Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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My thoughts on watching the debate.

No matter who is in office, the american public will regret their decision. What I am finding frustrating is the quality of politics has dropped to such a low level in the USA right now, that to call out a lie from Trump is to be called biased and unfair. Neither candidate is fit for office. Trump because he will simply look to make the presidency all about him and he will screw the USA sideways. His previous presidency will look like the golden years compared to the shitstorm he would deliver in this term.

As for Biden, he clearly is an elderly man who is struggling to control his thoughts.

I just cant help but wonder how a 78yo proven criminal, liar and cheat whose clearly suffering early signs of cognitive decline and an elderly man struggling with losing his faculties in the advanced stages of cognitive decline are seen as the only two men capable of running the USA. People have truly lost their minds in the USA. You could survey they entire world and over 95% of the worlds population would state categorically neither of those two idiots should be in office. Yet the state of USA politics is so bad right now, this is the best we have. Oh wow.

Trump wont get voted in, so its going to be 4 years of Biden where its likely to end up like Pope John Paul 2nd where he spent it in a wheel chair staring out at the crowd, praying for death. Trump, honestly with the way his health his declining, i cant help but wonder weather he can legitimately survive 4 years. 78 is awfully old for someone who has never looked after themselves. He is showing every sign and symptom that something is not right.
My thoughts on watching the debate.

No matter who is in office, the american public will regret their decision. What I am finding frustrating is the quality of politics has dropped to such a low level in the USA right now, that to call out a lie from Trump is to be called biased and unfair. Neither candidate is fit for office. Trump because he will simply look to make the presidency all about him and he will screw the USA sideways. His previous presidency will look like the golden years compared to the shitstorm he would deliver in this term.

As for Biden, he clearly is an elderly man who is struggling to control his thoughts.

I just cant help but wonder how a 78yo proven criminal, liar and cheat whose clearly suffering early signs of cognitive decline and an elderly man struggling with losing his faculties in the advanced stages of cognitive decline are seen as the only two men capable of running the USA. People have truly lost their minds in the USA. You could survey they entire world and over 95% of the worlds population would state categorically neither of those two idiots should be in office. Yet the state of USA politics is so bad right now, this is the best we have. Oh wow.

Trump wont get voted in, so its going to be 4 years of Biden where its likely to end up like Pope John Paul 2nd where he spent it in a wheel chair staring out at the crowd, praying for death. Trump, honestly with the way his health his declining, i cant help but wonder weather he can legitimately survive 4 years. 78 is awfully old for someone who has never looked after themselves. He is showing every sign and symptom that something is not right.
Now see, there you go again. "Trump won't get voted in."??

After the debate, any fool could see Biden is senile and isn't up to it, but the same fool won't see past Trump's glaring lies, nor see through his orange fake tan that he is a despicable human.

We need to have a wager adelaidecrows 😉

I can't see Biden winning this now unless Trump is locked up and out of the way. That will never happen, so...
Let’s cut to the chase: President Joe Biden is not going to end his 2024 campaign over a single poor debate performance, any more than Donald Trump did in 2020 after a first-in-the-cycle debate performance that voters conclusively told pollsters was worsethan the one yesterday by this sitting president.

President Biden will stay in the race not simply because he’s already the nominee; not simply because there’s no mechanism to force him to exit; not simply because major media’s and politicos’ hyperventilating response to his debate performance yesterday—about 40% of voters appear to think he won the debate, and only 5% said it changed their vote (a sentiment unlikely to survive beyond a day in any case)—fails to take into account that the president had a cold, is a lifelong stutterer, performed much better as the debate went along, told a fraction of the number of lies his rival did, and saw his intermittent “old man” optics repeatedly belied by his conspicuous command of facts, policy, and history (check the transcript of the debate if you doubt this); no, Joe Biden will not step away from the 2024 election cycle because it would hand the presidency, beyond any doubt, to a confirmed rapist, serial sexual assailant, active insurrectionist, convicted felon, pathological liar, malignant narcissistic sociopath, gleeful adulterer, career criminal, unrepentant con man, traitorous would-be U.S. dictator, misogynist, antisemite, racist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamophobe, and budding war criminal

This election is simply not about Joe Biden. When will people understand this? This election is about two things: how the country is doing and the fact that Donald Trump is a monster. The latter fact isn’t going to change—in fact, Trump’s monstrousness is only becoming more clear with each passing day—and the former is incontrovertible: the country could be doing better, but it’s doing fine, and much of that is attributable to the good work of the Biden administration. Is President Biden the leader of that administration? Yes. Which means whatever he is or is not doing behind the scenes is apparently enough to effect a result nonpartisan historians say is a Top 20 presidential administration in U.S. history. All this need not be made more complicated than it is.

