International International Rugby League Thread

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Your "All Australian Team" doesn't even play your crappy sport of GayFL. It's a hybird mixture of Gaelic footy and your crap code. That cannot be considered an AFL international, because AFL WAS NOT PLAYED!
Which code does nicko follow?

Why does he spend 90% of his time in the RL area and bag it?

Does he have any knowledge of the other codes?
International game?? HA

what a joke, to think that some league fans think that it is an international sport, you are deluding yourselves. so is ping pong

rugby league is now the least follwed football code in the country. it is a shadow of aussie rules and rugby union. just look at their crowds, pathetic, really really pathetic, and hardly any juniors play anymore. not surprising really, seeing all the bum sniffing arse poking neanderthal thug heroes that play the game.

have you guys just thought it was always a coincidence that it is only your sport that is touted as dying? i wonder why people dont say aussie rules and union are dying? its because league is so far down the gurgler it is beyond repair.

what type of mum would let their kids play a game with abusive, redneck crowds, players that smear faeces on hotel walls, drug taking, roid raiding, arse poking, bum sniffing thugs?

the sport is a national disgrace, luckily it will be well and truly dead in 10 years time.

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Re: International game?? HA

Originally posted by GH_
what a joke, to think that some league fans think that it is an international sport, you are deluding yourselves. so is ping pong

rugby league is now the least follwed football code in the country. it is a shadow of aussie rules and rugby union. just look at their crowds, pathetic, really really pathetic, and hardly any juniors play anymore. not surprising really, seeing all the bum sniffing arse poking neanderthal thug heroes that play the game.

have you guys just thought it was always a coincidence that it is only your sport that is touted as dying? i wonder why people dont say aussie rules and union are dying? its because league is so far down the gurgler it is beyond repair.

what type of mum would let their kids play a game with abusive, redneck crowds, players that smear faeces on hotel walls, drug taking, roid raiding, arse poking, bum sniffing thugs?

the sport is a national disgrace, luckily it will be well and truly dead in 10 years time.

And this coming from an AFL fan whose sport is so desperate to be an international sport that it creates a hybrid sport just so it can play internationals.

What a try-hard sport that International Rules is, if there is any disgraceful sport in this nation, that has to be it.
Originally posted by Latrobe

RL is in fact an INTERNATIONAL SPORT and always will be, and it is growing at an ever increasing rate. A league has been re-established in Serbia (they used to play it in Yugoslavia before war and stuff), Lebanon set one up after the World Cup, they have one in the USA (, a Kenyan one being set up and the Russian league is really strong with 20,000 juniors. Then there's all the Pacific Island nations and GB, plus Central Asian countries like Tartarstan, Japan plays as well. I'll post up a full list of countries playing league later.

I don't think that this is a good argument. AFL has leagues in the USA, UK, Canada and Holland. So therefore it is an International Sport? I don't think so. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought an international sport was one which has competitive teams from different countries competing against one another, which league does, albeit that there are few competitive countries ... only three in fact.... but there are still three.

AFL is not international as there is no Australian Aussie Rules team. International Rules is a joke and is a hybrid game anyway.
Re: Re: Guys......

Originally posted by nicko18

at least im prepared to be ms. storm, but you must have missed all his abusive comments, as well as some of the posts he has since deleted. methinks the fact that he supports league is clouding your judgement somewhat.

I wish he hadn't have deleted the poll one where you and I were going to be sent to Coventry for our crimes Nicko! :D

Some of the funniest posts I've seen on the league board were in there! :cool: :cool: :D :D

Why'd you delete that one BTige?
Re: International game?? HA

Originally posted by GH_
what a joke, to think that some league fans think that it is an international sport, you are deluding yourselves. so is ping pong

rugby league is now the least follwed football code in the country. it is a shadow of aussie rules and rugby union. just look at their crowds, pathetic, really really pathetic, and hardly any juniors play anymore. not surprising really, seeing all the bum sniffing arse poking neanderthal thug heroes that play the game.

have you guys just thought it was always a coincidence that it is only your sport that is touted as dying? i wonder why people dont say aussie rules and union are dying? its because league is so far down the gurgler it is beyond repair.

what type of mum would let their kids play a game with abusive, redneck crowds, players that smear faeces on hotel walls, drug taking, roid raiding, arse poking, bum sniffing thugs?

the sport is a national disgrace, luckily it will be well and truly dead in 10 years time.

