Its Time For Trigg To Resign.

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Freddy - his position becomes untenable if he's lost the confidence of the board (he hasn't), the playing group and coaches (he hasn't), AFL hq (he hasn't), and the vast majority of the AFC supporters (based on the majority of people I know outside of this forum - which is a broad cross section of supporters - most of them could give 2 shits about it and are fine with him returning).[/B]

I know conspiracy theories abound about the Board and him being retained due to the boys (and one girl) club mentality that exists, but I just don't buy that. These guys volunteer their time, skills, qualifications and experience because they are passionate about this club - not Stephen Trigg - the club. If they retain confidence in him and consider him a key to our success going forward - armed with the full details of his role in this and the complete story of how things transpired (which right or wrong none of us will even know) - then play on I say.

I chose the word "untennable" as that is how Trigg described Rendell's position at the club. Whilst I agree with your bolded part, I would like to why the same didn't apply to Rendell? ( Waiting for Jenny to tell me to get over it)

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Not everyone is a literary genius. I enjoy CC's input to this board even if I don't often agree with him

I like his posts and passion as well. Agree he is a good contributor - however the simple fact is that his writing style makes it seem like he has 1,000 ideas and very quickly tries to blurt them all out. Once again - no big deal - but does clarify why more than a few posters see his posts as 'rants'.
Vader - Vader I am one of few that agree with most of your post and did not understand why some posters attack you at any opportunity.
But fail to understand why my original post was labelled a rant by you and whilst i understand that like all can have views on I wonder how that post apart from any other longer post makes it a rant .
Don't read too much into that comment. The whole Tippett-gate scandal, and Trigg's role in it in particular, has got a whole lot of people hot under the collar. I do consider your post a rant, but it's no worse than much of what has been posted on this topic - and probably better than 70% of it.

Believe me, you'd know if I had a problem with what you posted. I don't.
Thanks FB . I see Big footy as a outlet and bang out my thoughts not drafting a letter to Lord Mayor and will continue to do so.
Personally as run a very successful company any critique of my writing style will not affect me , but do not see why posters need to attack writing styles, personalities or even spelling as every Crows supporter from any background or education should be encouraged to post their views and disagree with own views.
Thanks FB . I see Big footy as a outlet and bang out my thoughts not drafting a letter to Lord Mayor and will continue to do so.
Personally as run a very successful company any critique of my writing style will not affect me , but do not see why posters need to attack writing styles, personalities or even spelling as every Crows supporter from any background or education should be encouraged to post their views and disagree with own views.
In the real world, the majority of communication is done via body language and tonal inflection. It is also usually done by people who know each other personally and thus have an understanding of where someone is coming from as a basis for understanding the message that they are trying to convey.

None of that holds true on BigFooty. I don't know you. In fact, there are only 3 posters on this board that I have met in person (as far as I am aware).

BigFooty is a media where the written word is the only means of communication. What this means is that accurate communication on BigFooty is reliant upon your ability to write in such a manner that ensures your message is understood correctly by your readers.

Writing in a style which is hard to read, be it due to a lack of grammar, punctuation, poor spelling, or missing paragraphs, seriously degrades your ability to communicate the message you are trying to transmit. If your posts are too hard to read, then many people will simply give up on reading them altogether - and I don't want that to happen, because I think you do have ideas which are worth sharing in this community.
In the real world, the majority of communication is done via body language and tonal inflection. It is also usually done by people who know each other personally and thus have an understanding of where someone is coming from as a basis for understanding the message that they are trying to convey.

None of that holds true on BigFooty. I don't know you. In fact, there are only 3 posters on this board that I have met in person (as far as I am aware).

BigFooty is a media where the written word is the only means of communication. What this means is that accurate communication on BigFooty is reliant upon your ability to write in such a manner that ensures your message is understood correctly by your readers.

Writing in a style which is hard to read, be it due to a lack of grammar, punctuation, poor spelling, or missing paragraphs, seriously degrades your ability to communicate the message you are trying to transmit. If your posts are too hard to read, then many people will simply give up on reading them altogether - and I don't want that to happen, because I think you do have ideas which are worth sharing in this community.

I am sure it is not done on purpose Vader. We can't all write like Spackler as much as we would like too. As long as people aren't doing text messaging sytle abbreviations, I think posters should be left alone.
I am sure it is not done on purpose Vader. We can't all write like Spackler as much as we would like too. As long as people aren't doing text messaging sytle abbreviations, I think posters should be left alone.
They generally are. Poor writing can & does make some posts very difficult to read though.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if he resigns quietly while on gardening leave, albeit not for any of the reasons outlined in CC's rant in the OP.
I mentioned this some time ago as well. I don't believe he will come back as a full time CEO and that he may return as a consultant until a handover happens. I think as time passes and the club realises that continuity in executives is not the be all and end all, they will reach an agreement and part ways.

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Freddy - his position becomes untenable if he's lost the confidence of the board (he hasn't), the playing group and coaches (he hasn't), AFL hq (he hasn't), and the vast majority of the AFC supporters (based on the majority of people I know outside of this forum - which is a broad cross section of supporters - most of them could give 2 shits about it and are fine with him returning).

