Is it time for a supporter evaluation of the AFL?

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All Australian
Mar 1, 2007
North Melbourne
AFL Club
Other Teams
Norwich City FC
First of all let me say that I love football. I am (usually) a happy man during winter especially when the Hawks are playing well. I love the skill and the passion in the game. I love to hate opposition teams but know that they are as important as my club because without them we would have nothing. Because of this the health of those clubs and the fairness of our competition is important to me.

Tonight I read that the AFL, courtesy of Adrian Anderson, was considering changing the rules to stop players sliding. There was no mention of the controversy over players ducking into the tackle to milk a free kick. I admit, I saw red, and thought, here we go again, another AFL smoke and mirrors trick.

I own to having been unhappy with the current AFL administration for some time. I have been unhappy with rule changes that have been poorly thought through and that then require further rule changes. I am unhappy with the operation of the MRP star chamber and the absence of any real clarity about when something is an offence and when it is not, and comparability between decisions on like incidents. I am unhappy about the uneven treatment clubs get from the AFL and how some of those clubs, having been disadvantaged are then held up as being badly run. I look at the marque games which guarantee some of the bigger clubs $$$$ while some of the smaller clubs are forced to tout their wares interstate (and I am NOT referring to Hawthorn and Tasmania). And on that same note, I am unhappy about the lack of transparency and equity in the AFL draw and how it appears to be tied to maximising attendance numbers at the cost of fairness (is attendance and club membership indexed to AFL administration salaries/bonuses?).

I am unhappy about the expansion of the AFL administration at the expense of the clubs. How many divisions and general managers are there?

I always thought that football was OUR game but increasingly I feel that it has been hijacked by other interests. To my knowledge there has never been a proper, comprehensive, independent survey conducted to allow SUPPORTERS to express themselves about the state of OUR game and what could/should be done to make the running of it more transparent, responsive and fairer. The AFL commissioners seem to be faceless men rubber stamping Demetriou and Anderson decisions. Is it time for the AFL commission, independently of the AFL administration, to seek supporter's views about the state of the game?

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Great post, my sentiments exactly!

I cannot stand how much the game has changed over the last decade,
I prefer to go and watch local footy than half the rubbish the AFL dishes up every week,
You name me any other sport that has had more rule changes in the last 100 years than we have had in the last 2 years,
I wish the AFL would just leave the game alone and let us enjoy it!
Great post, u get right to the heart of the issue with the AFL. Unfortunately, the only way we can voice our opinion is with our feet and our remote controls. Not turning up to games and not giving Channel 7 their ratings is the only way to get the AFL to stand up and take notice.

The problem is, the game of footy is that great, that it is nigh on impossible to do this. Just imagine turning your back on the game just for a year? It'd be the longest winter in history. Supporters just can't do that, and the AFL knows it. Seriously, what's the alternative? Rugby? Hahaha. You can't replace the ultimate sporting lifestyle with a s**tstain of a sport.

They've got us by the proverbials and they'll steer the game in whatever direction they want. Surely though, megaminds such as Gollum (Kevin Bartlett) can't be around for too much longer... Hopefully, the next generation can bring some common sense with them when they take over the roles in the AFL admin.
Gabarone, if you make changes what would they be?

We perhaps imagine that all 18 partners in this endeavour are equal. It ain't true. Some partners have a louder voice and more juice and the decisions they influence perpetuate it.
Some partners have a louder voice and more juice and the decisions they influence perpetuate it.

I interrupted Eddie Maguire's dinner with Andrew Demetrieu last night and posed this very question and Eddie denied everything.

I then asked Andrew for an opinion and he said he couldn't provide one until Eddie gave one to him. I'm not quite sure what he meant by that comment... :rolleyes:
We need a AFL supporters union (or members union) similar to the players association and the coaches association. And when the AFL ignores the union, it mobilises and protests. And if members aren't willing to protest in some way or other then the union will be powerless and ineffective. Unless there is some other way to have a material impact on the AFL or its reputation then the AFL will happily ignore all criticism.

One way it could work is by campaigning on particular issues via social media. If you had 100,000 people hit their FB and twitter accounts regarding a single topic then you could be more persuasive. It would attract media attention and the AFL would be forced to respond.

EDIT: Ok I a quick google and came up with this. All of this has been discussed before etc. but the implementation has seemingly been toothless.
A nice thought but the AFL really couldn't give a stuff what the public wants.

If 20,000 people stood hand in hand around the MCG on game day with signs saying 'SAVE OUR GAME' it would get both media attention and surely put the AFL under some sort of pressure to respond. The problem is, by half way through the first quarter 80% of the protesters would have gone through the gate!

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If 20,000 people stood hand in hand around the MCG on game day with signs saying 'SAVE OUR GAME' it would get both media attention and surely put the AFL under some sort of pressure to respond. The problem is, by half way through the first quarter 80% of the protesters would have gone through the gate!

Mate, the AFL have given the footy public dozens of reasons over the past 20 years to protest, but they don't, they eat the AFL's crap like popcorn, still convinced the game has never been better.
Mate, the AFL have given the footy public dozens of reasons over the past 20 years to protest, but they don't, they eat the AFL's crap like popcorn, still convinced the game has never been better.

True. The lack of protest is probably two parts motivation and one part organisation. But there are plenty of angries on bf let alone the wider community.
If 20,000 people stood hand in hand around the MCG on game day with signs saying 'SAVE OUR GAME' it would get both media attention and surely put the AFL under some sort of pressure to respond. The problem is, by half way through the first quarter 80% of the protesters would have gone through the gate!

Mate, the AFL have given the footy public dozens of reasons over the past 20 years to protest, but they don't, they eat the AFL's crap like popcorn, still convinced the game has never been better.

But, but, but - supporter numbers through the gates have never been better...

...and television numbers are breaking new ground......


Where is the wank emoticon?
As fans of the sport we all have the right to weight in the debate and add our own suggestions to the future of our great game. But really if they allowed us...the fans... email our own thoughts they would be snowed under with suggestions. The league would almost have to hire 50 staff members to get through all the emails/letters to separate whats viable and whats drivel.

I think the AFL is open to criticism and suggestions but they tend to make reactions after the media rattles on about specific issues week after week. I do believe we the fans have original ideas that aren't brought up that could better the game, but I cant see the AFL letting us express these in a direct manner that could see us actually get listened to.
Yeah great thread...

Definitely need an evaluation and it just might open their eyes to the shit that is going on...

But we all know its never going to happen

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Is it time for a supporter evaluation of the AFL?

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