And a lot of AFL players have squeaky clean records as well, or don't assaults, drink-driving, alleged rape cases, stories of steroid and drug use and extra-marital sex scandals count against them?

Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out, you halfwit.
Re: Re: International game?? HA

Originally posted by Briedis

And this coming from an AFL fan whose sport is so desperate to be an international sport that it creates a hybrid sport just so it can play internationals.

What a try-hard sport that International Rules is, if there is any disgraceful sport in this nation, that has to be it.

Its more competitive than RL internationals that Australia play in. When was the last time England beat Australia, or any other country for that matter? It is so one sided that it is a joke.

The best rep comp in RL is the SOO and has been for about the past 15-20 years.

The International Rules constantly and easily outdraw RL tests and while the game is a hybrid of the two, it is always more than competitive, something the RL would long for.
Originally posted by Latrobe
Your "All Australian Team" doesn't even play your crappy sport of GayFL. It's a hybird mixture of Gaelic footy and your crap code. That cannot be considered an AFL international, because AFL WAS NOT PLAYED!

Typical neanderthal Thugby League supporter. No Neck no brains!!!
Re: International game?? HA

Originally posted by GH_
what a joke, to think that some league fans think that it is an international sport, you are deluding yourselves. so is ping pong

rugby league is now the least follwed football code in the country. it is a shadow of aussie rules and rugby union. just look at their crowds, pathetic, really really pathetic, and hardly any juniors play anymore. not surprising really, seeing all the bum sniffing arse poking neanderthal thug heroes that play the game.

have you guys just thought it was always a coincidence that it is only your sport that is touted as dying? i wonder why people dont say aussie rules and union are dying? its because league is so far down the gurgler it is beyond repair.

what type of mum would let their kids play a game with abusive, redneck crowds, players that smear faeces on hotel walls, drug taking, roid raiding, arse poking, bum sniffing thugs?

the sport is a national disgrace, luckily it will be well and truly dead in 10 years time.

Wayne Carey - role model for the AFL.
Re: Re: Re: International game?? HA

Originally posted by Joffaboy

Its more competitive than RL internationals that Australia play in. When was the last time England beat Australia, or any other country for that matter? It is so one sided that it is a joke.

The best rep comp in RL is the SOO and has been for about the past 15-20 years.

The International Rules constantly and easily outdraw RL tests and while the game is a hybrid of the two, it is always more than competitive, something the RL would long for.

Yes, at the moment Australia is the best team, but that has not always been the case. Australia had never beaten the Poms in England until the 1960's.

England beat Australia in the first test in the last Ashes series from memory, and the series was pretty close.

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When the Roos play Test matches against the Old Dart it is Great Britain and not England they compete with.

Briedis is right. Up until the 1960's, the poms were by far the more dominant nation.

The old test rivalry between Australia and Great Britain is gradually becoming competitive again.
Originally posted by Joffaboy

Typical neanderthal Thugby League supporter. No Neck no brains!!!

Isn't that the term the Irish used for the Aussies during the international tools series?

Tuggery.......bunch of TUGS!
GayFL people!

Check the facts idiots! Australia lost to Great Britain in the first match of the Ashes LAST YEAR. Not competitive, what a load of bull****.

Get your head out of your arse.

And YET, you have the audacity to criticise RL for having poor role models, which is highly hypocritical considering you too have steroid takers, extra-marital sex affairs, drug use, drink driving and alleged rape! Then you go on to criticise the International game of Rugby League when AFL IS NOT PLAYED ANYWHERE OVERSEAS! You have to invent a wishy-washy hybird game to play a joke test against Ireland.
agree rugby league is not really international, but the AFL would give their right knacker to be able to play england and NZ in semi competitive tests.

and if youre a union fan, i think ou'll find that WAY more kids play league than union in NSW & Qld.

unfortunately the league made a mistake in appointing a union guy (moffet) as CEO. youd have to think he had other motives in mind. but just because union gets more crowds than league doesnt really say much about the game itself, for that you only have to look at the number of juniors playing.

all that the crowds indicate is that we have a ****house organisation in charge at the elite level.

all signs point to the NRL!! whats david gallop doing these days anyway? is he really any different to moffett? i mean, where is the publicity, where are the grass roots funding? i remember 10 years ago you couldnt go half a day without coming across something league on tv, now, thanks to the NRL.... nothing
International - involving several countries: involving two or more countries or their citizens.
Encarta World English Dictionary.

