Iran Conflict 2019 - ??

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Lol, the tin foil hat brigade are back. The whole world are aware that Putin would not approve of such a strike. But I'm sure it was a comment in the MSM that alerted a compromised Trump to this well known fact...
Mueller report finds that in July 2016, after then-candidate Donald Trump publicly called for Russia to "find the 30,000 emails,"

On July 27, 2016, within five hours of then-candidate Trump's call for Russia to "find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing," officers of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU) targeted Clinton's personal office for the first time, attempting to compromise 15 nonpublic accounts.

That's quite the coincidence
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Think we'd have to ask your saint bob that first.

Maybe JLG if he'd shared his knowledge at the time could have stopped the rise of ISIS happened under Saint Barry as well can't believe so many died because JLG rested on his laurels, I don't trust the pentagon but I trust a rando on the internet even less.

Seeing as you asked, ISIS didn't "rise" under Obama, they rose under George W Bush. Its the same organisation emerged in 2003 after the invasion of Iraq - Al Qaeda in Iraq. Its had a few iterations/rebrands but the blame for that one lies with Bush, not Obama.

I get that you're hurt and confused by trump, who you have a bizarre but significant emotional investment in, now seeming to betray one of the key things that attracted you to him - the no more Middle Eastern wars thing - and that's understandable.

But console yourself with the knowledge that he lies to, and rips off, and betrays EVERYONE, so it isn't a personal slight, even if you do look pretty foolish on this little corner of the internet.

Now scurry off and troll some libs on the Trump thread, we've LARPing to do here.
Seeing as you asked, ISIS didn't "rise" under Obama, they rose under George W Bush. Its the same organisation emerged in 2003 after the invasion of Iraq - Al Qaeda in Iraq. Its had a few iterations/rebrands but the blame for that one lies with Bush, not Obama.

I get that you're hurt and confused by trump, who you have a bizarre but significant emotional investment in, now seeming to betray one of the key things that attracted you to him - the no more Middle Eastern wars thing - and that's understandable.

But console yourself with the knowledge that he lies to, and rips off, and betrays EVERYONE, so it isn't a personal slight, even if you do look pretty foolish on this little corner of the internet.

Now scurry off and troll some libs on the Trump thread, we've LARPing to do here.

Yeah and the US economy is Obama's work, you are a caricature of a Trump hater so glad I could engage in this conversation. Might be of interest to you that Trump supporters aren't the biggest fans of Bush either.

PrEtTy FoOlIsH what a pissa wonder how you were coping when Trump pantsed your goddess in 2016, I wouldn't even have to go far to find how red your face was when Scomo mopped the floor with your socialist dreams.

Soooooo if you can link ISIS being a problem back to 2003 (in order to protect Obama) is it not safe to say that Iran didn't just become a problem in 2019?

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Yeah and the US economy is Obama's work, you are a caricature of a Trump hater so glad I could engage in this conversation. Might be of interest to you that Trump supporters aren't the biggest fans of Bush either.

PrEtTy FoOlIsH what a pissa wonder how you were coping when Trump pantsed your goddess in 2016, I wouldn't even have to go far to find how red your face was when Scomo mopped the floor with your socialist dreams.

Soooooo if you can link ISIS being a problem back to 2003 (in order to protect Obama) is it not safe to say that Iran didn't just become a problem in 2019?

I see you've started on the daily goonbag.

Iranians saying no more diplomacy.

Oh Donald Donald Donald, what are you going to do with these heavily armed highly experienced crazy arse bloodthirsty martyrdom loving Shia psychos now you've backed them into the corner and insulted their leader?

Iranians saying no more diplomacy.

Oh Donald Donald Donald, what are you going to do with these heavily armed highly experienced crazy arse bloodthirsty martyrdom loving Shia psychos now you've backed them into the corner and insulted their leader?
What do you think is gon happen?
I can understand Russia & China being VERY concerned about the complete U.S. control of the middle eastern oil fields.

The potential for escalation here is enormous.

Interesting reading.

Russia and Iran Deepen Ties to Challenge Trump and the United States
The U.S. produced regional confusion. Russia filled the power vacuum.”
“The most important thing that Putin said was, ‘I will not betray you,’ ”
“No one should doubt my word,” Trump said in a statement. None of the other major parties—Europe, Russia, or China—support amending the accord.
“After the nuclear deal, in 2015, Putin worried about rapprochement between Iran and the United States,”
Think we'd have to ask your saint bob that first.

Maybe JLG if he'd shared his knowledge at the time could have stopped the rise of ISIS happened under Saint Barry as well can't believe so many died because JLG rested on his laurels, I don't trust the pentagon but I trust a rando on the internet even less.

The rise of IS? Wtf are you talking about? IS was born during the Iraq conflict when Paul Bremer sacked the army. Al Zarqawi formed it as AQI but couldn't agree on the Shiite situation with Bin Laden so they split.

IS was wreaking havoc 5 years before Obama even nominated himself for President.

It only rose further because of power vacuums in certain Middle Eastern countries.
Its also the mentality that "deals" and "agreements" mean nothing to him, because in his head they are only worth the paper they're printed on as long as they suit him.

Its why he can't understand that the Iranians won't come back to the table after he walked away from the JCPOA - he thinks that was an "Obama" deal, and that he can do a "Trump" deal.

The Iranians think, with eminent justification, that they did a deal with the United States of America, and question why they should negotiate a new "deal" when the last one was clearly not worth crap.

