Opinion International Geopolitics

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Or herself
Yep. It's a fact that QE2 was as fawning over the el Assads as a long list of other world leaders and celebrities at the time.

'The Syrian first couple was received by then-French president Jacques Chirac at the Elysee Palace in 2001, by Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace in 2002, and by the King and Queen of Spain in 2004. She charmed world leaders at Pope John-Paul II’s funeral in 2005, and welcomed stars such as Sting, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to Damascus.'

Murdoch's Sun newspaper called her “the sexy Brit bringing Syria in from the cold”. Paris Match, a French language magazine, described her as “an element of light in a country full of shadows”. Days before the Syrian revolution erupted in March 2011, a gushing Vogue article headlined “A Rose in the Desert” called her “the freshest and most magnetic of First Ladies”.

But Bashar's reputation as a liberal was a carefully crafted fraud manufactured by Western PR companies and a compliant media as the intelligence agencies of those western leaders surely made known to them. But it suited them to turn a blind eye until the atrocities committed could no longer be plausibly denied.


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What do you think it is, 1:1, 1:3? Calling in malnourished North Koreans is a bad sign for your disagreement.
Jesus mate. If you think that the Russians have suffered 4.5 more Soldier deaths than the Ukranians I've got some beans to sell you. I know all you dickheads think your on the rightous side of history here, but those numbers are fanciful, especially for the team that is losing. This aint the Battle of Thermopylae.
Zelensky now claiming that Russian Soldier deaths are 4.5 to 1 Ukrainian soldier deaths. Does anybody else need any more proof the guy is completely full of shit?
I would have thought most rational people would understand that’s civic propaganda. Of course Ukraine are taking losses defending their home.

Not sure why it’s got your nickers in twist?
Zelensky now claiming that Russian Soldier deaths are 4.5 to 1 Ukrainian soldier deaths. Does anybody else need any more proof the guy is completely full of shit?
Except in Kursk the Russians are the ones attacking. Generally attackers are going to suffer 3:1 casualties versus defenders. When you add in Russia's 'tactics' are generally meat wave assaults, they often shoot or abandon wounded soldiers, or fail to provide decent care, whilst the Ukrainians try to keep their troops alive. Given that, a 4.5 to 1 ratio in deaths is a reasonable assumption.
russia’s credibility as a great power has certainly taken a hit following the fall of the Assad government and not coming to Armenia’s aid (CSTO member) during the second Karabakh War, which resulted in Azerbaijan’s reconquest of the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Does anybody else need any more proof that Putin is completely full of shit?
Zelensky now claiming that Russian Soldier deaths are 4.5 to 1 Ukrainian soldier deaths. Does anybody else need any more proof the guy is completely full of shit?
Lets not forget that in ancient Sparta, 300 men defeated an army of millions, many of whom had supernatural powers. The key is shields and abs.
That pager bombing thing a few months ago says otherwise.

Yes, the Israelis got that bit right as regards Hezbollah in Lebanon. That is proof by selected instance though, they got so much wrong as regards Hamas in Gaza.

The pager thing is interesting as the Israelis were able to target individuals within Hezbollah yet they have decided to eliminate Hamas through wide scale drone and airstrikes in Gaza.

Ironically the only Israeli fatality in the Entebbe Raid to which I referred was was Yonatan Netanyahu, elder brother of Benjamin Netanyahu.
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Criminals rule the world...

Hopefully the answer is that Assad's entire dark empire collapses and that one day he and those protecting him will be bought to justice. If Putin has anything to do with it Assad will carry on business as usual and Putin will take a cut.
At 1,200 losses per day the Russians will suffer 438,000 losses in a year. In context the US suffered 211,400 casualties over 20 years in Vietnam.
Not sure how Kellogg defines losses, does he mean deaths in combat or casualties i.e. killed and wounded. I assume it is the latter.
Those e-scooters are a bloody menace, hey?

From an ABC News article.
"I think they [Ukrainian special services - SBU] are coming closer and closer to efficiency of Mossad of Israel," Mr Ponomarev said.
"I know for many people it is a personal dream that after they win the war, they would start hunting for the war criminals and punish them as again, in the similar fashion as Israeli's did after World War Two, when they were fighting worldwide for Nazis in the very similar way Ukrainians are dreaming about hunting Putin."
I used to have a good deal of admiration for the Israelis. Back in the days of Entebbe and Munich they were well organised, Mossad was a first rate intelligence organisation and they had the abilty to get in and the job done quickly and efficiently. These days Israeli intelligence borders on inept.
Mossad aren't inept. They're just ruthless.
What was Mossad doing in the days leading up to October 7th?
Knowing exactly what was going on. We're talking about the agency that put car bombs at their own embassy in London to frame some Pro-Palestinian diplomats who were starting to get international cut-through.

Look at what Israel has been allowed Israel to justify because of October 7.

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Opinion International Geopolitics

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