Strength Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym III

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I'm over people supersetting.

Not saying it isn't a legit way to exercise sometimes and I do it very ocassionaly but surely 9/10 it's just trying to be 'clever' for no reason and it's pointlessly hogging equipment. And 9/10 it involves using the cable machine which is easily the most popular piece of equipment and even when it's not busy we only have 1.

Ffs pick 1 exercise to give your full attention too and really give it 100%.
I'm over people supersetting.

Not saying it isn't a legit way to exercise sometimes and I do it very ocassionaly but surely 9/10 it's just trying to be 'clever' for no reason and it's pointlessly hogging equipment. And 9/10 it involves using the cable machine which is easily the most popular piece of equipment and even when it's not busy we only have 1.

Ffs pick 1 exercise to give your full attention too and really give it 100%.

First you guys tell us to use the cable machine for external rotations, now you’re getting upset when we superset our bench press (in the power rack) with them. Can’t win!
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There’s a bloke at the gym I go to who always has a finger or thumb up his nose scratching around, or scratching in his ears or under his arms and then he gazes at his fingers or sniffs them just like that German soccer coach who was infamous for doing it at the World Cup a few years back. Thing is he then uses equipment with just a swift wipe of his fingers on his shorts or shirt.

I haven’t seen him scratch his crack in the same way yet but it’s pretty much a given that he likely does it. I’d mention it to the staff but this guy trains morning or daytime and they are hardly ever there except if there’s a Pilates class or similar scheduled in the PM or if there’s an ‘open’ day.
I'm over people supersetting.

Not saying it isn't a legit way to exercise sometimes and I do it very ocassionaly but surely 9/10 it's just trying to be 'clever' for no reason and it's pointlessly hogging equipment. And 9/10 it involves using the cable machine which is easily the most popular piece of equipment and even when it's not busy we only have 1.

Ffs pick 1 exercise to give your full attention too and really give it 100%.
this shits me off to no end. i want to get everything that i plan on doing done so i can go home after work. i don't want to wait an extra 20 minutes because some dickhead wants to use the chest press & weighted row machines at the same time
My partner yesterday kept telling me to lift my knees higher during box jumps. I was going as hard as I could, I still have a bit of a calf thing so try to be careful. Said partner would then do three box jumps lifting the knees high and then take a break and watch me do my box jumps, very annoying.
I'm over people supersetting.

Not saying it isn't a legit way to exercise sometimes and I do it very ocassionaly but surely 9/10 it's just trying to be 'clever' for no reason and it's pointlessly hogging equipment. And 9/10 it involves using the cable machine which is easily the most popular piece of equipment and even when it's not busy we only have 1.

Ffs pick 1 exercise to give your full attention too and really give it 100%.
There's a way to do it without hogging multiple machines though.

If you're on one machine, superset with dumbells or just on the same machine e.g. Tuesdays I'll often superset cable flies with pull ups as the cable machine has pull up grips.

On Fridays I'll have two sets of dumbells to supetset standing shoulder press with lat flies - that just taking up a patch of floor though.

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My training partner this week stands too close to me with the pads, so I adjust to get the proper punching range and he follows me. I’ve tried to tell him to stand still and I’ll find the range but he forgets or something, annoying.

Of course if we were sparring and this was happening I’d jab him in the face, can’t do that with pad work ha ha
My training partner this week stands too close to me with the pads, so I adjust to get the proper punching range and he follows me. I’ve tried to tell him to stand still and I’ll find the range but he forgets or something, annoying.

Of course if we were sparring and this was happening I’d jab him in the face, can’t do that with pad work ha ha
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Bloke this morning took such long breaks between sets, hoarding lat pulldown for ages. 3+ mins rest at the 6am pre work rush is ridiculous
I was privately laughing out loud at this when you posted it, then the inevitable karma bus arrived Friday morning for me.
I'm over people supersetting.
So I asked this girl today how many sets she has left, after already seeing her perform a couple of them, she tells me "three".

So I did what most others would do at the gym and performed other exercises. Meanwhile she is doing a "circuit" at the gym and supersetting with rest periods in between sets. About 20minutes later she is finished and looks in my direction to try and indicate that she has finished.I avoided eye contact, because at this point I didnt want show any frustration.

Admittedly I am partly to blame, because I should have asked if I could joined in/shared when she is literally on the other side of the gym. In the past, I have either offered or asked to share and almost 9/10 times there is no issue be it male or female patrons.

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