Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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Where does the Biden decision leave Trump?

Contrary to the popular belief that Trump is now going to walk it in, I do think this decision even at late notice exposes Trump and badly.

The common trend was for everyone to compare Biden to Trump. Trump being the candidate less affected by age. But its a false equivalence. We were effectively comparing a moldy apple with a more moldy apple and asking people to pick one. Clearly the less moldy apple was more appealing.

What is going to happen now is Trump is going to look very old. All the proposed Democrat candidates are 52 (Gretchen Whitmer, 59 (JB Pritzker) and Harris at 59. All 20 years younger than Trump and all seasoned politicians who will clean up Trump in any debate which will rocket their profiles front and centre and ride the new fresh face high into the election.

Honestly, Trump was closer to winning an election with Biden. Now, I think he will almost certainly lose. The womens vote he was so worried about losing will 100% be lost to Harris and Whitmer who will shove Roe v Wade front and centre. This election will now be based on womens rights like predicted.

This has really changed the election race.
I reckon no one really has any idea.

I doubt Trump will debate anyone else as you are spot on.

Prepare for this thread to become the output of the GOP dog whistle.
I reckon no one really has any idea.

I doubt Trump will debate anyone else as you are spot on.

Prepare for this thread to become the output of the GOP dog whistle.

Nah he cant avoid it. swing states are swing states for a reason, he will have to earn their vote. If he chooses not to he may as well kiss the election good bye. MAGA is not a majority and he is going to lose women. He has to win votes from somewhere.

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Many media commentators are urging Biden to immediately retire as president or have Harris evoke the 25th amendment. Interesting times.
It should happen. If the Dems don't think he's physically or mentally up to another term, is he up to remaining president? Clearly he isn't. He's vague and doddering and in so many cases unable to hold a single train of thought or put together a coherent sentence. It's ridiculous he's lasted this long as the leader of the most powerful country.

Dems need to grow a pair and replace him now but I'm not sure they'd chance creating the opportunity for Harris to possibly shoot herself in the foot in the lead up to the election, or to give the GOP the chance to scrutinise her every move in the role of President so they can proclaim she's already shown she's not capable.

I'm assuming Harris is the default if Joe's removed before the end of his term.
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I reckon no one really has any idea.

I doubt Trump will debate anyone else as you are spot on.

Prepare for this thread to become the output of the GOP dog whistle.

If Trump refuses to debate then Kamala should just have the debate with an empty lectern. Show what a coward he is.

Reckon the DNC wanted the Republican Convention out the way before implementing this strategy - starting to wonder if they wanted to lock in The Orange One then do this. Perhaps this was all preplanned after the debate fiasco, that wouldn’t surprise as The Orange One doesn’t do strategy well.

And this and lets wait to see who the VP is.

If Trump refuses to debate then Kamala should just have the debate with an empty lectern. Show what a coward he is.

Reckon the DNC wanted the Republican Convention out the way before implementing this strategy - starting to wonder if they wanted to lock in The Orange One then do this. Perhaps this was all preplanned after the debate fiasco, that wouldn’t surprise as The Orange One doesn’t do strategy well.

And this and lets wait to see who the VP is.

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I think Harris is set up to become the nominee.

Trump is scrambling to attract women voters by having all these propaganda articles published about how he is really good with women. Proven sexual assualt and recordings etc suggest otherwise.

Roe v Wade and project 2025 are going to be a vote killer for Trump. MAGA is not a majority its only 2 3rds of republicans as well. And women MAGA may not even vote for Trump purely on the Roe v Wade which has been cooked up by men.

The democrats were likely dead in the water with Biden or the very least eek out a a hard fought close win. Under a new candidate they will be able to get their messages out without it being all about Biden cognitive abilities.

Biden should just retire I think. If he does it actually will further enhance their anti Trump arguments. Because Trump is the same age Biden was back in 2020. And he is showing all the same signs. If Biden wasnt around theyd all be saying what they said about Biden back then about Trump today. So if they say Biden didnt make it, its a certainty Trump will prove to follow Biden out of office within a similar duration, which means you will be voting for his horrendous VP as the next president.

Her answers were pathetic.
She surely absolutely has to step down.

