Is Jack Watts the second coming of Andrew McDougall?

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The only player from last years draft who could possibly be the next McDUD (McDougall) is Naitanui and isn't it just a tad ironic that some of those responsible for wasting pick 5 on McDUD are the same ones who picked Naitanui. Some people just never learn.

Yet the player development and drafting by WCE this decade has led to 2 GFs and 1 premiership while Freo are still a shit stain on the AFL.

Go figure. :confused::eek:
Yet the player development and drafting by WCE this decade has led to 2 GFs and 1 premiership while Freo are still a shit stain on the AFL.

Go figure. :confused::eek:

You can come up with all the excuses that you can find but the cold hard truth is that West Coast has a big DUD on their books. Hope you caught some of his pathetic efforts for Swans yesterday, what a joke!

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You can come up with all the excuses that you can find but the cold hard truth is that West Coast has a big DUD on their books. Hope you caught some of his pathetic efforts for Swans yesterday, what a joke!

Naitanui was the best player in the Draft and your lot decided against him, big mistake same as our knobheads not taking Rich.

Hope you caught some of his pathetic efforts for Swans yesterday, what a joke!

He obviously wasnt fit mate

The only player from last years draft who could possibly be the next McDUD (McDougall) is Naitanui and isn't it just a tad ironic that some of those responsible for wasting pick 5 on McDUD are the same ones who picked Naitanui. Some people just never learn.

mate theres only one person in this thread who still thinks there club made the wrong pick

its you
You can come up with all the excuses that you can find but the cold hard truth is that West Coast has a big DUD on their books. Hope you caught some of his pathetic efforts for Swans yesterday, what a joke!

Tool, he was carrying an injury.

EDIT: Another epic self pwnage moment from a typical freo supporter. Good find lewigie.
Early indications point to yes I feel

1. Jack Watts isnt a footballer. Hes just a athlete being forced down the route of AFL. He is a very dumb footballer. Constantly makes the wrong decisions and has only ever played good games against much smaller opponents then himself

2. Jack Watts has a clear attitude problem. Has ummed and ahhd about joining the draft because he doesnt want to leave home just like former mummys boy Andrew McDougall. He seems more interested in how much money he will earn and how much money he can save on petrol than playing for the Dees.

3. He cant put on any weight. With his body size id be surprised if he ever got himself over 90kg. Hes just naturally skinny and doesnt have the work ethic ie. McDougall to ever correct his skinny frame.

All in all the early indicators point to a career based on potential and very little on performance. THe only reason Dees want to pick him up is because Mike Sheehan think its a good idea and the only reason Mike Sheehan thinks its a good idea is so in 12 months time he can write a article about the one that got away (Natanui) for the one who clearly isnt up to it (Watts).

Its fair to say drafting Jack Watts will be the final nail in the Demons coffin

You sir, have converted me to the darker sects of Hinduism - whereupon they believe in the reincarnation of the un-dead.

In Biblical terms, the second coming of Christ will be even greater as he combats evil to avert doomsday. In this line of thinking I would imagine Jack Watts to be an even greater failure than the McDoogirl.

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Is Jack Watts the second coming of Andrew McDougall?

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