Gym & Misc Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym II

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Is started going HAM at the gym when I moved to Sydney 12 months ago, when I recently caught up with some mates in Melbourne there was a lot of comments about how much bigger I’ve gotten, one particular mate asked if I was alright, implying I must have been using the gym to deal with some inherent loneliness from changing cities. He’s not entirely wrong, less friends and less social engagements means I have more time for the gym but I don’t see that as a negative either. Couple of guys at work always find it bizarre I go to the gym, they have kids and claim they’d never have time but they also watch twice the tv I do.

One of the reasons I took up CrossFit was to expand my social circle when I moved to Queensland. Say what you will about their fitness regime but the community aspect is great.
It does irk me a bit when people say, "But you don't have kids". No, but I have to do all the housework, shopping, gardening, cooking and walking my dogs myself, whereas in a family you can split the chores a bit, especially when the kids are a bit older.

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I wasn’t super fussed by the comments just found it odd that people are like “you’re gymming more, must be lonely, you alright?” Im loving the additional spare time and I’m loving the gym!

On the time thing, I tend to agree, if it’s a priority you’ll find/make the time, kids or not, if it isn’t, you won’t, either way it’s your choice and I don’t judge you for not gymming/running/whatevering so don’t make out I’ve got sooooooo much spare time because I don’t have kids. This is important to me, will it be top of my list when/if I have kids, maybe not, but that will be my choice just as this is yours now. It does shit me a little that people do pass judgement or say shit like “oh won’t be doing that once you have a kid”.
I don't think you should be telling other people what they will or won't do when they have kids

I also think kids don't impact everyone's lives the same, and don't even impact a life the same day to day or year to year

There can be times when kids stop things like the gym just the same as anything in your life can, kids can be harder to work around than most things though
It does irk me a bit when people say, "But you don't have kids". No, but I have to do all the housework, shopping, gardening, cooking and walking my dogs myself, whereas in a family you can split the chores a bit, especially when the kids are a bit older.

I guess it could be akin to someone saying afl is shit, when they have never watched a game. Or maybe America is a shithole despite never going there. Not understanding someones situation with kids is normal and absolteuly nothing to be ashamed of. Of course, if one has no experience with something how can they make an experienced judgement of something.
I don't think you should be telling other people what they will or won't do when they have kids

I also think kids don't impact everyone's lives the same, and don't even impact a life the same day to day or year to year

There can be times when kids stop things like the gym just the same as anything in your life can, kids can be harder to work around than most things though

spot on. i know when mrs norf went away for a week it was me and lil norfy. i couldnt go to gym.
I wasn’t super fussed by the comments just found it odd that people are like “you’re gymming more, must be lonely, you alright?” Im loving the additional spare time and I’m loving the gym!

On the time thing, I tend to agree, if it’s a priority you’ll find/make the time, kids or not, if it isn’t, you won’t, either way it’s your choice and I don’t judge you for not gymming/running/whatevering so don’t make out I’ve got sooooooo much spare time because I don’t have kids. This is important to me, will it be top of my list when/if I have kids, maybe not, but that will be my choice just as this is yours now. It does shit me a little that people do pass judgement or say shit like “oh won’t be doing that once you have a kid”.

Do they go to the gym?

People who don’t regularly go to the gym don’t really get it.
Kids and gym - all about priority.

When I had my first, was massively sleep deprived. Was lucky to get 4 hours a night and was very much in the "just too damn tired and busy to exercise" until I decided to get a personal trainer for 2 days a week for early morning sessions. It was damn hard, but having booked in appointments (that I would have to pay for if I didn't turn up) meant I had a baseline level of exercise that I committed to.

I now work about a 60 hour week, plus my volunteer stuff, but get up early and have it all done by 7 am. Spend heaps of time with my kids. I only work at home when they're in bed, and only exercise before they get up. It means I'm never actually choosing between kids/exercise or kids/work.

It's a hell of a thing to juggle though. I'm really big on making sure I'm not just 'support staff' for my wife, but actually doing the heavy lifting and planning and everything else at home and with the kids.
Kids and gym - all about priority.

When I had my first, was massively sleep deprived. Was lucky to get 4 hours a night and was very much in the "just too damn tired and busy to exercise" until I decided to get a personal trainer for 2 days a week for early morning sessions. It was damn hard, but having booked in appointments (that I would have to pay for if I didn't turn up) meant I had a baseline level of exercise that I committed to.

I now work about a 60 hour week, plus my volunteer stuff, but get up early and have it all done by 7 am. Spend heaps of time with my kids. I only work at home when they're in bed, and only exercise before they get up. It means I'm never actually choosing between kids/exercise or kids/work.

It's a hell of a thing to juggle though. I'm really big on making sure I'm not just 'support staff' for my wife, but actually doing the heavy lifting and planning and everything else at home and with the kids.