Donald got away with treating banks and subcontractors like that, but this is different.

You can't just declare bankruptcy and walk away.

I don't think you should give this oxymoron Poor Form any more oxygen. He's entrenched into his world views where Trump is a heavenly creature sent to Earth to bring peace and justice to the poor and the needy. You can hit him with the obvious but the capacity to absorb and collate information and make up his mind is lacking in this instance
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The rise of IS? Wtf are you talking about? IS was born during the Iraq conflict when Paul Bremer sacked the army. Al Zarqawi formed it as AQI but couldn't agree on the Shiite situation with Bin Laden so they split.

IS was wreaking havoc 5 years before Obama even nominated himself for President.

It only rose further because of power vacuums in certain Middle Eastern countries.
That still remains one of the worst possible foreign policy decisions in living memory.

Instantly creating 100ks of humiliated, unemployed, angry, trained and armed people in a devastated nation. It was baffling in it's stupidity.

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Interesting reading.

Russia and Iran Deepen Ties to Challenge Trump and the United States
The U.S. produced regional confusion. Russia filled the power vacuum.”
“The most important thing that Putin said was, ‘I will not betray you,’ ”
“No one should doubt my word,” Trump said in a statement. None of the other major parties—Europe, Russia, or China—support amending the accord.
“After the nuclear deal, in 2015, Putin worried about rapprochement between Iran and the United States,”
No surprise the Russians wanted Trump as POTUS. He's unwittingly handing everything the Russians want want to Putin on a platter. I just hope he's not stupid enough to go to war.
It'll be intriguing to see how warmongers and liars like Bolton and Trump handle matters if the Ruskies take a pro Irianian position. I'll back Trump's close friend Puty.

Russia has military intelligence that shows that a U.S. drone was in Iranian airspace when it was shot down by Iran last week, Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of Russia's Security Council, said on Tuesday in his opening remarks at a first-ever trilateral meeting with American and Israeli national security advisers in Jerusalem.

It'll be intriguing to see how warmongers and liars like Bolton and Trump handle matters if the Ruskies take a pro Irianian position. I'll back Trump's close friend Puty.

Russians have long been known to abandon their allies in times of need so wouldn't be surprised if they would do the same to Iran. Although their firm support for Assad in Syria has in a way has been somewhat of an anomaly and possibly a sign of times we live in.
Russians have long been known to abandon their allies in times of need so wouldn't be surprised if they would do the same to Iran. Although their firm support for Assad in Syria has in a way has been somewhat of an anomaly and possibly a sign of times we live in.
They do, as most powerful countries do, give effect to policies that are in their self interest. I suspect they are concerned at the Yanks virtual take over of the Middle East and the nutcases like Bolton who'd start a war for fun.
Russians have long been known to abandon their allies in times of need so wouldn't be surprised if they would do the same to Iran. Although their firm support for Assad in Syria has in a way has been somewhat of an anomaly and possibly a sign of times we live in.
Assad was virtually propped up by Iranian support too.
Russia and Iran (despite the clashes of Persian/Russian empires centuries ago) have been fused together by common interest - opposition to US/Sunni power in the Middle East. With Germany's manufacturing base relying on Russian gas and Iran controlling an important proportion of the world oil supply together they hold significant energy trading power.
Russians have long been known to abandon their allies in times of need so wouldn't be surprised if they would do the same to Iran. Although their firm support for Assad in Syria has in a way has been somewhat of an anomaly and possibly a sign of times we live in.

The Georgians (South Ossetia/Abkhazia) and Ukrainians (Crimea/Donbass) would disagree.
What do you think is gon happen?

Seems like the Americans have gone a bit quiet since Iran put a missile through one of their best, stealthiest unshootdownable drones, and had lock on a surveillance aircraft at the same time.

Iranians demonstrating that if the Yanks do attempt even an air war only, they'll cop very significant casualties.

What happens now? Dunno - if I were the Iranians I'd be pushing the nuke program ahead and wait and see what happens in November 2020.

If Trump goes, every chance of that, the Democrat who gets in will be reliant on the new young progressive wing of the party which will have got the vote out and is hugely anti-war. Nice reach out to the rump MAGA anti-war right wing too.

Iranians can say - come back to the table - let's talk again, get the sanctions lifted.

They've called Trump's bluff for now and he's got nothing.
The rise of IS? Wtf are you talking about? IS was born during the Iraq conflict when Paul Bremer sacked the army. Al Zarqawi formed it as AQI but couldn't agree on the Shiite situation with Bin Laden so they split.

IS was wreaking havoc 5 years before Obama even nominated himself for President.

It only rose further because of power vacuums in certain Middle Eastern countries.

Even if you want to humour the Trumpies and pretend AQI and Daesh aren't the same thing, by the Daeshis and Americans own account, the new iteration of the beast came about in 2006-07 when the jihadis were locked up with ex Saddamites in Camp Bucca and made common cause.

Its a pretty impressive achievement by the Republican Party - the jihadis and Saddmites were blood enemies before the invasion, five years later and the Saddamites are bring the skills to run a police state based on public displays of terror to meet the jihadi battlefield experience and money and manpower streams.

Fast forward another five or six years and they control an area the size of Britain.

(And of course were beaten on the ground by Iranian strategy, money and manpower, albeit with massive Western air support)

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Iran Conflict 2019 - ??

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