Rugby League easily meets those criteria and has done for over 90 years.

So what does really international mean? It's either international or it isn't.

A soccer fan turns to his mate who follows rugby union and say's, "yeah, but our game is REALLY international".

How many nations does a sport require in order to be deemed a 'truly' or 'really' international sport?
Originally posted by Ell-d5
International - involving several countries: involving two or more countries or their citizens.
Encarta World English Dictionary.

Rugby League easily meets those criteria and has done for over 90 years.

So what does really international mean? It's either international or it isn't.

A soccer fan turns to his mate who follows rugby union and say's, "yeah, but our game is REALLY international".

How many nations does a sport require in order to be deemed a 'truly' or 'really' international sport?

by your definition, every sport is international

it requires several countries (at least half a dozen) who are competetive. AFL has more than 20 other countries where it is played, but it is not even nearly competitive in any of them, so it cant be called international. league has about 3 countries that are competetive and union around 9 (six nations plus tri nations), soccer....lots and lots!! cricket i'd say 8 out of 10 test teams are competitive sides (i'd discount zimbabwe and bangladesh, but all the others could beat anyone on their day)

my point being you cant consider a sport international just because it is played in lebanon, portugal, yugoslavia etc. every sport would have some people playing park competitions in all countries. there are local cricket teams in hundeds of countries, same with most sports. soccer is by far the most international sport because it has the most countries that compete at a competitive level.
Originally posted by nicko18

by your definition, every sport is international

it requires several countries (at least half a dozen) who are competetive. AFL has more than 20 other countries where it is played, but it is not even nearly competitive in any of them, so it cant be called international. league has about 3 countries that are competetive and union around 9 (six nations plus tri nations), soccer....lots and lots!! cricket i'd say 8 out of 10 test teams are competitive sides (i'd discount zimbabwe and bangladesh, but all the others could beat anyone on their day)

my point being you cant consider a sport international just because it is played in lebanon, portugal, yugoslavia etc. every sport would have some people playing park competitions in all countries. there are local cricket teams in hundeds of countries, same with most sports. soccer is by far the most international sport because it has the most countries that compete at a competitive level.

It's not my definition, it's from a dictionary and I'm no lexicographer.

Who say's it requires six countries, you? That's just your arbitratry rule, who are you to judge what is 'really' international?

Aussie Rules in not international in a professional manner, although it would be considered an international sport at amateur level.

If League has three professional standard nations it is international, no matter what prerequisite you put on the term.

The first soccer international was between England and Scotland. In an age when there were no more than 4 nations who played the game. Would you suggest that it wasn't an international????
Internationl finals series

I was thinking today about some of the continual complaints that some (mostly trolls I know) people have in here on league.

Low crowds, not an international game for example.

What would you guys say if the NRL and ESL got together for their finals series? At the moment, there is the club challenge game, but perhaps the top four or five teams from each comp could comete in a finals series after the NRL/ESL seasons grand final.

I think something like that would boost rugby leagues profile and hopefully be something to regain some of the old fans and get new fans. Plus, the added value for sponsors and TV money etc would make it worthwhile for clubs etc.
Well from personal experience the Superleague World Challenge Cup Club Competition (I have no idea of its proper name) was dreadful.

It felt like a cheap gimmick, and I certainly didn't care (and don't know) who won.

The football was boring, it was difficult to motivate oneself to pretend to care what happened to the European sides, and the games weren't exactly played at favourable times.

My biggest recollection was of the English seemingly more concerned with technically correct play the balls, and celebrating everytime they caught an Australian for not using their foot, then entertaining expansive football.

The whole thing felt like a victim of the tyranny of distance.

However Mark II could work, but not as a post season exhibition tournament.

If the standard of rugby league isn't better, especially tougher and more physical then the NRL, then the fans won't by in.

Before the Super12, rugby union had the Southpac and Super10, both were poxy competitions which nobody really cared about.

As I understand they have planned an elite eight team international club challenge to pay off the debts incurred from the last World Cup.

Anyway unless they play half of the games in this part of the world then they can stick their competition up their arse.
It seems that some Aussies are stuck in a time wharp, circa 1997 and possibly don't get to see any SL games.

I would expect the NRL sides to be the more dominant if we had such a comp now, but the top British sides wouldn't be the pushovers they were back in the SL2 days, things have moved on.

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International International Rugby League Thread

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