Is Ash Hansen The answer

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You dont understand. If you are an Eagles fan there has to be at least one player who is derided and ridiculed by the "supporters". If he happens to be Victorian even better (Gehrig) however they are also happy to choose someone closer to home if there is no outside option (Rojo).

When he is traded or delisted or is forced out one way or another, he will be talked about fondly (he really wasn't that bad, hard worker, helped us win a premiership etc). Until then though, it will be relentless.

Then they will chose the next scape goat. :thumbsdown:

I think it's time for you wake up and pull your head from you anus, champ.

Why wouldn't people ridicule a player who can't take a simple contested mark?

Why wouldn't they get frustrated with a player who is injured more than he's fit?

You've got to be pretty good to play AFL footy, but as far as AFL footy goes Ash Hansen has been found wanting, as has probably half our list, in a team lacking genuine star power. He'd probably be a great player for a WAFL or VFL side where he wouldn't be forced to play on the players who are more than capable at the top level.

Rowan Jones couldn't kick, but he had some great qualities as a leader and a person around the club, towards the end, though, people were getting fed up as it looked like the game had passed him by.

Chad Fletcher is in the same boat, he was a good outside running player, when we had the blokes willing to go in and get it to give it to him or when he wasn't getting a hard tag, now that he's one of the main men in the side, he's been found wanting! Can't kick it under pressure, turns it over constantly, time to move on. Go and dominate at a lower level, but we're kidding oursleves if we think he's going to be a force again.

Stop being such a sook and deal with the fact that people will always criticise someone who they don't feel is up to the task, that's life and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

If someone can see that a player or players aren't up to it, they've got every right to express that opinion. It's people that look at the world and their team through rose coloured glasses that are the real problem, not the ones who aren't affraid to tell it how it is.
I think it's time for you wake up and pull your head from you anus, champ.

Why wouldn't people ridicule a player who can't take a simple contested mark? Why would you?

Why wouldn't they get frustrated with a player who is injured more than he's fit? You dont reckon maybe he gets frustrated by that as well? Or do you reckon he gets injured just to piss you off?

You've got to be pretty good to play AFL footy, but as far as AFL footy goes Ash Hansen has been found wanting, as has probably half our list, in a team lacking genuine star power. He'd probably be a great player for a WAFL or VFL side where he wouldn't be forced to play on the players who are more than capable at the top level. Funny enough, no one was saying this in 2006 when he had decent ball delivery were they?

Rowan Jones couldn't kick, but he had some great qualities as a leader and a person around the club, towards the end, though, people were getting fed up as it looked like the game had passed him by. Maybe he might have stuck around if he didn't get booed by his own "supporters" instead of retiring at 27? We probably could have used a hard working, unselfish player with a bit of experience in the team this year, even if it was only to guide and shield the kids.

Chad Fletcher is in the same boat, he was a good outside running player, when we had the blokes willing to go in and get it to give it to him or when he wasn't getting a hard tag, now that he's one of the main men in the side, he's been found wanting! Can't kick it under pressure, turns it over constantly, time to move on. Go and dominate at a lower level, but we're kidding oursleves if we think he's going to be a force again. Chad Fletcher has always had suspect kicking on his right, he has always been an outside player, now that the inside players have gone you want him to suddenly change his game and be good at it? OK.

Stop being such a sook and deal with the fact that people will always criticise someone who they don't feel is up to the task, that's life and there's nothing you can do to stop it.I'm not being a sook, I just dont understand why people feel the need to criticise players playing for their chosen team relentlessly?

If someone can see that a player or players aren't up to it, they've got every right to express that opinion. It's people that look at the world and their team through rose coloured glasses that are the real problem, not the ones who aren't affraid to tell it how it is.
So because I am willing to give a player a chance I am a problem? The same player that was just re-signed by the club for three years?

When the club decides they are not up to it, I will have no problem with their decision, as they actually know the player and what they are capable of a lot better than you or I do.
So because I am willing to give a player a chance I am a problem? The same player that was just re-signed by the club for three years?

When the club decides they are not up to it, I will have no problem with their decision, as they actually know the player and what they are capable of a lot better than you or I do.

I'll answer the questions in the order you asked them..

1. Call me stupid, but I'd say being able to take a contested mark in the forward line would be the absolute minimum for a player wanting to hold down a key post. See Matthew Richardson, Lance Franklin, Nick Riewoldt, Josh Kennedy, Ben McKinley, Matthew Pavlich, Barry Hall or any other player that is his team's number 1, 2 or 3 key player in attack.

