Opinion International Geopolitics

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Mate in California asked me why do I reckon Trump asked for his shoes when he was shot at and secret service guys couldnt move him off the stage until he had his shoes?

I said I had no idea, and said I thought it was bizarre at the time. They cant be that expensive.

He came back with - height - and they have rubber soles. He said he thinks Trump raises his height by 3 inches.

20 minutes later he sends me this article where the author reckons he is 5 foot 9 not the 6 foot 3 he claims to be which for years was only 6 foot 2 until 2016 when he ran for repbulican nomination and 2 of the other guys were 6 foot 3.

It used to be called pacific shrink in Aussie basketball circles in the late 1980's early 1990's when a high priced yank would leave the US at a reported 6' 6'' and arrive here 24 hours later at least 3'' shorter.

As for Trumpty Dumpty claiming he is 6' 3'', many people of both genders who have been shown standing near him on a level surface appear to be of similar height, and JD Vance who also claims to be 6' 3'' looks taller than Trump when they have been shown standing along side each other, so there may be something in your mates suggestion he has lifts in his shoes.
It used to be called pacific shrink in Aussie basketball circles in the late 1980's early 1990's when a high priced yank would leave the US at a reported 6' 6'' and arrive here 24 hours later at least 3'' shorter.

As for Trumpty Dumpty claiming he is 6' 3'', many people of both genders who have been shown standing near him on a level surface appear to be of similar height, and JD Vance who also claims to be 6' 3'' looks taller than Trump when they have been shown standing along side each other, so there may be something in your mates suggestion he has lifts in his shoes.

Maybe he should've chosen David Miscavige as his running mate - even Tom Cruise looked tall next to him.
Living there, I gave up trying to understand American racial/ethnical classification. I have no idea why people try to make it a worldwide standard.

For starters, I've found out I wasn't Latino. It just includes the people on the other side of the river. My country doesn't speak Spanish.

A friend tried to explain: "The country is becoming white in the sense that everybody else is getting equal standing, but the Blacks; and the "one-drop rule" just makes it worse."

There are no mixed races there. If you have a Black relative, you are Black.
You have lived there and I haven't GP, so you would have a far better handle on the internal situation in the US than me, but is it the yanks themselves who believe they are the `worldwide standard,' or are the rest of us just not bothered enough to question it?

My first experience through a basketball connection was mainly with black guys many of whom were apparently college educated (sporting scholarships?), and their lack of knowledge of anything outside of their home state in the US let alone anywhere else was astoundingly bad, their overall education level appeared to be about year 7-8 by Australian standards, and there were a few white farm boys from places like Arkansas who were about 3 levels down from that.

I can still recall speaking to a highly educated and successful law firm owning mother of the wife (also black) of one player at a bbq when she described the 5 or 6 African American players in attendance as street n*****s! o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O

The 2nd was with a company based in Arizona whose management were white Americans, but with a workforce of mainly Latinos, who were apparently doing the menial stuff.

The 3 or 4 so called `management' types who came here after all the hard work had been done treated any one who wasn't white American, including a Canadian IT guy who helped me set the place up like we were from a lesser species, and apart from one guy who at least asked some relevant questions about Aussie employment laws they others wouldn't listen to anything, they were beyond arrogant.

It was almost a pleasure as the first employee to also be the last and close the place down, but I did the right thing and helped the Aussie bloke who took over the business by training my replacement so it could be relocated to another state.

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There are many of false claims and narratives being posted on social media about Kamala Harris by the MAGA mob since she announced she would run to replace Biden as the Democrat nominee to be the next President.

So many false claims that the ABC (theirs not ours) has posted a facts document online calling out the BS.

It says this on the issue of Harris 'blackness':

THE FACTS: Harris is Black and Indian. Her father, Donald Harris, is a Black man who was born in Jamaica. Shyamala Gopalan, her mother, was born in southern India. Harris has spoken publicly for many years, including in her 2019 autobiography, about how she identifies with the heritage of both her parents.

Harris is both Black and Indian. Indeed, she is the first woman, Black person and person of South Asian descent to serve as vice president. This fact is highlighted in her biography on WhiteHouse.gov and she has spoken about her ethnicity on many occasions.

It's not as simple as it seems.

As anyone who is from or has lived or worked in the US and understands their history, being 'black' in the political context is not (just) about skin colour but about ties to the black history of the US - primarily the struggles associated with the slave trade and segregation. Hence the clear distinction of Harris parents being of both Jamaican descent (black) and having parents from, say, India (Asia).
Kamala Harris has broken records by raising $81 million dollars in the her first two days as the Democrat presumptive candidate. The money has come mainly from grass root supporters which is good.

Harris looks certain to be officially endorsed via a virtual link within the next week. That will mean she will go to the Democratic Convention in August as the endorsed candidate. That will put her where Joe Biden would have been had he remained in the race. Starting late she has some ground to make up but she has certainly started well.

Listening to Harris speak I think Trump will not have the next debate all his own way. Trump likes to label his opponents as crooked. In 2016 he was full of 'crooked Hillary' and recently he referred to Biden as 'crooked Joe'. The fact is Trump is a convicted felon himself and the epitome of a hypocrite, a fact that Kamala Harris should be able to use to her advantage.
He'll never top "Sleepy Joe" and he'll lose the election because of it.
The American's are tough, love guns, love going to war, love violence, but they piss their pants about bad language.

Some democrat should have had the guts and just started calling him Bullshit Donald and told 10 year old kids to ask mom and dad why he's called Bullshit Donald. It could be used so effectively. Just look at this video and the opportunities to call out Bullshit Donald.

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It's either that, or people stop with the BS and actually fully support UKR.

The Ukrainians are having the worst of both worlds. They are being USED against Russia, receiving help enough to perpetuate the conflict. No one wants to put their lives on the line, but they want UKR to win. Such a choice is simply nonexistent.
This is what they want. Its not about lives, its about selling weapons. Forever wars make weapons-producers rich.

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Dementia Don, that's what they call him. Here comes crooked Dementia Don they say.
Sleepy Don is too old and needs to drop out. All the best people are saying it.
The sizeable percentage of the world is being run by crooks. People like Putin, Netanyahu, Trump, Maduro for varying reasons believe they can do what they like and what is more they are right.

Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently on trial for bribery and corruption, is the prime reason that the Gaza conflict is still going. Netanyahu knows that the way to avoid political oblivion is through war. Focus on the enemy and the populous will be distracted. A Prime Minister on trial for corruption sounds strangely familiar and not too far removed from the situation facing a certain Presidential candidate.
The sizeable percentage of the world is being run by crooks. People like Putin, Netanyahu, Trump, Maduro for varying reasons believe they can do what they like and what is more they are right.

Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently on trial for bribery and corruption, is the prime reason that the Gaza conflict is still going. Netanyahu knows that the way to avoid political oblivion is through war. Focus on the enemy and the populous will be distracted. A Prime Minister on trial for corruption sounds strangely familiar and not too far removed from the situation facing a certain Presidential candidate.
That's only a sample size of the crooks too.

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Opinion International Geopolitics

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