet and can "hide" some of the taste of BCAA

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If it's only a few calories who cares? Even if insulin rises there is no calories to be stored as fat.

You may be right, particularly if you're just taking a hit instead of sipping it over time. Still, I'd rather not mess with my fasting insulin levels or pancreatic function this way if there's a simple alternative.
One thing i have tried with a bit of success......crush up a vitman C tablet they taste very sweet and can "hide" some of the taste of BCAA

Coconut water is the best way to mask raw amino acids I've ever used, except artificial sweeteners which I don't advice.

For the past two years I've consumed 5g of raw L-Leucine post w/o with just water, not great but u get over it!
There is an approach (I think it's Atkins) that counts Sucralose as one teaspoon being equal to 0.5g carb and around about 2 calories.

While this wouldn't seem to be an issue with fasting calorie allowances, my concern with Sucralose is that studies have shown it to trigger an insulin response. The mechanism behind this hasn't really been figured out yet, but it's likely due to the fact that digestion of sugars and starches starts in the mouth, with receptors on the tongue detecting sweetness and releasing salivary amylase - an enzyme that initiates carb digestion - and triggering an insulin response in preparation for sugars being released into the blood. While Stevia is a natural and far better option as a sweetener overall, I think the jury is still out on how it affects in people in this regard.

I don't know how you would go chugging down your Xtend or Stevia alternative in one gulp and immediately washing your mouth out with some warm salty water, but it might be worth a shot at trying to neutralise this effect to some degree if you're concerned about it. Just an idea I had while writing this, completely unsupported by any scientific study.

Good info MK.
Basically there's some suggestions that due to sweet taste of Sucralose/artificial your brain thinks its sugar so your body releases insulin.
Which is why diet sodas ain't the answer when dieting.
BTW for those considering it - since starting IF I've noticed a drop in fat around my gut and yesterday I did a new PB in bench (42kg barbells x 6). I'm very much on this bandwagon.

I love IF have been doing it myself for nearly 3 months, but please realise, and for the sake of misleading others, you're losing weight because the lifestyle is suiting you and you are eating your appropriate portions. Since if'ing I haven't noticed any great changes in lifts and physique (sure I feel less bloated throughout the day and even more energized, however due to the fact my lifestyle previously wasn't detrimental to training and physique goals. I choose to IF simply due to the convenience of it all.
I do regular 36 hour fasts and find that if I'm having a bit of a struggle around the 22-24 hour mark I just have a cup-a-soup. It temporarily puts you out of the fasted state, but it would only be for an hour or so and then you are back to burning fat again and can comfortably push on to the full 36 hours.

It's a good compromise.

Fasting is mainly a mental battle but you don't have to be an absolute Spartan about it. If a super light snack, a diet coke or some sugerless mints help you, then use it i reckon.

Cheers, good to know that others have troubles around that time :)
I have a bit of a secret bromance with Peter Attia, and this is his quick view on artificial sweeteners.

Do you consume artificial sweeteners?

Short answer, yes, but not that much. There’s no actual evidence that artificial sweeteners are harmful to humans. Aspartame has probably been tested more than any substance humans have ever ingested, and it’s been around for over 40 years. There’s never been a piece of evidence to suggest that in humans it’s harmful. In an animal model you can make anything happen, of course, especially when you feed an animal an amount of something a human could never consume.

We don’t have as much data with a lot of the other substitute sweeteners, but all the data available suggest these substances are safe – certainly safer than sugar. I’ve actually written a blog post about this exact topic, and I’ll publish it in 2 or 3 weeks.To cut to the chase, if your choice is between drinking a Diet Coke sweetened with aspartame or a regular Coke sweetened with sucrose or high fructose corn syrup, there’s no comparison as to which one is more harmful – the regular Coke.I don’t consume a large amount of non-sugar substitute sweeteners. You’d be amazed at how quickly you can lose your taste for sweet once you get out of the vicious cycle.
The insulin will effect fasting HGH release though.
thats true but it is only temporary. Insulin will subside pretty quickly on such few calories and hgh will rise again.

If it is the difference between stopping the fast or a bit of insulin rise from the artificial sugar I reckon have the artificial sweetner, diet coke, sugar free gum or whatever..

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thats true but it is only temporary. Insulin will subside pretty quickly on such few calories and hgh will rise again.

