Norm Smith Medallist
Just finished watching it. Was a great adaption of the book. Really captured how Reacher is. I acutally didn't mind Tom Cruise as Reacher as he still had that same overwhelming arrogance/confidence, but agree that Ritchson portrays him a lot better. The whole show was cast pretty well.
I thought Neagley was great but I don't actually remember her being in Killing Floor? Been a while since I read the book though. Also, thought Kliner Snr was the one Reacher killed in the warehouse at the end. Not that it makes any difference, just trying to remember.
I wonder how many series they plan on doing, surely not all (currently) 26 books? I reckon skip Die Trying and go to Tripwire for Season 2.
Neagley didn’t appear to like book 5 or 6 but I can understand the reason to bring her in early if they are going to change entire cast other than reacher per season he needs someone else to be in every season with him and neagley is the perfect choice.
I agree skip book 2 it’s my least favourite reacher book.