You seriously need help or at least a payrise from Biden for posting that absolute trash.

The Trump campaign would be fearing that Biden is replaced by someone actually electable before the next debate. There is a reason why the calls for replacing Biden are being led by pro-Dem media and commentators.

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Unlike you I'm not in denial, they're both absolute horrendous shitfull candidates, it's you that's looking stupid with your continued defense of Biden for the last 2 years.
Lol ..no ..you keep posting pro trump garbage

trump is busy trying to stay out of prison and lining his pockets and the pockets of his family and billionaire mates

You can't see past your biases, and your choosing a wanna be dictator :thumbsu:

There is a choice of 2 right now .. and you keep waving the trump flag
You seriously need help or at least a payrise from Biden for posting that absolute trash.

The Trump campaign would be fearing that Biden is replaced by someone actually electable before the next debate. There is a reason why the calls for replacing Biden are being led by pro-Dem media and commentators.
Because the publications are owned by billionaires that trump has promised massive tax cut too?
And I'll explain it to you AGAIN!
Trump is a sh1t candidate, Biden is a shit candidate, the Democrats and Republican party's are shit parties thinking they can foist 2 useless shit candidates for President, it's a choice of what shit sandwich the voters chow down on. Neither should be within a million miles of the Presidency and it shows how stuffed the American Political System really is. Trump bad, Biden bad.

Would you be happy if it was Kamala vs Trump?

I know that ain’t going to happen but interested to know.

I’m not pro-Biden, I’m anti-Trump.
Would you be happy if it was Kamala vs Trump?

I know that ain’t going to happen but interested to know.
Keep up, I made my thoughts on Harris well known in the past and as recently as yesterday, she's almost as useless as Biden but then again you know that.

America is stuffed if Biden or Harris are the Democratic candidate, that's just giving the keys to the Whitehouse to Trump. Let's face it Trump has to really stuff up to lose it from here if it's either Biden or Harris.
Keep up, I made my thoughts on Harris well known in the past and as recently as yesterday, she's almost as useless as Biden but then again you know that.

America is stuffed if Biden or Harris are the Democratic candidate, that's just giving the keys to the Whitehouse to Trump. Let's face it Trump has to really stuff up to lose it from here if it's either Biden or Harris.
Which policies or actions do you think Biden needs to address?
Now see, there you go again. "Trump won't get voted in."??

After the debate, any fool could see Biden is senile and isn't up to it, but the same fool won't see past Trump's glaring lies, nor see through his orange fake tan that he is a despicable human.

We need to have a wager adelaidecrows 😉

I can't see Biden winning this now unless Trump is locked up and out of the way. That will never happen, so...
What I don’t understand is not a mention about Trump lying and lying and lying?
So we are so acclimatised to his lies that his own performance is washed over and seen as positive?

Why aren’t people saying g he should step down?

Being a President isn’t based on one’s ability to deceive, to put on a performance, it’s about doing things to help your people, it’s about integrity. Biden has that in spades.
Trump blusters and bluffs, he was an ineffective and poor President last time and will be worse next time.
All he did was stack the SCOTUS with corrupt judges and pall up with dictators.
Why are people not concerned about that?

I teach my grandchildren to be honest and be caring and positive individuals.
I teach them the opposite traits of Trump.
What do you teach your family?

Trump did a performance, the lies rolled off his tongue, he wasn’t fact checked or held to account, there was no substance, he refused to answer the questions. You are so gullible.
Actually, he's not the nominee yet. He won't be officially nominated until the Democratic Convention. The same goes for Trump (and the Republican Convention).

Until then, they are only the presumptive candidates. It is still possible to change to a different candidate/nominee, until the convention votes to formally decide the party's candidate.

On SM-A5360 using BigFooty.com mobile app
What I don’t understand is not a mention about Trump lying and lying and lying?
So we are so acclimatised to his lies that his own performance is washed over and seen as positive?

Why aren’t people saying g he should step down?

Being a President isn’t based on one’s ability to deceive, to put on a performance, it’s about doing things to help your people, it’s about integrity. Biden has that in spades.
Trump blusters and bluffs, he was an ineffective and poor President last time and will be worse next time.
All he did was stack the SCOTUS with corrupt judges and pall up with dictators.
Why are people not concerned about that?

I teach my grandchildren to be honest and be caring and positive individuals.
I teach them the opposite traits of Trump.
What do you teach your family?

