Its time to go Trigg!!!!

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I read above that the Board might have been concerned if they took Trigg's resignation it would've ruined his chances of future employment. A couple of comments on this.

Yes, the Board should be fair to employees but their over-riding responsibility should be what's in the best interest of the club, not what's in the best interests of any one individual (even if they are a mate and the CEO.)

Secondly, if they kept on Trigg because it would be hard for him to find other employment what does that tell us? That he is virtually unemployable anywhere else, so therefore we should continue to employ him.

Surely our Board would not be capable of this type of wooly thinking. Surely?

They would only do this if they knew blame needed to be apportioned around an Trigg took the heat therefore they couldn't in good conscience accept.

And if the sponsorship agreement was much like the Judd-Visy one that the AFL let slide bit banned after 2009, I can see the board backing Trigg due to perceived double standards. We didn't just get whacked forvthe clause. ......

These are plausible reasons to talk him into staying.
Not the members I know, every single one wants him out.

Every (and I do mean every!) member that I know, in most cases hardly know a thing about this issue and the rest don't care about it.
They have no idea what we actually lost - the truth is that most members know little about the club, the players etc in any depth at all.

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That seems contradictory

Not really, i'm just more understanding and forgiving. There are hanging judges and there are others - and I wouldn't hang anyone unless they were Port related or Vlad related :)

In any case, above all else I abhore the double standards of Vlad and the AFL - exhibit 1 of many: Judd/visyboard also them being allowed to include payments in the injury cap (what the f*** is that - pure AFL "legalised" salary cap breaches).
Could be right, but I honestly don't think so (based on what I've been told).

Essendon definitely did a **** you to the AFL. I don't think we did. Have we ever?

I think this was our "**** you AFL" moment.

Of course, when your method of thumbing your nose at the AFL is to retain a guy that has proven to be bad for your club (be it Trigg or Hird), and also put your organisation through the logistical difficulty of finding a suitable replacement that is willing to step aside after a period of time (so, by definition, not the best replacement), well. What's a more extreme version of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Cutting off your whole face? Because it's that.
Every (and I do mean every!) member that I know, in most cases hardly know a thing about this issue and the rest don't care about it.
They have no idea what we actually lost - the truth is that most members know little about the club, the players etc in any depth at all.

That would explain the lack of atmosphere on match days.
My belief is that the AFL wanted Trigg gone, but figured they didn't need to worry about doing it because it was 100% obvious to anyone and everyone that the Crows would do their dirty work for them. There is no way Trigg could possibly have survived that Tippett scandal.

That's why I put Thought 1 up there before. I honestly think a significant part of our thinking was "**** you AFL, you sack him if you want him gone, we won't do your dirty work for you." Which, if I'm right (and it's only my own thoughts, no evidence here) was a really foolish attitude.
I go the other way, by not removing Trigg, that's Vlads big **** you to the crows.
Every (and I do mean every!) member that I know, in most cases hardly know a thing about this issue and the rest don't care about it.
They have no idea what we actually lost - the truth is that most members know little about the club, the players etc in any depth at all.
I obviously hang around a crowd diametrically opposite of yours...
I'm pretty sure our thinking in terms of retaining him came down to two very simple thoughts.

Thought 1 - **** the AFL.
Thought 2 - If we retain him, we can still keep up the slightest pretense that we were simply hard done by.
Agree with thought 2.

But AFL are happy AFC kept Trigg as he has never taken them on ... & now he is even in less position to do so as his credibility is shot.
You either resign or you don't, this offering to resign stuff is bullshit, absolute bullshit. If you want to quit your job, you quit, no one has to accept that other than yourself, and in this instance it is very clear that Trigg didn't accept his own resignation, because he didn't ******* resign.

Anyone who thinks otherwise? Well I have some wonderful off shore realestate for you to buy.
Clayton's resignation to be seen to doing the right thing.
Look, forget the Tippett incident for a moment, he should go as his time us up.

He's been in the job close to 10 years now and out KPI's are going backwards. Membership is declining, corporate backing is falling away, profits are not occurring and we are giving our main competitors in our segment of the market an opportunity to gain ground.

Nothing about Trigg, but it's time we injected some fresh blood, someone with a clear perspective. Someone who wants to take this club forward to achieve respect, not to rebuild some perception based on a bunch if mid truths. We need someone to re-motivate the club to implement a strategy to reinvigorate the excitement around the club.

Yes I know winning does that but changing CEO's us the sane as changing coaches. It allowed fir a new breed of excitement and after 10 years, he's been in the job long enough.

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You either resign or you don't, this offering to resign stuff is bullshit, absolute bullshit. If you want to quit your job, you quit, no one has to accept that other than yourself, and in this instance it is very clear that Trigg didn't accept his own resignation, because he didn't ******* resign.

Anyone who thinks otherwise? Well I have some wonderful off shore realestate for you to buy.
He admitted he didn't want to quit. The only way he was leaving was if the board booted him, it was never going to be of his own accord.

I stayed because of the fight in me. This was not the way to leave after a long period at the club. I want to make good. I offered my resignation and deep down I did not want it to be accepted. But if the board felt it was in the best interests of the club for me to go, it would have happened. I am grateful their view was for me to stay in a job I love. There is so much unfinished business. You don't turn away when you have that fight in you.
Look, forget the Tippett incident for a moment, he should go as his time us up.

He's been in the job close to 10 years now and out KPI's are going backwards. Membership is declining, corporate backing is falling away, profits are not occurring and we are giving our main competitors in our segment of the market an opportunity to gain ground.

Nothing about Trigg, but it's time we injected some fresh blood, someone with a clear perspective. Someone who wants to take this club forward to achieve respect, not to rebuild some perception based on a bunch if mid truths. We need someone to re-motivate the club to implement a strategy to reinvigorate the excitement around the club.

Yes I know winning does that but changing CEO's us the sane as changing coaches. It allowed fir a new breed of excitement and after 10 years, he's been in the job long enough.

For the sake of the cub, lets just hope and pray that the "someone" isn't Nigel Smart. Listening to him on 5aa last week was like listening to Trigg/Harpers love child..
Not really, i'm just more understanding and forgiving. There are hanging judges and there are others - and I wouldn't hang anyone unless they were Port related or Vlad related :)

In any case, above all else I abhore the double standards of Vlad and the AFL - exhibit 1 of many: Judd/visyboard also them being allowed to include payments in the injury cap (what the f*** is that - pure AFL "legalised" salary cap breaches).

What's an injury cap?
I know someone from close within the banking industry, who does.

I'll back you up on that one.

I have no personal relationship with either gentlemen so I'm not swayed one way or the other but their actual performance in the job and the insipid handling of the Tippett situation left me flabbergasted.
In the end accountability is the way an organisation moves forward but to demand that accountability it has to include every one... from the very top right down to the bottom rung.

You can't ask for change or sustained commitment and seriously expect a positive reaction when all the indications are that has not been the example set further up the chain...People aren't stupid they understand the real situation even if they keep their mouths closed and say nothing.

Just moving on and forgetting the whole mess might be a palatable solution but in reality at some point those same decisions will eventually have repercussions which will have a hollow ring.
Fluffed a role out and then all of a sudden wants to head back to SA to spend time with his family after spending SFA time in the job, what a coincidence! :O
Chapman never want to leave SA. got the golden handshake opportunity and took it.

was always coming back. I work in the industry and he is highly regarded.

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Its time to go Trigg!!!!

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