Its Time For Trigg To Resign.

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No, honestly Alex. You are making accusations against the Club. I'd like to understand why you have formed those opinions. Ok, if it's personal dealings that you can't back up with in any other way - what was said that lead you to that conclusion?

Well, I'm not going to name any names of the people I've spoken to. Don't think that's fair to be naming them in a public forum.

But the general gist of the conversation went something like, it's not in the best interest of the SANFL competition that the Adelaide Crows have a reserves side. Finance was never an issue, extra players and adding the extra cost to the club budget were never an issue.

It was changing the culture of the SANFL that was an issue and in the last 2 years, Sanderson has made thus a non negotiable that we have this team.
I reckon Craigy's view of the world vs Sando's view of the world probably had alot to do with it as well.

Craigy seemed to look at less than ideal situations as an opportunity to harden up.

Craigy's view - Oh Jack Gunston hates playing for the dogs? Well I'd prefer we don't create a reserves side then, he obviously needs to learn from that, strengthen himself to meet expectations yadda yadda yadda.
F*** the respect - the SANFL have been raping us since we were formed - and we still "respect" them..... GTFO
How about we demand a refund of all our money used by the SANFL to prop up those wharfie parasites
and Mr Trigg - I expect the AFC to pay not $1 more than Port pay for using the exact same facilities at AO.
It's time we stood up for ourselves - we got no arse left to be reemed anyway.
Absolutely 101% spot on. Thanks johnnypanther....I am glad there are some Crows supporters with the insight and courage to step up.
As I have said time and again, what we need to do is p1ss off Wee Licker & Co., tear up the Crows current constitution, then completely re-write a new the Members total power over the club. Not to a handful of corrupt, incompetent is currently the case.
While I will always support the Crows and go to many of their games, I will never sign up Membership under this current model.
Brisbane, Melbourne, St Kilda, all have full voting rights. A lot of good that did them. :rolleyes:

Members having total power would be disastrous as little factions would develop and there'd be infighting and carrying on as each want the Club run THEIR way - nothing would be accomplished. (I've witnessed a few boards like that over the years). There has to be a happy medium.

You also behave like the Crows actually HAVE a say about our constitution. They haven't to this point in time. The only reason this is changing is because the AFL is taking over the license. And we still don't know what model the AFL will have us run under. We still have our hands tied for the time being.

I fully agree we "still have our hand tied for the time being", as you put it. But I would still prefer Members having full voting power. It's called a Democracy. If all (or at least most) Crows supporters refused to renew their Memberships until there was a constitutional change, then we'd really see some ground made.
Nothing could be worse than the current set up in place, where the Crows are controlled and run by the SANFL, who have absolutely no interest whatsoever in the Crows (or Power, for that matter) doing well or not. They're only interested in the money the Crows give them. In any club or organisation, paying members deserve a full say in how their club or organisation is run. I don't think that's too much to ask?
Appreciate the post though, as it shows people are at least aware of the issues at hand. Thanks :thumbsu:.

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Absolutely 101% spot on. Thanks johnnypanther....I am glad there are some Crows supporters with the insight and courage to step up.
As I have said time and again, what we need to do is p1ss off Wee Licker & Co., tear up the Crows current constitution, then completely re-write a new the Members total power over the club. Not to a handful of corrupt, incompetent is currently the case.
While I will always support the Crows and go to many of their games, I will never sign up Membership under this current model.

I fully agree we "still have our hand tied for the time being", as you put it. But I would still prefer Members having full voting power. It's called a Democracy. If all (or at least most) Crows supporters refused to renew their Memberships until there was a constitutional change, then we'd really see some ground made.
Nothing could be worse than the current set up in place, where the Crows are controlled and run by the SANFL, who have absolutely no interest whatsoever in the Crows (or Power, for that matter) doing well or not. They're only interested in the money the Crows give them. In any club or organisation, paying members deserve a full say in how their club or organisation is run. I don't think that's too much to ask?
Appreciate the post though, as it shows people are at least aware of the issues at hand. Thanks :thumbsu:.

Democracies don't always work to our advantage though - look at the state of our politics at the moment! ;) Often seems like a good idea, in reality? Not so much. But I DO agree with you, I would love to see the future of our Club taken out of SANFL hands who, for the most part, have only been interested in feathering their own nest rather than ours. The worst case scenario for me is for control of our club go from SANFL hands to AFL hands. Out of the fire...

For what it's worth, and contrary to what some think, I know Trigg and Chapman are both advocates of moving towards a member owned club.
Members the AFC BOARD having total power would be disastrous as little factions FIEFDOMS would develop and there'd be infighting BACKSLAPPING and carrying on as each want the Club run THEIR way - nothing would be accomplished apart from loosing draft picks, large sums of money and our highest paid player for nothing.

All fixed for you!!

Agree there needs to be accountablility, at the moment we have none as we are too close to the SANFL. As you say it is a very big boys club and it reeks.
What's your point?

Clubs only have a bad run because the board the members elect?

What crap.

Sporting club boards elected by members balance the self out as everyone ultimately agrees on one thing. Money.

Money and making money is the ultimate goal for every board and if boards don't make money, they are outed very quickly.

They didn't want a reserves side for close to 20 years. Brenton Sanderson wanted one, they have received a reserves side within 24 months. It's amazing what pressure can do.