2. Asking me if I think he gets injured just to piss me off insults both yours and my intellegence. No one gets injured on purpose, but in Hansen's case 99% of his injuries have been soft tissue injuries, caused by pushing his body passed it's limits. Obviously his body can't handle the rigours of AFL footy, he could be the next big thing if he stayed fit, but he's shown a poor track record in this area and is fast becoming a liability more than an asset.

3. No one had reason to say he was no good when he had fantastic delivery, as my post stated - You've got to be pretty good to play AFL footy, but as far as AFL footy goes Ash Hansen has been found wanting, as has probably half our list, in a team lacking genuine star power. He'd probably be a great player for a WAFL or VFL side where he wouldn't be forced to play on the players who are more than capable at the top level. Your arguement is redundent, he's in the leadership group, it should be up to him to take the next step, unless he isn't good enough!!

4. Again, as I stated - The game had passed Rowan Jones by at the end of his carreer, would have struggled to get a game, even this season. You're kidding yourself if you think he retired because people were booing him! Please.

5. I never stated that I wanted Chad Fletcher to change his game style, I simply made the point that when he had the ball given to him on a silver platter and wasn't tagged he was a great player, this year he's had the pressure turned up and hasn't been able to cope! Again, a senior player who should be able to stand up and cop it, yet hasn't even looked like the a decent AFL player this year.

6. People don't criticise players for no reason, if you say you don't see the need for criticism you may aswell say we shouldn't congratulate the players doing a good job week in, week out. Footy and life work both ways, if you're prepared to take the congratulations you need to be prepared to cop the criticism. I don't see the problem in expressing dissapointment in someone we expect more from (Chad Fletcher is one for me).

7. People who aren't prepared to tell it how it is are the problem, I'm willing to give every player a go, but when I can see, watching them week after week and comparing them to players in the same position at other clubs, that they just can't compete at the highest level, I'm ging to express that point of view. As for the club re-signing him, I can't see why they would apart from the fact that they've invested alot of time and money into him and want to see if they can get the best out of him - believe when I say that I hope he gets better and we get to see some massive return from him in 2009 and beyond. Somehow though, I can't see it happening - I will eat humble pie until I explode if he has a standout year next year, please bring this up if/when he does!

This thread asked if Ash Hansen is the answer - I don't believe he is and instead of just coming out and saying "no he isn't, full stop" I've gone into detail as to why he, and other players on the list aren't. You coming here and saying that he's just the next scape goat shows a massive ammount of naivety on your part - open your eyes mate, if he was as good as you think he is this thread would not exist! It would be the "Who can we get to help Ash Hansen out down in the forward line" thread!

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At times in 05 i thought Hansen was going to be our first star CHF but i am afraid i was wrong, he is way behind JFK and Brown is also far better prospect. the former two can lead up the ground but also take big marks and kick goals, Hansen on the trading board imo
You dont understand. If you are an Eagles fan there has to be at least one player who is derided and ridiculed by the "supporters". If he happens to be Victorian even better (Gehrig) however they are also happy to choose someone closer to home if there is no outside option (Rojo).

When he is traded or delisted or is forced out one way or another, he will be talked about fondly (he really wasn't that bad, hard worker, helped us win a premiership etc). Until then though, it will be relentless.

Then they will chose the next scape goat. :thumbsdown:

Should we choose him/them in advance for season 2009, mabye on a game by game process? or are we sticking with hansen?
After the judd saga i think west coast will be a long time from ever helping carlton.

. In relation to this thread i am sorry to ash for all the negativity but i am glad people are honest in regards to this issue
This thread really makes me think that half of our supporters dont actually know the roles of certain players and how team structure works.

Ash Hansen is a good player and was pivitol in our premiership year. There was a massive reason why when he played....we won.

Hansen will never be a Brown, Reiwoldt, Franklin etc but what he did was crucial for the team.

Lets go back a few seasons. We were so dominant in the middle that the only way teams would prevent themselves from getting belted by 20 goals each week was if they crowded our forward line. So what does Woosha do....Tells Hansen to play CHF lead up and down the ground all day long. Why?

1. Creates space for our FF at the time to lead into....What do you know, Lynch kicks 60+ goals in a season in a forward line that was flooded each week.

2. Hansen is now a link man outside the 50m arc. Space is open in front of him for our midfielders to run into and either kick goals themselves or dish it off.

And what happened when Hansen didnt play.....We lost....why?.....Beacuse we had nobody to link up with our midfielders and nobody to create that space for our goal kicking forwards.