IMO his position has become untenable based on future decisions he (the CEO) has to make. Trigg may have the confidence of the playing group and the coaches but that will chance. The players don't really matter as their future is decided by the list manager or the coach via trades or delisting. However, their will come a time in the not so distant future where the CEO had to make a decision on how Brenton Sanderson is going. Offer him a new contract or fire him. If the CEO has to make the hard call and fire the coach, it may get ugly because of the events that transpired last November. Having to fire the coach may happen in 1 day, 1 year or 10 years (basically an unknown time frame) but the time will come for the CEO to fire the coach and IMO, Trigg has to go before that decision gets made.

Why? because if the board and CEO loses confidence in the coach and that loss of confidence is based on match day results and those results are impacted by poor performances, players drafted or a limited amount of quality players coming into the club, that will have a direct impact on how Trigg acted.

How can Steven Trigg look across his table and say to any coach, you have to leave this club based on your results when results are impacted on the players. This is when the players and the coaches will lose confidence in him. Therefore, it doesn't really matter that the players and coaches have confidence in him right now.

I feel, for the professional integrity of the club he needs to be moved on this way, the future won't be impacted on past decisions.
IMO his position has become untenable based on future decisions he (the CEO) has to make. Trigg may have the confidence of the playing group and the coaches but that will chance. The players don't really matter as their future is decided by the list manager or the coach via trades or delisting. However, their will come a time in the not so distant future where the CEO had to make a decision on how Brenton Sanderson is going. Offer him a new contract or fire him. If the CEO has to make the hard call and fire the coach, it may get ugly because of the events that transpired last November. Having to fire the coach may happen in 1 day, 1 year or 10 years (basically an unknown time frame) but the time will come for the CEO to fire the coach and IMO, Trigg has to go before that decision gets made.

Why? because if the board and CEO loses confidence in the coach and that loss of confidence is based on match day results and those results are impacted by poor performances, players drafted or a limited amount of quality players coming into the club, that will have a direct impact on how Trigg acted.

How can Steven Trigg look across his table and say to any coach, you have to leave this club based on your results when results are impacted on the players. This is when the players and the coaches will lose confidence in him. Therefore, it doesn't really matter that the players and coaches have confidence in him right now.

I feel, for the professional integrity of the club he needs to be moved on this way, the future won't be impacted on past decisions.

I take your point, and there's merit in it. But the reality is, the decision to sack a coach will be made on the basis of some clearly defined performance indicators, not on the whim of a CEO.

These KPI's will reflect the resources that Sando has available to him at that point in time - not what he could have achieved with an extra couple of first round draft picks - and he will have plenty of scope to buy into and ultimately agree on them.

In any case this discussion is probably moot, as my money's on Sando outlasting Trigg at the club anyway!
I take your point, and there's merit in it. But the reality is, the decision to sack a coach will be made on the basis of some clearly defined performance indicators, not on the whim of a CEO.

These KPI's will reflect the resources that Sando has available to him at that point in time - not what he could have achieved with an extra couple of first round draft picks - and he will have plenty of scope to buy into and ultimately agree on them.

In any case this discussion is probably moot, as my money's on Sando outlasting Trigg at the club anyway!

Dangerfield, Crouch, Brodie Smith, Rory Sloane...we could very possibly miss out on players of this ilk in the next two drafts.
But yes its all about KPIs.....bullshit its about whos got the BEST PLAYERS, they win you premierships more often than not
Oh my bad Rendells gone so well probably pick up plodders anyway
Dangerfield, Crouch, Brodie Smith, Rory Sloane...we could very possibly miss out on players of this ilk in the next two drafts.
But yes its all about KPIs.....bullshit its about whos got the BEST PLAYERS, they win you premierships more often than not
Oh my bad Rendells gone so well probably pick up plodders anyway
Way to miss the point dude.

(At least you did it properly though)
Are creating another "ticking time bomb" like we had with the Tippett contract here?

We've limited the damage as best we can, can't pin it all on Trigg and make him the bad guy because it was always bigger than that. Trigg of course knows the truth so we can't go too hard on him.

The negotiation was less between us and the AFL, more between us and Trigg. What punishment will you cop that stops short of you saying bugger it, I'm blowing the whistle.

Which is all fine and good except if someone blabs or finds out about it down the track - like the Tippett deal.

Would we be better off by revealing the whole, unadulterated truth, copping whatever fallout and being done with it? Then we actually can move on.
I think the Board was aware and the key movers and shakers on the Board actively involved in the cover up strategy.

It is the only way our actions (not sacking Trigg) makes any sense.
This is how professional clubs negotiate a deal to circumvent the salary cap.
THE AFL and Carlton have organised a deal allowing more than half of Chris Judd's contentious payments as a Visy ambassador to be paid as part of the Blues' injury payments allowance....Judd's Visy deal is paid over the financial year. This has allowed some of the money he was owed in the final year of his six-year deal to be included in the last financial year and some in the current financial year.
The decision to allow part of Judd's payment to be included as part of injury payments has surprised some industry insiders, although it's understood Geelong's Joel Selwood and Collingwood's Dane Swan have similar deals.

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Its Time For Trigg To Resign.

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