Its Time For Trigg To Resign.

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I'm no Trigg apologist and am glad he's gone but while he was by no means blameless, I'm pretty sure he took the rap for some others like Chapman and Reid who had as much or more to do with the whole disaster.

Some of the names we missed out on like Broomhead don't particularly excite me. Cripps would have been handy, assuming we took him of course. As for Dangerfield staying if it hadn't happened. Really ?

One of the worst aspects of the whole affair was hiring expensive QC's not to reduce the club's sanctions but to reduce individual penalties for those responsible. Extending Sando's contract was also stupid but surely this was a board decision.

As for Carlton, their main problem is that they have rich benefactors who then feel they should run the show. I've heard he was hired to bring the day to day running back to the football department. Will he do that? Hopefully not coz I'd like Carlton to remain a rabble.

I doubt Chapman was involved in the actual screw up at all. Where the board more likely dropped the ball is providing next to zero oversight and completely trusting Trigg. My view is they were largely asleep at the wheel and were not prosecuting their duties as they should have been. I bet they were swilling some fine wines in those meetings though.
I doubt Chapman was involved in the actual screw up at all. Where the board more likely dropped the ball is providing next to zero oversight and completely trusting Trigg. My view is they were largely asleep at the wheel and were not prosecuting their duties as they should have been. I bet they were swilling some fine wines in those meetings though.

Trigg and the board were both derelict in their duties here by choosing to trust what they were told rather than seeking actual facts to ensure it was.
This happens in many organisations who have become too trusting of their key personnel and complacent in their due diligence on key decisions. It's good to trust your people, but you should never trust them completely. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. Each tiers job is to check in on the tier below them, otherwise there is no purpose to their roles.
I doubt Chapman was involved in the actual screw up at all. Where the board more likely dropped the ball is providing next to zero oversight and completely trusting Trigg. My view is they were largely asleep at the wheel and were not prosecuting their duties as they should have been. I bet they were swilling some fine wines in those meetings though.
Though triggy & chappy regularly went on holidays together...
That is typical of Richard Earle articles. He fills out sentences by adding irrelevant fillers. It's why I really dislike his lazy style because if he were a decent journalist he would add insight of his own.

I like how right at the start of the article he claims Don Pyke has "Einstein DNA".

What is that even supposed to mean? His dad was smart? What a pointless statement.
I like how right at the start of the article he claims Don Pyke has "Einstein DNA".

What is that even supposed to mean? His dad was smart? What a pointless statement.

I took it as they are related to Albert Einstein.

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