Let the bloke get back to some reasobale fitness and let him play. There was a reason former players such as Carey stated he was one of the most important players in our club. I can guarantee you Kennedy will be playing the exact same role in years to come so if you dont like it, take it up to the match committee instead of crucifying what has been a solid player for this club.

Is the answer.
No. Back up KPP only. I wouldn't be suprised if in 12 months he's quietly moved on by the club or announces an injury-enforced retirement.

It disappoints me to say that because based on his performances in the 06 Finals (as a lead up CHF) and the early rounds of 07 (a regular goalkicker playing closer to goal) I thought he looked like a footballer about to blossom into a very good player.

However, what has become apparent over the last 2 years is that unless he takes the field at something very close to 100% fit (*stifles laughter*) his deficiencies, of which there are plenty, quickly come to the fore and he becomes a liability.

Some players are good enough to give you decent effort even when not fully fit. But not Hansen. And a fully fit Hansen is a rarity. We certainly shouldn't be devising any game plans on the assuption he'll be healthy.

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This thread really makes me think that half of our supporters dont actually know the roles of certain players and how team structure works.

Ash Hansen is a good player and was pivitol in our premiership year. There was a massive reason why when he played....we won.

Hansen will never be a Brown, Reiwoldt, Franklin etc but what he did was crucial for the team.

Lets go back a few seasons. We were so dominant in the middle that the only way teams would prevent themselves from getting belted by 20 goals each week was if they crowded our forward line. So what does Woosha do....Tells Hansen to play CHF lead up and down the ground all day long. Why?

1. Creates space for our FF at the time to lead into....What do you know, Lynch kicks 60+ goals in a season in a forward line that was flooded each week.

2. Hansen is now a link man outside the 50m arc. Space is open in front of him for our midfielders to run into and either kick goals themselves or dish it off.

And what happened when Hansen didnt play.....We lost....why?.....Beacuse we had nobody to link up with our midfielders and nobody to create that space for our goal kicking forwards.

Let the bloke get back to some reasobale fitness and let him play. There was a reason former players such as Carey stated he was one of the most important players in our club. I can guarantee you Kennedy will be playing the exact same role in years to come so if you dont like it, take it up to the match committee instead of crucifying what has been a solid player for this club.

I completely agree with this, my problem with him is injury Im happy to see him in the team just playing well not being a star but a good solid player. BUT only if Kennedy is in the side as well, as Kennedy should be starting to blossom in a year and he needs more game time due to past injuries. If we can fit both in Ill be happy, if its one or the other id rather choose Kennedy just because the up side in talent is better and he needs more games. Brown I rekon will be at FF.
I think it's time for you wake up and pull your head from you anus, champ.

Why wouldn't people ridicule a player who can't take a simple contested mark?

Why wouldn't they get frustrated with a player who is injured more than he's fit?

You've got to be pretty good to play AFL footy, but as far as AFL footy goes ...

I found this post hilarious. You sound like one of those fans who think it's their god-given right to abuse players. Maybe that's not the way your post was intended, but it came off that way.

It's not about seeing Hansen through "rose coloured lenses", some people try to look at the whole package rather than just his football deficiencies.

Fwiw, no. I think Hansen is a backup forward for us now. I'ld be (pleasantly) surprised if he found enough form and fitness to hold back our younger players but reality is his body is breaking down and it's only going to get worse.
i genuinely lol'd.

But seriously, i would be happy to trade hansen+36 for Ray+32, and most WB supporters are happy with it. Ray has a lot of untapped potential, hansen is no longer needed IMO. Slight upgrade gives us a good chance of nabbing Jetta or ballantyne with 32. Maintains a good trading relationship that we have had with the Western Bulldogs.
2: Rich
18: Robinson
20: Swift
32: Jetta

richardson in the Rookie draft

Army, Cones, Graham, Thomson delisted.
Wirra and fletch to the vets list, Braun off the vets list
Upgrade Davis and Wilkes
Ash Hansen - The Human Tampon.

In for 1 week, out for 3.


And that is where the problem lies

This year in paticular he looked liked his lost his confidence agility wise due to all the injuries he has had over the years.

I don't think we have ever seen how good Hansen could be because he can't put a decent season together fitness wise, although at times he has looked effective at AFL level. Even in the later part of this year

Time is running out though. He may start the next season as the CHF but i'm not sure if that will be the case past that. We have drafted quite a few players in recent years that could fullfill that role,
Second round selection. Maybe. Third round I don't think so. Might wait and see what GC 17 may be prepared to offer next year.:)

Given all the negative stuff on this thread about him, I would have thought 3rd round would be about right.

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Is Ash Hansen The answer

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