I'm only talking about estates which are already opened. And again, density in those areas is a lot more dense than the areas which got train lines 100 years ago like Glen Waverley and Lilydale and even Sandringham.Again the problem isn't the SRL itself it's how government priorities work
And also again continuing to spread out and require more infrastructure to be built where population density is lower is bad value of infrastructure spend
We already don't maintain what we havez we are already way behind on promises infrastructure
Opening more estates that aren't going to be serviced doesn't fix anything
Canning the SRL won't move that money into fixing any of that either it's not a new issue
Are we really saying "We can't afford the infrastructure for medium density housing because we can barely afford to maintain the many more services we're providing to low-density areas"? It's only exacerbating the inequality.
Sorry new families, we can only afford apartments for you because we need to upgrade the trains through leafy Box Hill, Glen Waverley and Southland. It's a crap argument.