If it is the difference between stopping the fast or a bit of insulin rise from the artificial sugar I reckon have the artificial sweetner, diet coke, sugar free gum or whatever..

I can't see any reason to have anything artificial, except breasts!
Coming up on 36 hours. I think this is the fifth time I've gone for a 36h+ fast; on each other occasion I avoided any strenuous activity because I read somewhere (maybe leangains, maybe here, I dunno) that that is what you are supposed to do.

Well anyway I've had work both yesterday and today, and I ride to work. I also hiked up a mountain last night because I'd been promising somebody I would and the weather was good for it last night. Well suffice to say that when I got in to work this morning from another 10km ride I felt pretty well ****ed.

Fortunately there are zero customers today (it is a ghost town here) so I'll just cruise through work, ride home, have a weight session and then eat a **** tonne of food. I think I've earnt it.

Anybody want to share their own opinions on exercise regimes/levels during longer fasts?
I have a bit of a secret bromance with Peter Attia, and this is his quick view on artificial sweeteners.

"In an animal model you can make anything happen ..." is an interesting observation given that the original approval of sucralose was based mostly on rat studies and I think only something like two human studies, neither of which exceed four days. This was enough for approval as safe for use in humans, but now apparently not enough to indicate issues of use in humans.

A study on rats a few years ago found that varying doses of sucralose, within the a spectrum of 25%-200% of what is deemed suitable for daily human consumption, reduced beneficial intestinal flora, increased fecal pH and inhibited transport mechanisms for oral drug absorbtion. These exact studies can't be replicated in humans, because as Attia noted, dosing allowances are limited and also most of the rats were "sacrificed" for dissection. I would hope though to see some further long-term research released on the affects on human fecal samples. There have been human studies on aspartame though that have shown a correlation between its use and premature birth. Either way, the jury is still out on this one.

Of course, the absence of undeniable evidence doesn't mean something is safe and this is where I have a problem with food approvals. First certain additives are released as safe on the basis of what some might claim as inadequate research and then, once in the loop, the onus is on science to prove them as unsafe. Personally, I find that arse around. IMO the onus should be on proving its undeniably safe for human consumption and while any questions remain - which they do in the use of artificial sweeteners - approvals should be withheld.

As Attia said in that link, the taste for sweetness is pretty easy to get over once you break the cycle. So for me the answer is just take the safe route - eat clean and enjoy the benefits.
Is a touch of milk in a morning coffee considered cheating?
I didn't do IF this morning as I was SOOOO hungry (way more than normal). So had small breakfast and a coffee. Now, I feel crap haha.

Shows how used to something your body gets. Back to IF tomorrow.
Is a touch of milk in a morning coffee considered cheating?

Adding pure fat is better, even the small amount of sugar n protein in the milk puts u at risk of an insulin spike which stops the fast & switches u from burning fat to storing fat.
Coconut oil, MCT oil, butter or pure cream safer.
Add bit of stevia if it's the sweetness your needing
Adding pure fat is better, even the small amount of sugar n protein in the milk puts u at risk of an insulin spike which stops the fast & switches u from burning fat to storing fat.
Coconut oil, MCT oil, butter or pure cream safer.
Add bit of stevia if it's the sweetness your needing


I'm not to keen on the whole BP Coffee idea as I have young kids so

a) I'm broke.
b) I look after them in the mornings before work as the missus has a sleep in.

I might just have to go black ...

I'm not to keen on the whole BP Coffee idea as I have young kids so

a) I'm broke.
b) I look after them in the mornings before work as the missus has a sleep in.

I might just have to go black ...
Yeh I am in the same boat. Not really keen on BP coffee. I gave it a good go for a few months but I personally saw more (very minor) negatives over anything beneficial.

For a while I went back to my morning ritual of a few cups of coffee with a bit of milk and coconut sugar but I have since switched to just plain old black coffee.

I'm not to keen on the whole BP Coffee idea as I have young kids so

a) I'm broke.
b) I look after them in the mornings before work as the missus has a sleep in.

I might just have to go black ...
Ablett is a fundamentalist, a dash of milk is fine. It is well under the caloric threshold to take you out of the fasted state.
Ablett is a fundamentalist, a dash of milk is fine. It is well under the caloric threshold to take you out of the fasted state.

That's pleasing to hear.

I'll try black and then weaken & add milk if I can't hack it.

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Intermittent fasting

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