In a country where every man and his dog can own an AR15 they obviously need much better protection around public figures (and schoolchildren) than they seem to have.

Wish there was such outrage and rage over Uvalde though rather than Trump telling the parents to get over it and certain GOP members wearing AR15 lapel pins.

Thank goodness in this instance the gunman missed his target.
What a shit hole gun crazy society.
They are their own worst enemies.
Her answers were pathetic.
She surely absolutely has to step down.

In a country where every man and his dog can own an AR15 they obviously need much better protection around public figures (and schoolchildren) than they seem to have.

Wish there was such outrage and rage over Uvalde though rather than Trump telling the parents to get over it and certain GOP members wearing AR15 lapel pins.

Thank goodness in this instance the gunman missed his target.
What a shit hole gun crazy society.
They are their own worst enemies.
Yeah I did notice a lack of the AR-15 lapel pins the GOP was wearing last time there was a large school shooting.


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Her answers were pathetic.
She surely absolutely has to step down.

In a country where every man and his dog can own an AR15 they obviously need much better protection around public figures (and schoolchildren) than they seem to have.

Wish there was such outrage and rage over Uvalde though rather than Trump telling the parents to get over it and certain GOP members wearing AR15 lapel pins.

Thank goodness in this instance the gunman missed his target.
What a shit hole gun crazy society.
They are their own worst enemies.

And she has now resigned.

It is good to see people take responsibility and step aside.

Pity Trump has never thought to do so in his entire life to accept responsibility and accountability but hey what does one expect from a dementia narcissist.
Have they become aware the snake is in their party now?

Farking LOL What a circus! Trump, the head clown.

But every politician knows where their bread is buttered.

What a combo, Trump, and Vance that giggling schoolgirl ninny (if you ever witnessed him salivating all over Trump in one of Trump's Biden rants LOL) who's now got his head so far up Trump they're gonna need surgery to get him out.

These guys are going to lead the most powerful country in the world. Let that sink in.

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so dire.

Doesn't the US have anyone worthy of leading? I haven't spotted any truly intelligent, dignified, balanced, capable prospective candidate, who stands out. It's always the ultra rich, the elite, the go-getter-wanna-be, those with ties to big corporate money, those with spurious or criminal pasts,...

Damn I love living in Australia.
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Farking LOL What a circus! Trump, the head clown.

But every politician knows where their bread is buttered.

What a combo, Trump and that giggling schoolgirl ninny (if you ever witnessed him salivating all over Trump in one of Trump's Biden rants LOL) who's now got his head so far up Trump they're gonna need surgery to get him out.

These guys are going to lead the most powerful country in the world. Let that sink in.

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so dire.

Doesn't the US have anyone worthy of leading? I haven't spotted any truly intelligent, dignified, balanced, capable prospective candidate, who stands out. It's always the ultra rich, the elite, the go-getter-wanna-be, those with ties to big corporate money, those with spurious or criminal pasts,...

Damn I love living in Australia.
Giggling schoolgirl ninny? Really?
First polling in - expect the rhetoric from Trump and Vance to go up

The Repugs need to find a way to dump trump asap.. or they will lose.. biggly..

Come on down Nikki Haley..

Some polls between Harris and Haley would be interesting right about now..

It wont happen though.. Trump and MAGA now own the GOP.. the problem is the MAGA crowd only really make up about 15 percent of the entire US population.. and they cant get rid of him.. he’s the umpolishable and unflushable turd.
The Repugs need to find a way to dump trump asap.. or they will lose.. biggly..

Come on down Nikki Haley..

Some polls between Harris and Haley would be interesting right about now..

It wont happen though.. Trump and MAGA now own the GOP.. the problem is the MAGA crowd only really make up about 15 percent of the entire US population.. and they cant get rid of him.. he’s the umpolishable and unflushable turd.

Given Trump and MAGA own the Republicans nothing is going to change. They had the opportunity in Jan 2021 and the Republicans chose not to take it. If this campaign of theirs ends up like the Titanic they have no-one to blame other than themselves.

Lets not forget a majority of the MAGA followers are white uneducated males.

Should Kamala win, expect the same fraud election crap we had back in 2020.

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Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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