Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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She might pull a few votes with her.
She must really really despise Trump to vote for a Dem, I mean really.
Real Republicans see that MAGA is too extreme and Trump is too dangerous.
They know that there will still be opportunity to vote again in 4 years if Kamala becomes POTUS and they will have a chance to reset the GOP.
They know that if Trump becomes POTUS he will destroy what is left of their Democracy and Cnstitution and the GOP will never exist again.


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Is this real?
The DOJ indictment is very real.

It appears to be the tip of the iceberg as well, apparently the FBI have also uncovered thousands more.

Tenent Media is what you are looking for. Paid somewhere between $100k a video and $400k a month to produce their misinformation.

most of them now telling the world they are the victims.
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What is amazing to me is the amount of politicians, high profile media people and even celebrities who are going to need to learn the phrase 'Would you like fries with that?' after the election. Because not only have they tied themselves to Trump but they have repeated his lies and are openly defending a pedophile and convicted felon.
I remember well those who shall not be named posting Epoch Times Conspiracy stuff on here. I guess you can’t fix gullible.

the Adelaide board is very sympathetic to our far right with brethren.

So it's not really surprising

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Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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