Trump did a performance, the lies rolled off his tongue, he wasn’t fact checked or held to account, there was no substance, he refused to answer the questions. You are so gullible.
Wait...I'm gullible? I think you need to read my post again.
Actually, he's not the nominee yet. He won't be officially nominated until the Democratic Convention. The same goes for Trump (and the Republican Convention).

Until then, they are only the presumptive candidates. It is still possible to change to a different candidate/nominee, until the convention votes to formally decide the party's candidate.

On SM-A5360 using BigFooty.com mobile app
From my very limited knowledge of the crazy US system, I don't think it's that simple. Correct me if I'm wrong and I'm sure you will.
Trump and Biden own their delegates and it's up to them where those votes go. Their delegates cannot just re-assign the votes to someone else. They (Biden or Trump) would need to withdraw their nomination first.
There is the issue of to whom the funds raised go to. In the case of Biden If he withdraws, they go to Harris as she is on his ticket. It would be her call where the money goes.
Also, the states have different laws on who goes on the ballot. RFK is having issues atm with some states. Some states laws need the most extreme circumstances for a voted in nominee to withdraw to literally having to die to be replaced.
Wasn't there someone in Pennsylvania ? that was on their ballet that died and won the seat to congress in 2022. :think:

I am sure there are other obstacles.
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From my very limited knowledge of the crazy US system, I don't think it's that simple. Correct me if I'm wrong and I'm sure you will.
Trump and Biden own their delegates and it's up to them where those votes go. Their delegates cannot just re-assign the votes to someone else. They (Biden or Trump) would need to withdraw their nomination first.
There is the issue of to whom the funds raised go to. In the case of Biden If he withdraws, they go to Harris as she is on his ticket. It would be her call where the money goes.
Also, the states have different laws on who goes on the ballot. RFK is having issues atm with some states. Some states laws need the most extreme circumstances for a voted in nominee to withdraw to literally having to die to be replaced. I am sure there are other obstacles.
As far as I know, this is how it works - though I could be wrong.

Convention delegates are indeed tied to their candidate for the first round of voting. After that, all bets are off. Biden obviously has enough delegates to win the vote, provided he doesn't pull out first.

If Biden were to withdraw, then the convention delegates would be free to elect whoever they want - and there are no guarantees that Harris would get the nod. The person they elect doesn't even need to have been a candidate in any of the primaries.

As for state eligibility... I don't see any Democrat or Republican candidate having problems meeting those requirements. As for "replacing a nominee" - candidates don't become the "nominee" until they are formally voted in as such, at their respective party convention. If Biden drops out now, and the convention delegates vote for someone else, then that other person will be the Democrat Party nominee, and their name will appear on all the ballot papers.

As for the money/funding... I have no idea how that would work out. I assume they would just be able to move the funding to support the party's nominee, whoever that turns out to be. Harris is the current VP, but that doesn't automatically mean that any of Biden's election funding would be directed to her.
Lol ..no ..you keep posting pro trump garbage

trump is busy trying to stay out of prison and lining his pockets and the pockets of his family and billionaire mates

You can't see past your biases, and your choosing a wanna be dictator :thumbsu:

There is a choice of 2 right now .. and you keep waving the trump flag
Honestly I don't think the US public have a fair dinkum choice.

It's a shit show!
Dementia and Alzheimers would be a good start.
lol .. you realise that it's actually trump displaying sign of dementia, not Biden?

I posted a video here highlighting it a few days ago

Biden is just showing normal signs of old age, not dementia

Economy? Employment? Health care? Education? Infrastructure?
Trump is a performer. That is all.
He has no ethics, no conscience. He is a cruel sadistic liar and narcissist and a performer who loves the limelight and is adept at attacking .Those who think that is a good thing in a leader are unhinged and I fear for the type of people their offspring will become when that is the example set by their elders.
I don't remember anyone in the press having discussions about the GOP asking Trump to step aside as the nominee after he was convicted on 34 felony counts. The coverage was all "the nominee is now a convicted felon." So bad debate = step aside, but convicted felon = totally fine.
I don't remember anyone in the press having discussions about the GOP asking Trump to step aside as the nominee after he was convicted on 34 felony counts. The coverage was all "the nominee is now a convicted felon." So bad debate = step aside, but convicted felon = totally fine.
Just goes to show that only one side of US politics has any ethics at all.
Honestly how could any unbiased person watch that and think Biden should get in. He's this bad now imagine in four years time.
How could any unbiased person watch that & think either Biden or Trump should get in.

Neither are fit to govern a country, for differing reasons.

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Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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