If the board of the Adelaide Football Club wanted the members to have full voting rights - that would happen. They don't want it to happen as they know they are in a very nice and cushy position where they are only accountable to one person. The SANFL and they only want one thing - their profit.

They don't care about how we perform or anything like that and the reserves side is proof if this. They went kicking and screaming against making that decision.
Democracies don't always work to our advantage though - look at the state of our politics at the moment! ;) Often seems like a good idea, in reality? Not so much. But I DO agree with you, I would love to see the future of our Club taken out of SANFL hands who, for the most part, have only been interested in feathering their own nest rather than ours. The worst case scenario for me is for control of our club go from SANFL hands to AFL hands. Out of the fire...

For what it's worth, and contrary to what some think, I know Trigg and Chapman are both advocates of moving towards a member owned club.

Not meaning to go off the track here, but....

Many people complain with the most caustic bitterness about the (so called) "inefficiencies" of various Government Departments, both State and Federal. And I agree, some of them do need to sort their sh1t out, well and truly. But at the end of the day, those very Government Departments are still answerable to us, come Election time. And if things get rotten enough, we can vote their arses out. And this is exactly what happens.
Yet people often praise the "benefits" (o_O) of Privatisation, where voters then give up any vague semblance of control over the Department/Institution they're unhappy about. From personal experience, I can give you an iron clad, rock solid, 101%, water-tight, money-back guarantee this does NOT always "deliver the goods". All it achieves is cost-cutting, and nothing more. And more often than not, this system only benefits a precious few.
I'd rather see more money spent on something, where I have some control over the Hierarchy in opposed to not having any control over a Department/Institution, just because they can save a few pennies, here and there.

Having said all that, I'd much rather have full voting power over the Crows....with all it's inherent risks and problems....than the current system we have in place. If all the Members voted specific Board Members in or out, and Trigg & Co. got re-elected, I'd gladly go along with that. But with what's in place now? -
"Just trust us to do what's best for the Crows....we know better than all you $paying$ Members"....forget it.

While Trigg & Chapman may or may not be advocates of a Member-owned Club, that doesn't necessarily mean they'd want Members to have full voting rights.

Again, good Post though - raised some valid points.
All fixed for you!!

Agree there needs to be accountablility, at the moment we have none as we are too close to the SANFL. As you say it is a very big boys club and it reeks.

Mate, if you are going to try and edit something - at least get the spelling right.

Pet hate: LOSING not loosing. ;)
Not meaning to go off the track here, but....

Many people complain with the most caustic bitterness about the (so called) "inefficiencies" of various Government Departments, both State and Federal. And I agree, some of them do need to sort their sh1t out, well and truly. But at the end of the day, those very Government Departments are still answerable to us, come Election time. And if things get rotten enough, we can vote their arses out. And this is exactly what happens.
Yet people often praise the "benefits" (o_O) of Privatisation, where voters then give up any vague semblance of control over the Department/Institution they're unhappy about. From personal experience, I can give you an iron clad, rock solid, 101%, water-tight, money-back guarantee this does NOT always "deliver the goods". All it achieves is cost-cutting, and nothing more. And more often than not, this system only benefits a precious few.
I'd rather see more money spent on something, where I have some control over the Hierarchy in opposed to not having any control over a Department/Institution, just because they can save a few pennies, here and there.

The problem is, having a say every three years is never going to change inherently flawed systems. The same old govt departments keep on doing the same old thing regardless of who is wielding the big stick. People just don't seem to care, until or unless it affects them. Apathy is the biggest issue we face in society today.

Having said all that, I'd much rather have full voting power over the Crows....with all it's inherent risks and problems....than the current system we have in place. If all the Members voted specific Board Members in or out, and Trigg & Co. got re-elected, I'd gladly go along with that. But with what's in place now? -
"Just trust us to do what's best for the Crows....we know better than all you $paying$ Members"....forget it.

While Trigg & Chapman may or may not be advocates of a Member-owned Club, that doesn't necessarily mean they'd want Members to have full voting rights.

Again, good Post though - raised some valid points.

You say this like they have a choice. Or have had a choice. We have NEVER had the choice to be fully member run. We are working towards that model now though under the same people you accuse of not wanting it. Go figure.

Trigg this week told the Saints he will not walk away from his commitment to see the Crows enter the new Adelaide Oval this season — and he wants to be part of Adelaide’s revival for on-field success.

“There is unfinished business,” Trigg said today. “And this club’s shown me enormous loyalty and support (after the Kurt Tippett saga). I’m not going to nick off within five minutes of that.”

Few eyebrows raised at this..
Surprised so soon after Tiprat that he would be chased..
You're welcome to go within five minutes Steven, honestly..

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We don't want your loyalty Mr Trigg we want you gone .
Do you have any understanding what you have done to this club and you bulk your ego saying you are being loyal by staying .
Tells you how bad Saints going, offering him a position as his punching power with AFL is zero and decision making even less.
He is being loyal to board members who are much to blame for fiasco as he is and want all kept under the carpet, thus Smart appointment to keep all goings on hidden from us.
I don't know how I'd feel if he left us

On the one hand he has screwed the club over tremendously - albeit not on purpose, but then again I'd probably be fuming if he left us in the lurch and went to another club after how much the entire club has stood by him.

Unfinished business? Damn right. You need to repay the AFC big time.

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Its Time For Trigg To Resign.

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