Its Time For Trigg To Resign.

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Aug 17, 2009
AFL Club
Since all the Footy Talk shows etc returned it has become apparent from everyone that air their views on Tippett affair that all are very strong in their views that Trigg should have resigned at the worse. Yes that is view of Vic. media etc but have to believe that it would be universal throughout AFL.
But before we all echo who cares I believe even more now that there is so much going on in AFL in particular with drugs and everyone looking for that edge in many ways that we must have a strong respected CEO and Trigg definitely not respected anymore, and no way can he be strong in defending what is right for Crows as AFL sort out money allocations to keep clubs afloat and draft picks etc to get new and bottom clubs competitive as Trigg will be walking on eggshells on return.
Along with Bailey suspension etc although not our fault has not helped and we need to show that club is strong and heading back in direction off field as well as on field.
Same as picking a player or coach you do not pick the person you like but you pick the best person to get best results for club and very apparent that is no longer Trigg.
we aren't a strong club, we are a weak club who have terms dictated to it by the AFL and SANFL.
But soon we wont be owned by SANFL and isnt it time we stood up to AFL .
Even Melbourne with no money bluffed them ,so surely time for us to get tough too .
Is it fair we lose all those draft picks and get nothing for $ippett and Melbourne and all other tankers get away free and even Essendon will not lose picks etc

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But soon we wont be owned by SANFL and isnt it time we stood up to AFL .
Even Melbourne with no money bluffed them ,so surely time for us to get tough too .
Is it fair we lose all those draft picks and get nothing for $ippett and Melbourne and all other tankers get away free and even Essendon will not lose picks etc
Lolz. "Fair". Lolz.
But soon we wont be owned by SANFL and isnt it time we stood up to AFL .
Even Melbourne with no money bluffed them ,so surely time for us to get tough too .
Is it fair we lose all those draft picks and get nothing for $ippett and Melbourne and all other tankers get away free and even Essendon will not lose picks etc

If they are found guilty of dodgy practices and having given their players PEDs, yes, they will.

It will be a hell of a lot worse that a couple of draft picks.

And now is the time for Trigg to resign? Dude, welcome to three months ago.
Trigg should resign today.

In related news, the AFL fined us $250,000, suspended Coach Sanderson until round 8 and stripped us of draft picks next year, for allowing Trigg to resign during his period of suspension from the club.
There will be people who will find this a tired and worn out topic for sure, but for those who want to see change happen at the club it's important that this issue remains in the forefront of the public's attention and isn't forgotten. I too am of the opinion that we would be better off with someone new at the helm, but whilst I don't feel as strongly about it as some others I won't hold it against them for raising the issue for discussion repeatedly between now and whenever it is that Trigg's suspension ends.

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If he truly wanted to resign we couldn't stop him. It was just a cynical method of demonstrating his supposed remorse over the whole saga and appeasing the fans.

Won't be happy until he has absolutely no link with the club though, he is poison.

His position surely was "untennable"....

He should of been asked by the club to resign or be fired. For us to decline his resignation says a lot about the type of club we are.
In my opinion, the only reason he hasn't resigned, is because he is the fall guy in the whole Tippett saga. It makes sense to me that the AFC board had full and complete knowledge of the Tippett contract. Trigg did what was best for the club, and heaped the blame apon himself to minimalise the fallout. There is no other way he could be allowed to keep his job like he has.

As it turned out, taking the blame hasnt really worked. I can't imagine the AFL could possibly have penalised us more than they have. In light of recent scandals, our penalties are far too harsh.
He rightfully offered his resignation.
We wrongfully declined it..
That was all part of the spin.

We worked out that it would look better if he'd offered his resignation and the Board rejected it.

Otherwise it would look too much like a Boys Club.

I think the rejection letter was actually written before his resignation letter.
Courageous T it is great to be loyal but sorry Trigg was not a fall guy as he was very much major part and final say on this deal . And how about all the times he lied to us all that no deal was done when media broke the story .
You are right nobody can work out why did not get sacked or resign and that is why created a post again as just in this last week have seen on Fox and 9 raise the question why he did not resign and damage done to club.
Why should we as supporters not continue to voice our opinion on this matter and keep pressure on club and Trigg as was done against Craig and after a long while that resulted in right decision and positive result.
Simple point here is I want our off field to move forward with a clean broom like we did with our on field team.
Vader - Vader I am one of few that agree with most of your post and did not understand why some posters attack you at any opportunity.
But fail to understand why my original post was labelled a rant by you and whilst i understand that like all can have views on I wonder how that post apart from any other longer post makes it a rant .
His position surely was "untennable"....

He should of been asked by the club to resign or be fired. For us to decline his resignation says a lot about the type of club we are.

Freddy - his position becomes untenable if he's lost the confidence of the board (he hasn't), the playing group and coaches (he hasn't), AFL hq (he hasn't), and the vast majority of the AFC supporters (based on the majority of people I know outside of this forum - which is a broad cross section of supporters - most of them could give 2 shits about it and are fine with him returning).

I know conspiracy theories abound about the Board and him being retained due to the boys (and one girl) club mentality that exists, but I just don't buy that. These guys volunteer their time, skills, qualifications and experience because they are passionate about this club - not Stephen Trigg - the club. If they retain confidence in him and consider him a key to our success going forward - armed with the full details of his role in this and the complete story of how things transpired (which right or wrong none of us will even know) - then play on I say.
Freddy - his position becomes untenable if he's lost the confidence of the board (he hasn't), the playing group and coaches (he hasn't), AFL hq (he hasn't), and the vast majority of the AFC supporters (based on the majority of people I know outside of this forum - which is a broad cross section of supporters - most of them could give 2 shits about it and are fine with him returning).

I know conspiracy theories abound about the Board and him being retained due to the boys (and one girl) club mentality that exists, but I just don't buy that. These guys volunteer their time, skills, qualifications and experience because they are passionate about this club - not Stephen Trigg - the club. If they retain confidence in him and consider him a key to our success going forward - armed with the full details of his role in this and the complete story of how things transpired (which right or wrong none of us will even know) - then play on I say.
If it was good and reflected well on the club they'd had told us by now
Courageous T it is great to be loyal but sorry Trigg was not a fall guy as he was very much major part and final say on this deal . And how about all the times he lied to us all that no deal was done when media broke the story .
You are right nobody can work out why did not get sacked or resign and that is why created a post again as just in this last week have seen on Fox and 9 raise the question why he did not resign and damage done to club.
Why should we as supporters not continue to voice our opinion on this matter and keep pressure on club and Trigg as was done against Craig and after a long while that resulted in right decision and positive result.
Simple point here is I want our off field to move forward with a clean broom like we did with our on field team.
Vader - Vader I am one of few that agree with most of your post and did not understand why some posters attack you at any opportunity.
But fail to understand why my original post was labelled a rant by you and whilst i understand that like all can have views on I wonder how that post apart from any other longer post makes it a rant .
No offence CC but I think its probably your writing style that gives the impression of a rant. You might want to try using some more commas, full stops and page breaks.

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