I recall when lil miss norf was born i gym/rode quite a bit. I mean she was getting breast fed and i cant breast feed. Also she slept fairly well early morning. But then it suddenly changed. Dunno why, but i started to spend more time with her. And more and more. Now as a young child its kinda easier to work out. As a 40 something year old is gym a priority? hmmmm, nah.
I think gyming is kinda a luxury to a small degree. We love working out, is it life/death? In some cases yes, for health reasons.
But its in some ways addictive. I mean right now im sitting here typing and posting but thinking about being in the gym, even just stretching. The noise, ambience, smell. Love it!

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And that’s all fine, I’m not judging anyone for not going to the gym, family or not, so why should I get judged for doing it?

yes the you must be lonely edict is strange, really odd. how someone could say that to you is baffling
I think gyming is kinda a luxury to a small degree. We love working out, is it life/death? In some cases yes, for health reasons.
But its in some ways addictive. I mean right now im sitting here typing and posting but thinking about being in the gym, even just stretching. The noise, ambience, smell. Love it!

Couldn’t agree more but even the family guys have their luxuries, they watch twice the tv I do, they go to the pub for a beer every Friday after work, one of them runs a little bit.

Even the most dedicated parents have some time for themselves, how they choose to spend it is none of my business and whatever helps them is good for them. I spend a lot of my spare time working out at the gym because I enjoy it. I actually think most people assume that gym goers are vain, self absorbed, arrogant types, that’s where the judgement comes from.
I think deep down we all judge everyone for everything.

I actually think most people just look at others choices through their own lens (“Jesus the last thing I’d do on my morning off would be go to the gym for an hour, what an idiot”) which is basically the same as what your saying. I also think that when you grow up a bit you change a little and that becomes “Jesus the last thing is do on my morning off would be go to the gym for an hour, but they seem to really enjoy it so good for them”
I think deep down we all judge everyone for everything.

Couldn’t agree more but even the family guys have their luxuries, they watch twice the tv I do, they go to the pub for a beer every Friday after work, one of them runs a little bit.

Even the most dedicated parents have some time for themselves, how they choose to spend it is none of my business and whatever helps them is good for them. I spend a lot of my spare time working out at the gym because I enjoy it. I actually think most people assume that gym goers are vain, self absorbed, arrogant types, that’s where the judgement comes from.

Spot on. In some ways I "wish i could gym all day, or be there even just stretching", but being honest, id probably be at home, watching tv, posting here!
I actually think most people just look at others choices through their own lens (“Jesus the last thing I’d do on my morning off would be go to the gym for an hour, what an idiot”) which is basically the same as what your saying. I also think that when you grow up a bit you change a little and that becomes “Jesus the last thing is do on my morning off would be go to the gym for an hour, but they seem to really enjoy it so good for them”

The last sentence could not be more correct. Its maturity. Like when younger we crack the shits if we dont get our way, a toy, etc. But now as adults oh i like that 70 inch tv, but meh, happy with what i got so dont need it.
We all agree B.O is shocking. The other night three lads walked past me and reeked of a particular deodorant. Overbearing and too much of it.

I think it was lynx

It could only have been Lynx, PN.

I've got two to add to this thread, both have been mentioned before but none the less left me shaking my head (literally).

The first was Bane walking around the gym wearing a high-altitude mask.. Feck mate, you training to climb Everest? You look like an utter twat.

The second, a girl who, I swear, goes to the gym twice a day - regardless what time I go, she's there. Anyway, I actually admire her training; she's dedicated, knows how to train. She's also studying to become a personal trainer ( I know this because I see and hear her so often I know half her life story). So my beef with her, you're asking? She makes noise - she grunts and wails. It's a demonstration of how heavy she is lifting in a commercial gym. Yes, everyone can see you. You have all the gym gear to compliment your exertion in front of big boys.

If you're making that much effort to move heavy weight you can certainly direct some of those efforts to shutting TF up so you don't draw attention to yourself.
It's all about priorities and values and it's very subjective. We have a 16 month old boy, and we both still train and exercise regularly. I honestly believe if you are working that much (ESPECIALLY if you're working for someone else), and you want to exercise, but simply cannot find the spare 45 minutes to an hour, a few times a week to do it -- you perhaps need to have a think about things.
I guarantee you the CEO of your company has the time.
It's all about priorities and values and it's very subjective. We have a 16 month old boy, and we both still train and exercise regularly. I honestly believe if you are working that much (ESPECIALLY if you're working for someone else), and you want to exercise, but simply cannot find the spare 45 minutes to an hour, a few times a week to do it -- you perhaps need to have a think about things.
I guarantee you the CEO of your company has the time.

I am a CEO and i have time, but then i dont have time at times if that makes sense.

bolded bit. Yes, if you work for the man, and you wanna have 2-3 hours of exercise a week, quit your job and you have all the time in the world ;)

Your first sentence is absolutely spot on. We are all different and have diff priorities each day.
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