Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 6

The mental illness is the cult which I guess means you
Its projection 101. It's their way...not a smart way, but their way of pretending they are the smart ones when all Trump has done this term is prove every single one of those with the label of TDS right.

Interesting isn't it. 70m people on the plant are right, 7 billion people have tds.

Imagine being sociopath void of empathy and a member of a cult be ause you find human suffering amusing calling the other side mentally ill. Only one side wants to congratulate the most corrupt and incompetent president to ever sir in the chair by putting him on the $100 bill.

The word pathetic doesn't begin to describe them.

On CPH2371 using BigFooty.com mobile app

Are you good with Trump essentially blowing up the three branch system, disregarding the judiciary (many of which he appointed), deporting citizens and birthright citizens, sacking people without any sort of reference to their performance and using armed force to gain entry to non government institutions?

I know why you're justifying all this crap, because it's happening in a democratic society and duuuh he wun da vot... but if this was happening in any other country you'd be calling it for what it is.
Its projection 101. It's their way...not a smart way, but their way of pretending they are the smart ones when all Trump has done this term is prove every single one of those with the label of TDS right.

Interesting isn't it. 70m people on the plant are right, 7 billion people have tds.

Imagine being sociopath void of empathy and a member of a cult be ause you find human suffering amusing calling the other side mentally ill. Only one side wants to congratulate the most corrupt and incompetent president to ever sir in the chair by putting him on the $100 bill.

The word pathetic doesn't begin to describe them.

On CPH2371 using BigFooty.com mobile app
7 billion? Lol
Its pretty piss weak to invoke mental illness in this little schoolyard debate. Maybe do better, or is that all you've got?

Projection is all they have. But here is the sad reality. Not a single one of them would vote for a Trump style candidate in Australia and they would royally make sure they never came close to being elected in the first place. Other wise they would vote for Palmer, Hanson or Kelly. So thats all you need to know about what type of people we have on this site. They like watching from a distance as long as it doesnt land in their backyard.
Happy with this?


Im not sure where I sit on Israel. Im opposed to any sort of race based discrimination. But the Jewish people were displaced from that region 2000 years ago. I understand the events of WW2 and the horrific persecution Jewish people in Europe endured, but was the answer really to steal some land from the Arabs and then basically arm the Jewsih people to the teeth? How is it that such a small nation has nuclear capability?

I have no sympathy for terrorists, but the destabilisation of that region in particular - and the Middle East in general, is as a result of western intervention, in particular the USA. The percentage of Jewish people in the USA is around 2% of population, yet they represent around 25% of the 400 most wealthy USA citizens. They are responsible for some of the wealthiest financial institutions in the world. You cant tell me that their influence on US and global politics isnt disproportionate to the size of their community. The only reason the US GAF about the Middle East is oil, the only reason they GAF about Israel is the disproportionate influence the Jewish have in US society and politics.

Why is it that the only time in history land has been given to a displaced race or society is Israel?

Then you have the strange contradiction of Elon Musk openly supporting far right political parties while the government he is purging on behalf of his husband is supporting (and funding) the ongoing defence of Israel.

It's a strange world we are living in.
There is a good reason why these decisions are by judges.

We don't need a control freak like Trump in Australia like ScoMo was.
Exactly. These people are custodians, not rulers. Dutton just following the line of wannabe dictators in the Lib Party since their last decent leader Howard. Abbott -> ScoMo -> Dutton.
Exactly. These people are custodians, not rulers. Dutton just following the line of wannabe dictators in the Lib Party since their last decent leader Howard. Abbott -> ScoMo -> Dutton.
Referendums don't succeed when both major parties don't support it. Dutton doesn't even have the support of his party as Cash has said no.

This would be wasting $400M of taxpayers money for no change. Great idea for the guy claiming he will help our cost of living.

Politicians create the laws but they should not ever be close to the ones enforcing them. Not at all. Political agendas and ego always get in the way. I guess he liked the idea of putting people in blindfolds, putting them on a plane and dumping them in random overseas locations at his own behest. This is the same moron who did keep a family locked up for 4 years because it suited his political agenda.
Referendums don't succeed when both major parties don't support it. Dutton doesn't even have the support of his party as Cash has said no.

This would be wasting $400M of taxpayers money for no change. Great idea for the guy claiming he will help our cost of living.

It opens up the flood gates if a political leader can determine someones citizenship status. How many people have citizenship they are unaware of from foreign countries, especially Europe that have generational citizenship. Its really not a stretch to assume that someone with power will abuse it if there is no oversight. Look at the orange turd and his supporters. Happily abusing their power and threatening anyone who opposes them. We have strict laws in this process to keep the power with the laws and the people. Not a single politician whose opinions can be bought by the highest bidder. On this alone, Dutton should not win the election.
Projection is all they have. But here is the sad reality. Not a single one of them would vote for a Trump style candidate in Australia and they would royally make sure they never came close to being elected in the first place. Other wise they would vote for Palmer, Hanson or Kelly. So thats all you need to know about what type of people we have on this site. They like watching from a distance as long as it doesnt land in their backyard.
I would definitely vote for a Trump style candidate but the problem is there isn't one and there likely never will be one. Thats not to say that Trump could solve all of our problems as most of them are due to our constitution which doesn't allow a leader to do what needs to be done. I would prefer to become the 51st state of the US to gain their constiturion and bill of rights. That likely isn't happening so my advice to anyone who has the financial means is to get the hell out of this decaying woke leftwing hellscape.
Are you good with Trump essentially blowing up the three branch system, disregarding the judiciary (many of which he appointed), deporting citizens and birthright citizens, sacking people without any sort of reference to their performance and using armed force to gain entry to non government institutions?

I know why you're justifying all this crap, because it's happening in a democratic society and duuuh he wun da vot... but if this was happening in any other country you'd be calling it for what it is.
Trump supports Slippery’s deep rooted prejudices

Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 6

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