Yeh and they keep lowering the minimum, prisoners and 21yo's on the cards. Understandable as you say, desperationPoint of order: Ukraine are being invaded; ergo, every able bodied person is being used to defend their country; having 50 year olds on the front line is only a tenable outcome for them due to desperation.
Still not as bad as us using 18yo's for vietnam
India wil never get involved, doubt on Japan too. This is America trying to control the pacific, a foolish puruist of a dying hegemon. Also hypothetical at this point, China could do a slow takeover without open military actionChina choosing to invade Taiwan, and conscripting 50 year olds to fight in a wider Pacific theatre - against America, against India, against Japan - is not an apples to apples comparison.
So, not rubbish.
edit sorry: The argument of demographics is a white replacment argument in disguise, look at who pushes it. The world is overpopulated and it will reduce one way or another, low birth rate is the nicest of them